Victor Bahhouth Ph.D.

  • Associate Director of BIS studies and Professor of Finance
  • Economics, Finance and Decision Sciences, UNCP
  • 910-521-6172
  • Business Administration, Room 150
  • Pembroke NC 28372

Dr. Victor Bahhouth is an Associate Director of BIS studies and Professor of Finance at the School of Business – University of North Carolina at Pembroke. He received his Doctorate of Business Administration in Finance from Newcastle Business School, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne – United Kingdom. Dr. Bahhouth’s teaching interests are in the areas of corporate finance, financial management, financial markets, business statistics, financial and management Accounting. His research interests are in the areas of contemporary issues related to international business, technology, and stock markets. He has authored and co-authored research papers that have been published in refereed journals and in the proceedings of national and international academic conferences. He is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Certified Management Accountant (CMA).

There are 10 included publications by Victor Bahhouth Ph.D.:

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Are businesses Becoming More Efficient through Time? Testing the Change in Working Capital Requirements across Economic Sectors 2013 1099 The study examines the efficiency of businesses through time. It tests the change in working capital requirements across economic sectors. The last two decades were earmarked with many changes. With no doubt technological innovations were among the m...
Are the Lebanese Firms Coping with the Global Pressure? 2013 1202 Almost all business activities in Lebanon take the form of family owned small business type. Lebanon took advanced steps on globalization issues and entered into open trading activities, which makes its firms subject to global competition. In develop...
Are Students Driven by Negative or Positive Perception about Sales Profession in France? 2014 2508 The purpose of this study is to investigate students’ perceptions of personal selling as a career in France. Studies in the United States highlighting the negative perception of the sales profession by people are numerous, especially when it comes to...
A Cross Sectional Study of Financial Measures in Predicting Stocks’ Riskiness during Year 2008 Crash Period 2011 0 The study tests the use of financial measures in predicting stocks’ riskiness during 2008 crash period. The stock market witnessed a number of crashes with the most recent one in year 2008. Crashes cause instability in the stock market and a collapse...
Does the Personal Trait Play a Significant Role on Chinese Students’ Perception of Sales Profession as a Career? 2014 0 The purpose of this study is to investigate students’ perceptions of personal selling as a career in the developing nations, China in this case. Research has been conducted underscoring the negative perception of the sales profession among students i...
Effect of Culture and Traditions on Consumer Behavior in Kuwait 2012 10292 Globalization is one of the most contemporary challenges that are facing businesses. With the Internet and information technology, markets around the globe are moving closer, which necessitate the need of knowing these markets. Businesses need to und...
Factors Influencing Students’ Perceptions of Online Teamwork 2014 0 The evolution of online teaching in higher education demands a change in the types of pedagogies used in those courses. An example of one of these important pedagogies includes online teamwork. Teamwork in this context is one in which the majority of...
Firm Characteristics and Stock Returns during 2008 Financial Crash 2013 2047 The purpose of this paper is to study the characteristics of firms that reported positive price movements during the 2008 crash. In the last decade, the stock market had two crashes; the first one occurred in year 2000 and the second one occurred in ...
Predictive Power of Personal Factors in Studying Students’ Perception of Sales Profession in Ghana 2013 512 The purpose of this study is to investigate students’ perceptions of personal selling as a career in the developing nations – Case of Ghana. Studies in United States highlighting the negative perception of sales profession by people are numerous, esp...
Students’ Perception of International Business Curriculum: An Explorative Study—Case of Lebanon 2012 0 Economic development depends on business education for a thriving and secure society. A skilled workforce that can create, innovate, and increase business opportunities fosters an environment of prosperity that provides jobs and enhances the quality ...