Kurtts, Stephanie


There are 5 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Special education administration: what does it take? 2017 1137 The purpose of this study was to learn about the practice of special education administration from veteran special education administrators. Research questions include: What institutional arrangements support special education administrators’ work? W...
Acquisition and application: universal design for learning with teacher candidates in special education: general curriculum and the dual major in elementary education and special education: general curriculum 2015 4102 The overall purpose of this study was to examine teacher candidates' perceptions toward Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in the following areas: (1) their understanding of UDL; (2) their experiences and observations in how UDL was implemented in c...
Perceptions of crisis intervention in the instructional setting: a hermeneutic phenomenological study 2018 859 The overall purpose of this study was to explore the perception of behavioral crises in the instructional setting, specifically the resources that are provided during the crisis, the student perception of the crisis, and whether the two create a stat...
An inquiry into the alignment between the theoretical assumptions of self-determination theory and the cultural assumptions of Saudi Arabian educators 2021 298 The purpose of this study is to explore the extent to which there is an alignment between the theoretical assumptions of self-determination theory and the cultural practices and beliefs of preservice special education teachers in Saudi Arabia. The cu...
Dialogic reflective e-journaling and transformative learning of special education preservice teachers 2017 1040 In light of the continual problem of attrition in the field of special education and the need for well-prepared new special education teachers, the purpose of this study was to examine how dialogic reflective electronic journaling (e-journaling) betw...