Denise N. Baker

Associate Dean in the College of Arts and Sciences, 2004; Head of the Department of English, 1999-2004; Professor of English, 1995; Associate Professor with tenure of English, 1980; Assistant Professor of English, 1975. Tenured Alumni Teaching Excellence Award, 1995-96. Dr. Baker’s interests include medieval literature, especially Julian of Norwich and the Middle English Mystics, and Langland’s Piers Plowman.

There are 3 included publications by Denise N. Baker :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Chaucer and Moral Philosophy: The Virtuous Women of the Canterbury Tales. 1992 15546 In The Regement of Princes, Hoccleve insists that Chaucer is not only the equal of Cicero as a rhetorician and of Vergil as a poet but also the 'bier in philosophic / To Aristotle, in our tonge'. Twentieth-century critics have agreed with Hoccleve ab...
Chaucer's Clerk's Tale and the Monstrous Critics. 1986 7531 Over thirty years ago, James Sledd reversed the prevailing critical opinion about one of Chaucer's most perplexing tales in his essay, "The Clerk's Tale: The Monsters and the Critics." He refuted the arguments about the monstrous cruelty of Walter in...
From Plowing to Penitence: Piers Plowman and Fourteenth-Century Theology 1980 5748 Perhaps no episode in medieval literature has proven as puzzling to modern readers as the pardon scene in the B text of Piers Plowman. Critics continue to debate whether the document which Piers receives in Passus VII is a pardon. The document is, af...