Bettez, Silvia


There are 23 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
An alternative to the alternatives: considering a progressive possibility for alternative schools 2014 1849 This dissertation is an exploration of alternative schools that are offered to students who might otherwise be kicked out or drop out of public schools. I examine the more traditional options offered by public school systems, as well as more unusual ...
What does it mean to be smart: Black male perspectives on school and academic achievement 2015 5374 This dissertation uses both critical race theory and Afrocentricity to examine Black male students’ understanding of what it means to be “smart.” Through the use of individual interviews, focus groups and class observations, the researcher interviewe...
(Re)framing service-learning with youth participatory action research: examining students’ critical agency 2016 2194 The current push for K-12 service-learning, particularly as an intervention strategy for “at-risk” youth, makes more urgent the need for critical service-learning constructions that counter deficit ideologies. Responding to this need, the researcher ...
Crossing borders and forging bonds: exploring interracial/intercultural relationships among youth of color 2016 2185 The majority of U.S. Black and Latino/a students attend schools that have 75 percent or higher minority enrollment (NCES, 2007). Despite frequent contact among students of color, there is limited research about youth of color interaction in education...
Critical pedagogy practice specifics with adolescents 2017 1466 This dissertation examines how five self-identified critical pedagogues of adolescent students enact critical pedagogy in their classroom in a summer school program for gifted students. Critical pedagogy is grounded in a social and educational vision...
From Verguenza to Echale Ganas: counterstorytelling narratives of Latino teenage boys naming oppression and unpacking community cultural wealth 2014 3016 In this ethnographic research, I analyze in-depth the experiences and counter-stories--through face-to-face interviews, focus groups, and classroom observations--of nine Latino teenage boys representing different cultural and socioeconomic background...
Healing: the stories of academic successes and barriers faced by Lumbee tribal young adults 2017 1341 Culturally relevant teaching has been a hot topic word in the world of education for many years. However, for the Lumbee Tribe, best practices for working with American Indian students are frequently based on studies done with Southwestern tribes. Th...
Identity (re)determination among upwardly-mobile Black women 2017 1331 Thousands of Black women in America are experiencing upward mobility, defined for the purpose of this study as moving into a higher socioeconomic status than one’s parents, guardians, or whoever raised them. As research indicates, these women may exp...
Narratives and stories of an “anti-racist racist:” making whiteness visible, bridging the gap between the individual and systems of oppression 2017 2454 The central purpose of this research is to make whiteness visible, to help white students’ overcome resistance to and denial of racism, white privilege, and racial inequities in the classroom. This research uses autoethnography, as a methodological a...
Transforming 4-H pedagogy: equity, access, and opportunity for students of color 2015 1236 The changing racial and ethnic demographics have had a profound effect on 4-H programs. Minoritized populations have dramatically increased, and this has presented a challenge to the 4-H program. Culturally relevant pedagogy and multicultural educati...
An exploration of poverty and underdevelopment in Sub Saharan Africa through critical theory, critical pedagogy and post-colonial theory perspectives 2018 2707 Poverty and underdevelopment are the predominant signifiers attached to the nations that make up Sub Saharan Africa (SSA). Indeed, popular understandings and scholarly discourses are replete with SSA being synonymous with corruption; failed states; f...
Navigating growing awareness and shifting identities: the experiences of Saudi international women who studied in the United States 2019 384 As the number of international students studying in the United States increases, it is important to analyze how specific subsets of international students understand their experiences in order to ensure student success in specific populations. Both f...
A study of Caribbean students’ experiences at U.S. institutions 2019 1144 There is limited research that examines the experiences of Caribbean students despite the increased presence of international students attending institutions of higher education in the United States. This qualitative dissertation used individual inte...
Effective leadership practices in language immersion programs 2018 2815 This is a dissertation study regarding effective leadership practices in language immersion programs. Much of the previous research concentrates on students’ academic achievement in immersion programs. The purpose of this research is to discover acti...
Beginning with homelessness: a rhizoanalysis of neoliberalism, social justice, and community 2018 1646 Homelessness in the United States is identified as a social problem (Amster, 2008; Gowan, 2010; Marvasti, 2003; Stern, 1984). It receives attention from social service agencies, local and national government departments, faith-based institutions, adv...
My progress is our progress: Latinx students pursuing their educational goals at North Carolina community colleges 2021 562 My Progress is Our Progress is a qualitative study that examines how first generation Latinx students navigate their experiences at three North Carolina community colleges. The Latinx population has significantly increased in North Carolina but that ...
An exploration of HBCU first-generation and low-income student experience through the eyes of young alumni 2023 380 First-generation and low-income (FGLI) college student enrollment numbers are steadily increasing among American colleges and universities. The nation's Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) continue to enroll and educate the largest n...
Con amore : exploring how Italian school leaders and teachers accommodate immigrant students 2023 299 In this study, I explored the perception of school leaders and teachers in a rural middle school in Southern Italy. For my conceptual framework, I pulled on three bodies of scholarship: intercultural education, the overall importance of school leader...
DOPE voices : understanding the experiences of Black womxn mid-level student affairs administrators navigating power 2023 282 Black womxn mid-level administrators in student affairs are DOPE! However, limited research examines our lived experience and voice at the intersection of race, gender, and organizational status. This qualitative research study uses Sista Circle Meth...
Superwomen of color and the multiverse of graduate school : amplifying the voices of graduate women of color negotiating their multiple identities and roles 2023 303 Women of color often experience the pressures of navigating multiple intersecting roles and multiple intersecting identities within various contexts. Within the hegemonic environment of higher education, particularly at historically or predominantly ...
Staying in the trying : queer kinship solidarity as liberation praxis 2022 351 Collective liberation isn’t only something some of us are fighting or working for; it’s also something some of us live for with/in and through our everyday relationships. Situated at the intersection of Kinship, Social Movement, and Social Justice Ed...
Are we “social justice warriors?” HESA practitioners’ experiences supporting students impacted by bias 2024 145 Higher Education Student Affairs (HESA) practitioners play important roles in supporting their campus communities, specifically students, when bias incidents occur on campus. These HESA practitioners often hold the same minoritized identities as stud...
My presence is a disruption for good : exploring the experiences of first-generation administrators at highly selective institutions 2023 249 My Presence is a Disruption for Good is a qualitative research study that explored the experiences of critically minded, first-generation higher education administrators and their work supporting first-generation college students enrolled at highly s...