Chiseri-Strater, Elizabeth


There are 6 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Toward a theory-based developmental reading program 2008 6668 Developmental reading programs have historically resisted intentional application of literary and rhetorical theoretical frameworks. This dissertation argues that a developmental reading program would benefit from curriculum design that is based on r...
What We Talk About When We Talk About Emotion: The Rhetoric of Emotion in Composition. 2008 4600 This project addresses the consequences of the binary between the affective and cognitive realms in the composition classroom. In the university, reason has been historically valued over emotion in the production of knowledge despite evidence that em...
Disability is Beautiful, Disability is my Culture 2008 4789 The stories of advocates in the disability rights movement remain largely undocumented, especially in the area of the arts. This research uses ethnographic fieldwork to document such stories in the interviewee's own words. The resulting portrait of d...
The rhetoric of Nuna Dual Tsuny : retelling the Cherokee Trail of Tears 2006 5837 "This dissertation discusses ways to examine historical events such as the Cherokee Trail of Tears through various rhetorical lenses and scrutinizes how to negotiate meaning via these strategies. This work will contribute to the current discourse on ...
Lintheads and barons: filling the silences of the Loray Mill Strike 2009 3931 This dissertation intends by contextual analysis to examine a Southern textile community and through its literature--formal and informal, and written before, during, and after the 1929 Lora Mill strike--to show how the stories of this community const...
Only to the extent: insanity in the works of Kurt Vonnegut and redesigning developmental education 2013 1623 "Only to the Extent: Insanity in the Works of Kurt Vonnegut" details the author's public struggle with mental illness and explores a selection of his major works as coping mechanisms. The author used the realm of literature to purge his own inner fea...