Approximations and Selections of Multivalued Mappings of Finite-Dimensional Spaces |
2001 |
1018 |
We prove extension-dimensional versions of finite dimensional selection and approximation theorems. As applications, we obtain several results on extension dimension. |
Bounded Rank of C* -Algebras |
2002 |
1082 |
We introduce a concept of the bounded rank (with respect to a positive constant) for unital C * -algebras as a modification of the usual real
rank and present a series of conditions insuring that bounded and real ranks coincide. These observations a... |
C*-Algebras of Infinite Real Rank |
2002 |
1961 |
We introduce the notion of weakly (strongly) infinite real rank for unital C *-algebras. It is shown that a compact space X is weakly (strongly)
infine-dimensional if and only if C(X) has weakly (strongly) infinite real rank. Some other properties o... |
Characterizing the Topology of Pseudo-Boundaries of Euclidean Spaces |
1999 |
1221 |
We give a topological characterization of the n-dimensional pseudoboundary of the (2n + 1)-dimensional Euclidean space. |
Complemented Subspaces of Locally Convex Direct Sum of Banach Spaces |
2000 |
1152 |
We show that a complemented subspace of a locally convex direct sum of an uncountable collection of Banach spaces is a locally convex direct sum of complemented subspaces of countable subsums. As a corollary we prove that a complemented subspace of a... |
Complemented Subspaces of Productsof Banach Spaces |
2000 |
1260 |
We show that complemented subspaces of uncountable products of Banach spaces are products of complemented subspaces of countable subproducts. |
Extension Dimension and C-Spaces |
2002 |
2453 |
Some generalizations of the classical Hurewicz formula are obtained for extension dimension and C-spaces. A characterization of the class
of metrizable spaces which are absolute neighborhood extensors for all metrizable
C-spaces is also given. |
Extension Dimension and Refinable Maps |
1999 |
1159 |
Extension dimension is characterized in terms of ?-maps. We apply this result to prove that extension dimension is preserved by refinable
maps between metrizable spaces. It is also shown that refinable maps preserve some infinite-dimensional propert... |
Extension Dimensional Approximation Theorem |
2001 |
2138 |
It is known that if an upper semicontinuous multivalued mapping F : X ? Y , defined on an n-dimensional compactum X, has UV n-1-point images, then every neighbourhood of the graph of F (in the product X×Y ) contains the graph of a single-valued conti... |
Extraordinary Dimension of Maps |
2003 |
2004 |
We establish a characterization of the extraordinary dimension of perfect maps between metrizable spaces. |
Extraordinary Dimension Theories Generated by Complexes |
2003 |
2180 |
We study the extraordinary dimension function dimL introduced by ? S?cepin. An axiomatic characterization of this dimension function is obtained. We also introduce inductive dimensions indL and IndL and prove that for separable metrizable spaces all ... |
Hurewicz theorem for Extension Dimension |
2002 |
1937 |
We prove a new selection theorem for multivalued mappings of C-space. Using this theorem we prove extension dimensional version of Hurewicz theorem for a closed mapping f : X ? Y of k-space X onto paracompact C-space Y : if for finite CW-complex M we... |
Near-Homeomorphisms of Nobeling Manifolds |
2007 |
2222 |
We characterize maps between n-dimensional Nobeling manifolds that can be approximated by homeomorphisms. |
Nonmetrizable Anr's Admitting a Group Structure are Manifolds |
2005 |
1888 |
It is shown that a nonmetrizable ANR-space of weight ?, admitting a group structure, is (topologically) an R -manifold |
Notes on Two Conjectures in Extension Theory |
2002 |
994 |
It is noted that conjectures about the non-existence of universal compacta and compactifications of the given extension dimension for non finitely dominated complexes are not valid for all CW complexes of the form L ? S2, where L is of finite type an... |
On Commutative and Non-Commutative C* -Algebras with the Approximate n-th Rott Property |
2005 |
1160 |
We say that a C *-algebra X has the approximate n-th root property (n = 2) if for every a ? X with kak = 1 and every " > 0 there exits b ? X such that kbk = 1 and ka - bnk < ". Some properties of commutative and non-commutative C *-algebras having th... |
Real Rank and Squaring Mapping for Unital C *-Algebras |
2002 |
1001 |
It is proved that if X is a compact Hausdorff space of Lebesgue dimension dim(X), then the squaring mapping m: (C(X)sa)m ? C(X)+, defined by m(f1, . . . , fm) = Pm i=1 f2 i , is open if and only if m-1 = dim(X). Hence the Lebesgue dimension of X ca... |
Retracts of Sigma-Products of Hilbert Cubes |
2006 |
967 |
We consider the sigma-product of the !1-power of the Hilbert cube. This space is characterized among its retracts as the only one without
G-points. |
Sections of Serre Fibrations with Low-Dimensional Fibers |
2002 |
1082 |
It was proved by H. Whitney in 1933 that it is possible to mark a point in all curves in a continuous way. The main result of this paper
extends the Whitney theorem to dimensions 2 and 3. Namely, we prove that it is possible to choose a point contin... |
Topological AE(0)-Groups |
2000 |
1025 |
We investigate topological AE(0)-groups class of which contains the class of Polish groups as well as the class of all locally compact groups. We establish the existence of an universal AE(0)-group of a given weight as well as the existence of an uni... |
Topological Model Categories Generated By Finite Complexes |
2002 |
1919 |
Our main result states that for each finite complex L the category TOP of topological spaces possesses a model category structure (in the
sense of Quillen) whose weak equivalences are precisely maps which induce isomorphisms of all [L]-homotopy grou... |
Topological Semigroups and Universal Spaces Related to Extension Dimenion |
2001 |
1055 |
It is proved that there is no structure of left (right) cancelative semigroup on [L]-dimensional universal space for the class of separable compact
spaces of extensional dimension [L]. Besides, we note that the homeomorphism group of [L]-dimension... |
Universal C *-Algebra of Real Rank zero |
2000 |
2064 |
It is well-known that every commutative separable unital C *-algebra of real rank zero is a quotient of the C *-algebra of all compex continous functions defined on the Cantor cube. We prove a non-commutative version of this result by showing that th... |
Valdivia Compact Groups are Products |
2007 |
2294 |
It is shown that every Valdivia compact group is homeomorphic to a product of metrizable compacta. |
Z-Set Unknotting in Large Cubes |
2006 |
1272 |
We introduce a notion of a Z -set and prove various versions of Z -set unknotting theorems in the Tychonov cube of weight of r. These results
are applied to the study of Sigma-products. In particular, we obtain a topological
characterization of ... |