Gupta, Sat


There are 9 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Modified binary randomized response technique models 2017 1545 Social Desirability Bias (SDB) is the tendency in respondents to answer questions untruthfully in the hope of giving good impression to others. SDB occurs when the survey question is highly sensitive or personal, and responses cause sample statistics...
Variations of the Greenberg Unrelated Question binary model 2018 2014 We explore different variations of the Greenberg Unrelated Question RRT model for a binary response (yes or no). In one variation, we allow m independent responses from each respondent. In another variation, we use inverse sampling where we record th...
Mean estimation of sensitive variables under measurement errors and non-response 2020 666 This study mainly consists of three important issues we face in survey sampling: social desirability bias, measurement errors, and non-response. In this dissertation, we study the mean estimation of a sensitive variable under measurement errors and n...
Variance estimation using Randomized Response Technique 2021 807 The aim of this dissertation is to study the problem of variance estimation for sensitive variables. The problem of variance estimation in the non-sensitive variable case has been well-explored by researchers. However, very little attention has been ...
Two-stage Optional Randomized Response Models. 2008 4807 Social desirability bias (SDB) is defined as a tendency in people to present themselves in a more socially acceptable light, when faced with sensitive questions. People with a higher degree of SDB tend to give answers that will make them look good ra...
Ratio estimation of the mean under RRT models 2016 3149 Ratio estimation is a parameter estimation technique that uses a known auxiliary variable that is correlated with the study variable. In many situations, the primary variable of interest may be sensitive and it cannot be observed directly. However, w...
A two-stage binary optional randomized response model 2012 3114 Social Desirability Bias (SDB) is the tendency in respondents to answer questions untruthfully in the hope of giving good impression to others. SDB occurs when the survey question is highly sensitive or personal, and responses cause sample statistics...
Generalized mixture estimators for the finite population mean 2016 2222 The first order approximation of the theoretical mean square error and assumption of bivariate normality are very often used for the ratio type estimators for the population mean and variance. We have examined the adequacy of the first order approxim...
Kernel density estimation using randomized response models 2024 46 The randomized response technique (RRT) was first introduced to estimate prevalence of sensitive characteristics for binary response variables. Extensions to quantitative variables using additive and/or multiplicative scrambling were later explored f...