Miller, Samuel


There are 18 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
A Comparison of the Motivations and Learning Strategies Employed by Adult Learners in Industrial Training Programs 2007 2718 Using the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (Pintrich, Smith, Garcia, and McKeachie, 1991) and supported by interviews with the participants, this study compared the learning strategies and motivations used by engineering students parti...
Bridging the Distance: How Social Interaction, Presence, Social Presence, and Sense of Community Influence Student Learning Experiences in an Online Virtual Environment 2007 11595 Online instruction has become part of the core of higher education and a voluminous literature has developed establishing that online instruction is just as effective as face-to-face learning. Simultaneously, however, pervasive reports of isolation a...
The Impact of an Interdisciplinary Seminar on First-Year University Students' Development of Personal Epistemology and Motivational and Strategic Components of Self-Regulated Learning 2008 5562 The study first sought to determine if students' self-reported scores on measures of personal epistemology and motivational and strategic components of self-regulated learning (a) changed over time and (b) were impacted by enrollment in an interdisci...
An Exploration of Elementary Preservice Teachers' Performance and Beliefs When Negotiating Reform-Based Mathematics Education 2008 3122 The purpose of this qualitative research study was to investigate the relationship between eight preservice teachers' participation and beliefs about their role as teachers in a reform-based mathematics methods course and the ways they performed, bel...
Parental involvement of families with limited financial resources: bridging home and school to positively impact academic achievement of struggling elementary readers 2010 3441 This two-phase mixed methods case study investigated the school based parental involvement of families with limited financial resources who have early grade children struggling with reading. Phase I details how the existing research on school-based p...
The effects of a constructivist learning environment on student cognition of mechanics and attitude toward science : a case study 1995 196 The purpose of this project was to examine the effects of a constructivist learning environment on student cognition of mechanics and attitude toward science compared to students enrolled in a traditional lecture course. The constructivist course uti...
A case study of the effects of learner-centered portfolio assessment on teachers' and students' views of literacy development 1996 506 This case study explores the effects of learner-centered portfolio assessment on teachers' and students' views of literacy development as an indicator of whether teaching, learning, and assessing work together to enhance beliefs and understandings. I...
If they lead, will we follow? an examination of fourth graders’ agency in literacy 2020 335 This study, an in-depth qualitative case study (Stake, 1995), framed with the theoretical tenets of situated learning (Lave & Wenger, 1991) focused on fourth-grade students’ experiences in literacy instruction that emphasized agency as a reform tool ...
Literacy practices and outcomes in kindergarten classrooms 2006 18017 "The purpose of this study was to examine current literacy instruction in kindergarten classrooms and the relationship between these practices and kindergarten student literacy outcomes. Quantitative measures of classroom practices and quantitative c...
The effects of self determination theory on learning and motivation of repeating students in a high school Earth Science classroom 2007 4164 "This study proposed that student motivation and learning in Earth Science can be enhanced if students are given the opportunity to experience autonomy, competency, and relatedness in the classroom. The study addressed the following research question...
Examining the beliefs and practices of successful teachers in a high poverty school 2014 8963 The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the beliefs and practices of successful teachers in a high poverty school. Specifically, this study examined the role of teacher beliefs and how these beliefs were enacted in the classroom. This mu...
Social integration, motivational orientation, and self-regulated learning strategies of online versus face-to-face theological seminary biblical language students 2006 2680 "The last few years have seen a flood of courses on the Internet in higher education. This increase has seen institutional stakeholders wrestle with decisions about committing funds, faculty, staff, and other resources to this new educational forum, ...
An Exploration of Thoughtfully Adaptive Teaching with Purposefully Selected Middle Grades Language Arts Teachers 2010 3220 This study of Thoughtfully Adaptive Teaching (TAT) was a replication of earlier research; variations explored the association of middle grade level TAT with reading comprehension with purposefully sampled Board Certified (BC) and non-BC teachers. It ...
An investigation of middle school teachers' thinking about motivation 2013 2028 Motivation is an important topic of concern for teachers. A review of motivation research, though, revealed that students have been the focus of motivation research. When teachers have been included in studies, researchers have asked teachers to eval...
Examining elementary literacy teachers' perceptions of their preparedness to implement the English language arts common core state standards 2014 3260 The purpose of this study was to examine elementary literacy teachers' perceptions of their preparedness to implement the English Language Arts Common Core State Standards (ELA CCSS). Preparedness was defined as teachers' perceived levels of knowledg...
Digging deeper: understanding non-proficient students through an understanding of reading and motivational profiles 2017 835 With the continued emphasis on accountability for students, schools are working to increase the reading academic performance of their non-proficient students. Many remedial approaches fail to identify the individual strengths and weaknesses and tend ...
Two teachers' thoughtful adaptations during Planning and instruction and the relationship to student agency & teacher visioning 2010 2570 Despite the appealing and intuitive nature of the writings about thoughtfully adaptive teaching, no one has systematically collected empirical evidence to support such claims (Duffy, Miller, Kear, Parsons, Davis, & Williams, 2008). In response to thi...
Teachers' adaptations during planning and instruction, their vision for teaching, and their students' understanding of reading comprehension 2011 3229 Thoughtfully adaptive teaching has long been thought to be an important component of teacher effectiveness, as well as being a logical and intuitively appealing idea (Anders et al., 2000; Hoffman & Pearson, 2000; Gambrell, Malloy, & Mazzoni, 2007; Sn...