Kivett, Vira R.


There are 10 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Sex linkages and older parent-adult child interactions : effects on social activities, mutual assistance, and expectations for filial support 1984 292 The study investigated patterns of social interaction between older parents and their adult children. The major purpose was to examine the effects of sex of parent, type of sex linkage (i.e., mother-daughter, mother-son, father-daughter father-son), ...
The application of a theoretical model of intergenerational helping to the older adult-sibling dyad 1985 202 Intragenerational helping behavior, specifically that between older adults and their siblings, has received little attention in the literature. The purpose of the present study was twofold: (a) to determine if an intergenerational model of helping be...
The relationship between individual characteristics, behavioral motifs, and interactive friendship processes among older relocated adults 1996 127 An integrative conceptual framework for friendship research was proposed by Adams and Blieszner (1994). Their framework states that individual characteristics, expressed through a behavioral motif, affect friendship patterns, and that friendship patt...
Predictors of associational solidarity among older relocated adults and their adult children 1996 260 This research examined parent/child association among older relocated adults and their child of most contact utilizing the Theory of Intergenerational Solidarity. The purpose of the study was to determine the factors contributing to the older parent/...
The impact of caregiving on the marital need satisfaction of older wives with dependent husbands 1984 310 This study investigated the influence of caregiving on the marital need satisfaction (MNS) of older women who were caring for their dependent functionally impaired husbands at home. Comparisons were made with the MNS scores of a group of home-based c...
The effect of sex differences on the subjective well-being of older widows and widowers 1979 461 This investigation examined the relationship between sex and the subjective well-being of older widows and widowers. The main purpose of the study was to determine the effect of sex differences on the subjective well-being of the widowed. A second ob...
The relationship between parents' perception of family environment and prosocial behavior in preschool-aged children 1979 275 The purpose of this study was to identify family variables which might influence the development of children's prosocial behavior. It was hypothesized that there would be a relationship between both mothers' and fathers' scores on the relationship, p...
The relationship of social support networks and support network function to the health status of older widowed black females 1991 212 The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among personal characteristics, situational characteristics, network structure, network function, and network adequacy and their relationships to the health of older widowed black females. Th...
A longitudinal investigation of the factor structure of subjective well-being as measured by the Philadelphia Geriatric Center Morale Scale 1988 227 This research examined the longitudinal stability of subjective well-being as measured by the Philadelphia Geriatric Center Morale Scale. Subjective well-being was hypothesized to have a hierarchical factor structure with a second order factor, subje...
Personality type, locus of control and sex role orientation as predictors within two moral perspectives among young adults 1991 173 The present study investigated the relationships between personality type, locus of control orientation, and sex role orientation and the levels of each of the care and justice perspectives in young adults. Subjects were 134 18 to 25 years old, male ...