Romine, Scott


There are 18 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Hemingway's Mixed Drinks: An Examination of the Varied Representation of Alcohol Across the Author's Canon 2007 17932 The purpose of this research was to determine how alcohol functions in four main texts: The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, The Old Man and the Sea and In Our Time. Because of Ernest Hemingway's self-perpetuated image - as a literary celebrity, s...
"In a roundabout way": Evasive, Oblique and Indirect Discourse in Allen Tate, Tennessee Williams and Lewis Nordan 2007 6705 Allen Tate's The Fathers, Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie and A Streetcar Named Desire, and Lewis Nordan's Wolf Whistle represent a few of the numerous southern texts which demonstrate an historically evasive rhetorical style, particularly wh...
The Spark of the Text: Toward an Ethical Reading Theory for Traumatic Literature 2008 11630 This study examines the discursive act found in the writing and reading of trauma literature and argues for a theory of empathetic reading based on an ethical-aesthetic approach. An ethical-aesthetic approach offers an interpretive theory that examin...
Strange changes: cultural transformation in U.S. magical realist fiction 2008 8085 The focus of my dissertation is recent U.S. magical realism, more precisely, the cultural-ideological role the magic plays as a technique or effect fiction writers use to describe particular transformations characters undergo. Since critics have repe...
Tolkien's synthetic myth fantasy at the dawn of the global age ; and, Comic book cosmopolis : globalization and the superhero 2005 3159 " Written at the inception of the global age and despite privileging Western traditions, Tolkien's work displays an emergent global consciousness, one which emphasizes the role of local identity in global affairs and posits allegiance and cultural br...
1970's Southern rock and W.J. Cash's Hell uva fella 2007 4994 "1970's American Southern Rock was a musical phenomenon as unique, diverse, and dynamic as the politically and racially tumultuous region from which it hailed. This region has been portrayed in popular culture via a male stereotype that almost seven...
Reconsidering a reform novel: George Washington Cable and The Grandissimes 2009 5200 This paper is an assessment of George Washington Cable's 1880 novel The Grandissimes, its engagement with history and the logic of its racial poetics. Paying particular attention the text's black and mixed-blood characters, I argue that Cable's treat...
Love is always a cigar: Gatsby and Fight Club with recourse to freud AND Britney, Lolita, and the American morality fetish 2010 9244 This study seeks to trace the trajectory of American sexuality and gender identity as they relate to late capitalism. Meditating on the intertextuality of The Great Gatsby and Fight Club and on the cultural trajectory depicted in the novels, I will a...
Loosening the bible belt: the search for alternative spiritual narratives in the fiction of Randall Kenan, Lee Smith, and Ron Rash 2010 5460 In this project I argue for new readings of Randall Kenan's A Visitation of Spirits and "The Foundations of the Earth," Lee Smith's Saving Grace and On Agate Hill, and of Ron Rash's poetry, short fiction, and his novel Saints at the River as texts th...
Transferring cultures across imagined borders: a look at Quentin Compson and Martin Arrowsmith 2011 3469 The purpose of this thesis is to examine two of American modernism's more successful authors, and the unconventional pairing of two of their more recognized characters, in an attempt to provide a new regionalist argument for the rejection of socially...
Grave space: Mr. Shimerda’s suicide and the prairie in My Ántonia ; and, Is this still Shellmound?: the plantation’s troubled boundaries in Delta Wedding 2013 6037 Willa Cather's much beloved American classic, My Ántonia, is often celebrated for the triumphant story it tells about human resilience in the face of hardship. For every celebrated character, however, there are multiple others who succumb to the oner...
Reframing the plantation house: preservation critique in Southern literature 2015 4815 This dissertation contextualizes southern narrative critiques of plantation house preservation through the historic preservation movement, from its precursory development in the 1930s through today. Examining literary representations of plantation ho...
Pragmatism as a conceptual framework for Binx’s “search” in the Moviegoer. 2010 4091 I seek to show how Binx’s “search” serves as an example of intersubjectivity by challenging the scientific humanism prevalent in the mid 20th Century. Succinctly put, Binx challenges both the general and the localized versions of scientific humanism....
Literary historical relations in Cormac McCarthy's Blood meridian 2011 7179 The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of Samuel Chamberlain's My Confession and Herman Melville's Moby-Dick on Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian. Cormac McCarthy states that "books are made...
Entropy and equilibrium in Jean Toomer’s Cane AND The Peasant visionary, the dying God: sacrifice and rebirth in W. B. Yeats’s The wind among the reeds 2016 1114 My reading of Cane is based on Jean Toomer’s use of entropy and the second law of thermodynamics within the text in order to communicate his political aim of a racial equilibrium. Toomer uniquely defined his race as “purely American,” and this was th...
The racism of maternalism : Grace King’s feminine white supremacy AND Edna Pontellier’s hidden self : the queer possibilities of The Awakening 2022 175 Most of the scholarship about Grace King focuses on the subversion of patriarchy in her fiction. Thus, many scholars overlook the conservative aspects of King’s work, including her racism and support for the Lost Cause. I locate King within a traditi...
Nation, region, and power in the Southern abject heterotopia 2022 138 This dissertation is rooted in an inquiry into why images of the grotesque and abjection are not only intimately associated with the American South, but also why these images are so readily produced and embraced by its writers, politicians, and artis...
The language of an exploitive economy: centering women’s narratives in William Faulkner’s The sound and the fury AND Language and loss: modernity’s reckoning with failure in William Faulkner’s “A rose for Emily” 2019 1038 In this essay I will be focusing on William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury Jason Compson’s narrative section. Contained in his narration is a violent linguistic system that commodifies women, primarily his sister Caddy Compson and his niece Quenti...