William T. Markham

There are 11 included publications by William T. Markham :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Anti-Chinese Politics in California in the 1870s: An Inter-County Analysis 2002 2231 This article uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative historical data from all California counties to assess the efficacy of variables derived from the split labor market, cultural division of labor, and ethnic competitive models, as well a...
Class, race, and the disposal of urban waste: Locations of landfills, incinerators, and sewage treatment plants 1997 2265 This study compared the socioeconomic status, racial composition, and ethnic composition of 49 randomly selected U.S. cities with those of the census tracts containing the solid waste disposal facilities and sewage treatment plants for those cities. ...
Community Orientations of Higher Status Women Volunteers 1995 2299 This study examines how class, gender, socialization, and member selectivity relate to the importance members of a higher-status women's organization attach to community problems. Most members come from the traditional, business-oriented middle class...
Employment status and the attitudes and behavior of higher status women volunteers, 1975 and 1992: A case study 1996 2101 This study examines the relationships between employment status and women's attitudes toward and participation in a higher status voluntary service organization. Data were gathered in 1975 and 1992 from a sample of chapters of the International Assoc...
First Encounters of the Bureaucratic Kind: Early Freshman Experiences with a Campus Bureaucracy 1996 2879 A study examined the early encounters of traditional-age freshmen with a campus bureaucracy. Data were collected through semistructured interviews with traditional-age freshmen at a state university and with staff in the offices that dealt with them....
Leadership in Voluntary Associations: The Case of the “International Association of Women 2001 1817 Three models of leadership in voluntary associations have been proposed in the literature: democratic leadership, oligarchy, and leadership by default. Through an intensive case study of leadership structure, differences in the attitudes of members a...
Networking local environmental groups in Germany: The rise and fall of the federal alliance of citizens' initiatives for environmental protection (BBU) 2005 2557 From the mid-1970s well into the 1980s, the Federal Alliance of Citizens' Initiatives for Environmental Protection (BBU) was one of Germany's most visible and influential environmental organisations, an unusual achievement for a network of local orga...
Nonprofit Decision Making and Resource Allocation: The Importance of Membership Preferences, Community Needs, and Interorganizational Ties 1999 1956 Data on 12 local chapters of a high status women’s community service organization and their communities are used to assess the relative impact of community needs, members’ perceptions and preferences, and interorganizational ties on decisions about h...
A Note on Sex, Geographic Mobility, and Career Advancement 1983 2561 The article presents information on sex, geographic mobility and career development. Over the past four decades, major changes in the extent and nature of female labor force participation have led to increased concern about the under-representation a...
Sex stereotyping in children's toy advertisements 1985 5987 Forty-eight categories of toys were rated in terms of sex appropriateness by 48 students. A sample of 392 pictures of children with toys in 12 toy catalogs and 538 pictures of children with toys on toy packages in four retail stores was coded accordi...
Working at Home: Experiences of Skilled White Collar Workers 2004 3689 Based on a comprehensive literature review and detailed semistructured interviews with skilled workers who work at home, this article explores six research areas: reasons for working at home, the creation and maintenance of home/work boundaries, prob...