Ackerman, Terry


There are 14 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Fidelity of test development process within a national science grant 2007 4095 In 2002, a math-science partnership (MSP) program was initiated by a national science grant. The purpose of the MSP program was to promote the development, implementation, and sustainability of promising partnerships among institutions of higher educ...
Improving Self-Efficacy in Problem Solving: Learning from Errors and Feedback 2008 3930 This study examined the social cognitive theoretical prediction that self-efficacy is enhanced by feedback that fosters problem solving skills. The anxiety addressed in this study was similar to low efficacy perceptions in solving statistics problems...
Use of a Variable Compensation Item Response Model to Assess the Effect of Working-Memory Load On Noncompensatory Processing in an Inductive Reasoning Task 2005 3956 "A study of the relationship between noncompensatory processing and the working memory load of matrix completion items was conducted. Data were taken from the British Cohort Study of 1970, First Follow-up (N=14,875). To assess compensation, the GMIRT...
Examination of the scoring structure of the psychopathology instrument for mentally retarded adults 2006 2126 "The purpose of this study was to assess the validity of an instrument designed to assist in the diagnosis of mental illness in individuals diagnosed with mental retardation titled "The Psychopathology Inventory for Mentally Retarded Adults (PIMRA)."...
Detecting differential item functioning using the DINA model 2006 3372 "DIF occurs for an item when one group (the focal group) of examinees is more or less likely to give the correct response to that item when compared to another group (the reference group) after controlling for the primary ability measured in a test. ...
A comparison of kernel equating and IRT true score equating methods 2007 4956 "This two-part study investigates 1) the impact of loglinear model selection in pre-smoothing observed score distributions on the kernel method of test equating and 2) the differences between kernel equating, chained equipercentile equating, and true...
Higher education planning for a strategic goal with a concept mapping process at a small private college 2010 7083 Faculty, staff, and administrators at a small independent college determined that planning with a Concept Mapping process efficiently produced strategic thinking and action plans for the accomplishment of a strategic goal to expand experiential learn...
A psychometric evaluation of a state testing program: accommodated versus non-accommodated students. 2010 2900 Federal legislation such as No Child Left Behind mandated that students with disabilities be included in accountability standards, creating an important responsibility to fairly assess all students, even those with disabilities. Consequently, ...
Differential language influence on math achievement 2010 5253 New models are commonly designed to solve certain limitations of other ones. Quantile regression is introduced in this paper because it can provide information that a regular mean regression misses. This research aims to demonstrate its utility in th...
A comparison of classification issues across teacher effectiveness measures 2014 1286 In an educational landscape where teacher evaluation methods are increasingly discussed and scrutinized in research offices, legislatures, and school buildings, the differences in policy and instrumentation among states and school districts can paint...
Defining culturally relevant pedagogy: an exploration of the usefulness of concept mapping and assessment engineering for rubric development 2016 2202 Ethically diverse students consistently perform at lower levels compared to their mainstream counterparts (Rychly & Graves, 2012). Some scholars suggest that this educational deficit is due to the cultural mismatch between educators and students. Cul...
Comparisons of subscoring methods in computerized adaptive testing: a simulation study 2015 1908 Given the increasing demands of subscore reports, various subscoring methods and augmentation techniques have been developed aiming to improve the subscore estimates, but few studies have been conducted to systematically compare these methods under t...
A psychometric evaluation of the student teacher assessment system at UNCG using structural equation modeling 2016 1375 Student teachers are evaluated based on a number of criteria at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG). Among these criteria are the evidence portfolios, the Candidate Disposition Assessment Process (CDAP), and the Teacher Growth and A...
A comparison of traditional test blueprinting to assessment engineering in a large scale assessment context 2016 1306 This dissertation investigates the plausibility of computing Assessment Engineering cognitive task model derived difficulty parameters through careful engineering design, and to compare the task model derived difficulty with empirical Rasch model ‘b’...