Roy Schwartzman

**RESEARCH AND TEACHING INTERESTS (representative, not exhaustive): Communication, Pedagogy, Holocaust Studies, Propaganda, Argumentation, Computer-Mediated Communication, Figurative Language, Service Learning, Rhetoric of Science and Technology, Rhetorical Criticism, Rhetoric and Social Theory, Philosophy of Communication, Classical Rhetoric, American Public Address, Political Communication, Cultural Studies, Business and Professional Communication. **EDUCATION: Ph.D., University of Iowa (1994), Communication Studies, Concentration in Rhetorical Studies, Dissertation title “Racial Science, Nazism, and the Genesis of Genocide” (winner, National Communication Association Outstanding Dissertation Award); M.A., University of Georgia (1984), Speech Communication; A.B., University of Georgia (1982), summa cum laude with highest honors in philosophy and Phi Beta Kappa.

There are 15 included publications by Roy Schwartzman :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Beyond Consumerism and Utopianism: How Service Learning Contributes to Liberal Arts Ideals 2002 1321 The authors place service learning within the liberal arts tradition of empowering others to help themselves. Such a contextualization supplements visions of students as consumers or customers and education as a means to gain economic advantage in a...
A Car of Her Own: Volvo’s “Your Concept Car” as a Vehicle for Feminism? 2008 3312 This essay probes the ambiguities surrounding [Volvo’s] Your Concept Car on several levels. First, we explain how YCC configures women as creators and consumers. Second, we discuss discursive patterns arising in media coverage of the car. We find a f...
Catering to customers or cultivating communicators? Divergent educational roles of communication centers 2011 946 To remain sustainable in an atmosphere of shrinking budgets and curricular retrenchment, oral communication instruction via communication centers on college and university campuses must satisfy several constituencies. How can communication centers me...
Consequences of Commodifying Education 2013 5383 Ongoing concerns about budgets and accountability have accelerated tendencies to model education after the values of the free market, prioritizing efficiency and customer satisfaction while treating education itself as a commercial transaction. Adopt...
Engenderneered Machines in Science Fiction Film 1999 2285 The fear that human creations might backfire and attack their creators has been a mainstay of science fiction at least since Mary Shelley?s Frankenstein. The misgivings become particularly acute when human-engineered imitations of human beings (i.e.,...
The Forum: Peer Review as the Enforcement of Disciplinary Orthodoxy 1997 4098 Recently Omar Swartz (1997) solicited further discussion regarding Blair, Brown, and Baxter's article "Disciplining the Feminine" that appeared in the Quarterly Journal of Speech three years ago. I remember reading Blair, Brown, and Baxter's article ...
Letter to the Brother I Never Had: Pa[i]ra-/Dia-/Logically Talking Back to Ono 1997 2012 This piece addresses the scholarly concept of voices by combining the personal voice of an epistle with the impersonal propositional format characteristic of Wittgenstein's philosophical writing. The resultant hybrid genre of academic prose examines ...
The “net worth” of applied learning: How Holocaust survivors counter educational consumerism 2010 1797 Shrinking financial support for higher education has renewed interest in market-based approaches that define education as a consumer transaction. This model fails to acknowledge many character-based dimensions of experiential learning. Testimonies fr...
The (Post-)Pandemic Academic: Re-Forming Communication Studies 2020 426 The COVID-19 pandemic forced rapid transformation of educational practices on anunprecedented scale. Most notably, online course delivery became the default and persistsas a key component of education throughout the course of the pandemic. This refle...
Re-searching my scar: Interrogating otherness in The Searchers and in my racial rearing 2012 1003 This essay juxtaposes the process of “Othering” in the 1956 John Ford western The Searchers with my own indoctrination into White privilege as a child growing up in suburban Atlanta during the mid-to-late 1960s. The film’s stark portrayal of anti-Nat...
“Refining the Question: How Can Online Instruction Maximize Opportunities for All Students? 2007 2759 Although research on computer-assisted and online instruction abounds, researchers have expressed concern about the lack of theoretical frameworks for these studies (Timmerman & Kruepke, 2006). While ample research documents learning outcomes in indi...
Rhetoric and Risk 2011 1377 The discoveries of science and technology are accelerating. The choice of how to regulate and react to scientific and technological innovations relies heavily on the notion of risk. The emergence nature contemporary science and technology (i.e., com...
A rhetorical reconsideration of knowledge management: Discursive dynamics of nanotechnology risks 2008 218 For some time, it has been argued, the United States and other “developed” nations have been caught up in a shift from an industrial to a post-industrial or knowledge society (e.g., Bell, 1973; Drucker, 1994). In this new society, experts use their c...
Roles of Communication Centers in Communicating Science: A Multi-Disciplinary Forum 2019 252 This multi-disclipinary forum addresses how Communication Centers bridge the gaps between scientists and their public constituents, provides ways to teach scientific communication from the voice of a scientist, and invokng the perspective of science ...
Unpacking Privilege in Pandemic Pedagogy: Social Media Debates on Power Dynamics of Online Education 2021 855 As one of the world’s major social media hubs dedicated to online education during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Facebook mega-group Pandemic Pedagogy provides a panoramic perspective of the key concerns educators and students face amid a public health ...