Dr Christopher Ziemnowicz

  • Magellan Exchange Liaison and Professor
  • Management, Marketing and International Business, UNCP
  • christopher.ziemnowicz@uncp.edu
  • 910-521-6286
  • Business Administration, Room 214
  • Pembroke NC 28372

Dr. Ziemnowicz's first teaching appointment was with the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) where he also facilitated a School of Business faculty exchange program with the Social Sciences and Economics Institute at the Warsaw University of Technology (Politechnika Warszawska "PW" or Warsaw Tech) in Poland. He established new business ventures and later served as the General Manager of a privately held service corporation in Washington, DC. He continued with teaching at Susquehanna University in Pennsylvania, as well as conducting business consulting for the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at Bucknell University, and engaging in entrepreneurial ventures while earning a Ph.D. in management at the Warsaw University of Technology (PW). Returning full-time to academe at The College of Saint Rose in Albany, New York, he also served as the Department Head for Business Administration and as the director of the Graduate Business Programs. Dr. Ziemnowicz's previous appointment was with Concord University, a part of the West Virginia state system, in Athens, WV.

There are 2 included publications by Dr Christopher Ziemnowicz :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Are the Lebanese Firms Coping with the Global Pressure? 2013 1202 Almost all business activities in Lebanon take the form of family owned small business type. Lebanon took advanced steps on globalization issues and entered into open trading activities, which makes its firms subject to global competition. In develop...
Effect of Culture and Traditions on Consumer Behavior in Kuwait 2012 10292 Globalization is one of the most contemporary challenges that are facing businesses. With the Internet and information technology, markets around the globe are moving closer, which necessitate the need of knowing these markets. Businesses need to und...