Sultana, Selima


There are 17 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Telecommuting satisfaction, lifestyle choice and geography 2007 6631 "With telecommuting becoming so popular and the technology that enables it becoming more advanced, is geography still important to innovation of the firm? Geography, along with satisfaction and telecommuting as a lifestyle choice, will be examined in...
Bus stop amenities and their relationship with ridership: a transportation equity approach 2011 3453 This thesis examines the spatial distributions of bus stop amenities from the perspectives of transportation equity to determine whether they are being located in areas where they are needed the most as well as to analyze their amenities or lack ther...
Edge cites revisited: the restless suburban landscape 2012 5414 Edge cities characterized by high wage office based industries are of particular interest to planners since they reflect the type of development often associated with economic growth in the suburban landscape, but not well understood as shown by the ...
Evaluating the potential locations for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD): a case study of Mecklenburg County, NC 2016 1346 The work described is aimed at developing a unique and modifiable model for analyzing transit system improvements, with specific emphasis on the concept of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD). In particular, the use of multiple variables that have bee...
Can Magnet School Performance and Student Body Family Income Be Predicted for Neighborhood Revitalization Purposes? 2008 2375 Poor-performing schools are consistently seen as a barrier to attracting middle and upper income families to center city neighborhoods. Although some strategies have used magnet schools to attract families to these locations, few have considered the ...
Immigrants and dynamics of spatial neighborhood change from 2000-2016: assessment from a lesser known gateway city, Greensboro, NC 2018 416 One of the overarching ambitions of urban geographers and planners is to understand the processes of neighborhood change over time and how it is shaped by race/ethnicity and economy. While there have been numerous studies on the impact of immigrants ...
High-speed rail in the United States: accessibility potential and spatial equity 2019 472 There is renewed interest in developing high-speed intercity passenger rail (HSIPR) in the United States, revitalizing a transport mode that has long since lost most intercity travelers to competing modes of transportation such as automobile and airp...
The geography of mobility and aging in community: a case study in Orcas Island, Washington 2015 985 The aging population is increasing across the U.S.A., especially on Orcas Island, Washington, where many choose to retire for its unique amenities. While independent travel mobility is an important issue for aging Americans since most drive and must ...
A geographic assessment of immigrants’ location patterns, segregation, and housing conditions in 21st century America: evidence from the Atlanta metropolitan statistical area 2017 619 Currently, approximately 35 million foreign-born people (about 12% of the U.S. population) live in the U.S., and the majority of recent immigrants are from less-developed regions, a trend that is projected to continue. Given the fact that immigrants ...
Towards a sustainable urban expansion: a case study of cities in Bangladesh 2021 215 The economic growth of Bangladesh over the last several decades has subsequently been followed by the rapid expansion of urban areas. Unfortunately, this expansion of the urban footprint has mostly occurred in an unplanned and chaotic manner through ...
Intentional urbanism : a study of the components of grid-layout cities through time 2023 136 This paper postulates that those responsible for the layout out of cities will take an approach that is recognizable across time and culture. The conditions that may result in a grid layout are: 1) An unconstrained site that is large enough to accomm...
The geography of non-employment income in the metropolitan Upper Great Plains: during the 2007-2008 recession 2013 848 Non-employment income (NEI), including investment income from sources such as stock dividends and transfer income from government programs such as Social Security, represents as much as Forty percent of total income in U.S. counties yet receives cons...
Human dynamics in the age of big data: a theory-data-driven approach 2019 406 The revolution of information and communication technology (ICT) in the past two decades have transformed the world and people’s lives with the ways that knowledge is produced. With the advancements in location-aware technologies, a large volume of d...
Craft beer landscapes of the American South : an examination of cultural economy and identity production 2023 415 The cultural and geographic diversity of the American South provides a unique case to investigate how Whiteness is anchored in the social and physical infrastructure of the craft beer industry. As a byproduct of critiques of Whiteness in the broader ...
Socially sustainable development: capturing Black voices for designing an appropriate livability index for the Black American community 2021 149 Urban development is a foundational field which has a direct impact on the quality of life for any individual inhabiting the area of development. Globally, there are many factors that are leveraged to weigh what constitutes just and equitable design,...
Urban expansion modeling using machine learning algorithms 2021 350 Modeling and simulating urban expansion is required for assessing and predicting the consequences of the current urban growth patterns. Given the dynamic and convoluted nature of the urban expansion process and the necessity of handling continuous an...
Space is freedom, place is security : an intersectional study of queer placemaking 2022 406 Residential distribution and location are subjects of interest to both social scientists and the lay person. This dissertation project quantitatively and qualitatively analyzes where same-sex households in the United States have been historically loc...