Kotani, Setsuya


There are 3 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Low-fired earthenware pottery 1976 147 My pottery in this exhibition is functional pottery made with red earthware clay that is indigenous to the Piedmont region of the Carolinas. I chose this clay for a variety of practical reasons, among them its ready availability and low cost. Also, t...
Clay wraps : containers 1977 130 The thesis consists of eleven ceramic sculptures. The thesis was exhibited in the Weatherspoon Art Gallery of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro from April 24 through May 15, 1977. A 35 mm color transparency of each work is on file at the...
Earthenware sculpture 1977 149 My exhibit consists of sixty-five sculptures cast in white earthenware clay. The work's original premise was a simple one: using the same six parts, a three and one half inch cube, two doll arms, two doll legs, and a baby's face, I set out to create ...