Hodges, Nancy


There are 24 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
This woman's work: an exploration of women's experiences with role transition. 2008 2123 The many identities that comprise the self surface and are displayed through dress (Roach-Higgins & Eicher, 1992). In communicating the self, the importance of setting and one's role in that setting must be considered and understood for each social i...
Building Relationships with India's Suppliers: Exploring Perceptions of U.S. Apparel Industry Buyers 2008 8459 India is emerging as one of the major players in global apparel sourcing to the U.S. in the post-quota era. There has been a steady year-to-year rise of approximately 13.3% in exports of garments from India (Goel, 2007). In 2005, India ranked third i...
Beyond the tattooed lady : exploring women's experiences in the body modifiction industry 2007 7630 "With the exception of a few females working as carnival sideshow attractions, women have historically been an invisible part of the body modification industry. However, recently women have begun making a significant contribution to this industry, as...
Hip-hop dress and identity: a qualitative study of music, materialism, and meaning 2009 13795 Throughout the 20th and early 21st century, music and culture have had tremendous influence on fashion. One style in particular, known as "hip-hop" has become synonymous with sound, subculture, and style. Hip-hop music, also referred to as rap or rap...
"Bikini, beads, and feathers" at Trinidad carnival: the voice of the younger generation 2010 16546 Trinidad Carnival is a multifaceted festival that emerged out of slavery as a form of rebellion against the oppressive European colonialism of Trinidad (Hill, 1962). Traditionally, masquerade costumes embodied socio-political characters meant to mock...
Apparel mass customization: perceptions of young Chinese consumers 2011 6772 The purpose of this study was to explore young Chinese consumers' attitudes towards mass customized apparel products and its applications, including both body scanning and co-design. At approximately 200 million people, the young generation of Chines...
An Investigation of Antecedents and Consequences of Consumers’ Attitudes Toward an Apparel Website. 2010 5243 The percentage of U.S. consumers shopping and purchasing through the Internet is growing. The consumer has adapted to using the Internet to purchase products and retailers have profited from this new channel. Although the Internet is becoming an im...
Corporate social responsibility in the global apparel industry: an exploration of Indian manufacturers' perceptions 2012 38338 The purpose of this study is to explore perceptions of corporate social responsibility among Indian apparel manufacturers. In last few decades, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has marked its importance in scholarly research as evidenced by an i...
Home Sweet Home: An Exploration of Women's Home Furnishings Shopping Experiences 2012 4207 The purpose of this study is to develop an in-depth understanding of the female experience of shopping for home furnishings and the role of the Internet in this process. The three primary objectives guiding the current study were: (a) to examine the ...
Attitudes toward home furnishings case goods: an investigation of motivations and values relative to product choice 2010 5902 The purpose of this dissertation was twofold: (a) to investigate consumer's attitudes toward home furnishings case goods; and (b) to determine how their attitudes influence their home furnishings case good consumption choices. Based on preliminary re...
Self-service technology: an investigation of the potential for adoption in apparel retail settings 2011 8614 This study investigates the potential for adoption of self-service technologies (SSTs) in the apparel retail environment. The importance of motivation factors (e.g., intrinsic vs. extrinsic) for adopting SSTs in the apparel retail environment is expl...
Marketing the female politician: an exploration of gender, appearance, and power 2014 8676 Since the founding of the United States of America, there have been just 34 female governors and, as of yet, no female president or vice president (CAWP, 2014). Today, women comprise just 18.3% of the Congress and only 5 of the 50 governors are femal...
Foreign apparel brands and the young Indian consumer: an exploration of the role of brand in the decision-making process 2012 14370 This study examines how young Indian professionals make decisions about apparel products considering the myriad of options that are now available to them in the marketplace. Declared an emerging market by the US Department of Commerce in 1993 (Bandyo...
Swapping styles: an exploration of fashion leadership, brands, and group membership in the context of clothing swaps 2012 7158 The purpose of this study was to explore how consumers use clothing to identify with fashion consumer groups and the role of brands in this process. To address this purpose, I examined the consumption behaviors of fashion leaders within the clothing ...
Consumed by consumption: a phenomenological exploration of the compulsive clothing buying experience 2016 6196 “At some point we have to face the certain reality: despite all the good the world seems to offer, true happiness can only be found in one thing: shopping” (Ally McBeal, 1997 as cited in Wagner, 2007). In today’s society, shopping is positioned as a ...
Exploring the motivations and decision making of sustainable entrepreneurs: implications for apparel manufacturing in the United States 2014 4038 There is a growing interest in sustainability in response to what some consider to be the "throwaway" consumer culture of today (Pookulangara & Shephard, 2013). Sustainability is a growing trend across industries and among consumers, as more people c...
Shopping locally: an exploration of motivations and meanings in the context of a revitalized downtown 2018 1072 The purpose of this dissertation was to understand the phenomenon of shopping locally from the perspective of the consumer and the store owner and within the context of a revitalized downtown. The three objectives of this study were: (1) to explore t...
An investigation of self-concept, clothing selection, and life satisfaction among disabled consumers 2012 13391 This dissertation investigates the relationships between various aspects of self-concept (i.e., generalized self-efficacy, public self-consciousness, state hope, and self-esteem), clothing selection (i.e., clothing that expresses individuality, cloth...
Contemporary North Carolina American Indian powwow dress: an exploration of tradition, culture, and identity 2013 11280 The purpose of this study was to explore the form and meanings of North Carolina American Indian powwow dress. To address this purpose, I examined powwow regalia worn by North Carolina American Indians at local powwows. Having lost their tribal cultu...
Employee volunteer programs as corporate social responsibility in the apparel industry: an investigation of stakeholder perceptions 2018 1701 The twofold purpose of this dissertation was: (1) to explore employee volunteer programs (EVPs) as corporate social responsibility (CSR) among apparel firms, and (2) to understand the value of such programs for a firm’s stakeholders, specifically its...
Supplier satisfaction, buyer power, and supply chain performance : an investigation of apparel suppliers in China 2022 361 Globalization and international trade have greatly impacted interactions and transactions between buyers and suppliers in the business to business (B2B) relationship exchange. Studies in the supply chain management (SCM) field have increasingly empha...
Self-gifting and consumer perceived values : development and validation of a scale to measure consumer perceived values in self-gifting and applied to consumer satisfaction 2022 472 Self-gifting has become a popular consumption practice. Self-gifts can take various forms, such as products, services, or experiences, and provide special meanings in certain contexts. Consumers’ desire for the psycho-social functions of self-gifting...
Encouraging socially responsible fashion consumption : an investigation of the effects of a sustainability index garment label on consumers’ brand attitudes and evaluations 2023 206 Previous research has noted the unsustainable nature of the apparel industry, including increased carbon emissions (Berg et al., 2020; Chrobot et al., 2018), excessive landfill waste (United States, n.d.), and social inequity (Ross & Morgan, 2015). T...
Virtual technology and online apparel shopping : perceptions and behaviors of female baby boomers 2023 200 The purpose of this dissertation was to understand female baby boomers’ perceptions of and experiences with apparel shopping using virtual technology in the online context. The three objectives of this study were: (1) to examine age-related needs and...