Bardolph, Richard


There are 24 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Rural attitudes toward the negro in North Carolina, 1875-1900 1969 442 The "Redemption" years, 1876-1894, formed a buffer between the countervailing periods of Revolutionary Reconstruction and Reactionary White Supremacy. The years following the reestablishment of Home Rule were characterized by conservatism rather than...
G. C. Simkins et al. v. Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital et al. : a landmark decision 1969 1163 This thesis is a study of G. C. Simkins v. Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital, a civil rights case that originated in Greensboro, North Carolina. Although the courts had prohibited racial discrimination in a variety of institutions since the 1954 desegr...
Peter Doub 1796-1869 : his contribution to the religious and educational development of North Carolina 1969 660 For more than half a century, Peter Doub was identified with North Carolina Methodism, serving for many years as a circuit rider, a district superintendent, a Temperance lecturer, and ending his career as a Professor of Biblical Literature at Trinity...
A survey of duelling in the United States 1969 743 This thesis was undertaken to study duelling as an aspect of social history in the United States. The aim of the researcher was to go beyond mere chronicling of particular duels, in an effort to ascertain feelings and attitudes toward the practice. T...
The private war of General Sherman 1970 1231 Recognizing the growing interest in the psychological approaches to biographical studies, this thesis undertakes to examine the life of General William Tecumseh Sherman with an emphasis on its psychological components. An examination of his personal ...
The "Distinctive" South : forty-year quest for a regional mystique (1928-1968) 1970 419 This thesis purports to delineate certain factors in the Southern experience which have tended to render this region of the United States "distinctive"—resulting in a mystique which this writer, among many others, proposes is an actuality. The theori...
The development of the historiography of the Civil War 1950 2658 Of all the events in American life, none seems to have stimulated the production of a greater bulk of literature, historical or otherwise, than the Civil War. Aside from the inspiration afforded by the rather dramatic quality of the war itself, proba...
The American immigrant in fiction 1963 1036 People streamed from Europe driven to a new land by the lack of food and the lack of land, by the presence of peasant fears and the presence of racial and religious persecution, by the love of adventure and a plan for a richer life, by the hope for a...
The romantic spirit in American painting, 1800-1870 1964 346 The American colonies were settled by people from various European nations, beginning in the seventeenth century. The colonists came from different backgrounds and different cultures, but arrived with many of the same hopes and aspirations for a bett...
Bringing union to textiles : factors which aided and impeded the progress of unionism in the North Carolina textile industry 1962 438 From the momentum engendered by the Cotton Mill Campaign of the l880's to the creation of Burlington Industries in 1955 the history of cotton textiles has been one of major achievement in capitalization from meager financial resources, of erratic and...
The heart attack of President Dwight D. Eisenhower and its political implications for his candidacy for re-election 1967 772 Seldom has the nation been so preoccupied with an individual's personal decision as it was in late 1955 and early 1956 with the personal dilemma of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. In September, 1955, he had suffered a "moderate coronary thrombosis" w...
Harry S. Truman as an advocate of civil rights : politics or compassion? 1971 355 When Franklin Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945, the United States was emerging from her most debilitating war and seemed intent on "getting back to normal" as quickly as possible. Harry Truman was thrust into the presidency at the death of one of the...
Interpretations of Oliver Cromwell, 1647-1970 1971 1736 In 1658 Oliver Cromwell was buried in Westminster Abbey with more pomp and ceremony than had been given to any other Englishman except a king; two years later his body was exhumed, hanged, drawn, and quartered as if he had been a common thief or trai...
Coleman Livingston Blease, South Carolina politician 1971 1611 Coleman Livingston Blease was an active participant in South Carolina politics for over fifty years. From 1906 to 1938 he was a candidate for governor five times and the United States Senate five times. He was elected twice to the former and once to ...
Caswell County--the first century, 1777-1877 1972 3444 The purpose of this paper is to trace the historical development of Caswell County during its first century, from its establishment in 1777 to 1877. The act creating the county, important aspects of early Indian life, first settlements, and the growt...
A comparison of attitudes toward the Negro as pictured in the Raleigh News and Observer in the years 1905, 1930 and 1955 1972 521 It was the purpose of this study to investigate the changes in attitudes toward the Negro as pictured in the reporting and editorializing of the Raleigh News and Observer at twenty-five year intervals, 1905, 1930 and 1955. General studies of race rel...
The impeachment and trial of Governor William W. Holden, 1870-1871 1965 2334 William Woods Holden, in spite of his illegitimate birth into an environment of ignorance and poverty, became one of the most influential figures of North Carolina history. He was a key figure in the politics of his state from the time he became the ...
William W. Holden and the Standard : the Civil War years 1966 329 One of the most controversial Civil War political figures in North Carolina was William W. Holden, editor of the powerful Raleigh, North Carolina Standard, member consecutively of four political parties, and reconstruction governor of North Carolina....
The young republic's self-image during the administration of James Knox Polk : a study of the swift unfolding of America's sense of destiny and mission 1844-1849 1966 932 Those pioneers who first migrated to the New World in the seventeenth century brought with them a sense of specialty. They were not ordinary adventurers, no random sampling of those lands left behind. In fact, these people considered themselves sifte...
Marxist influences in the United States prior to 1900 1966 667 Marxian socialism was introduced to America in the 1850*s by German political refugees, among whom were Joseph Weydemeyer, Wilhelm Weitling, Friedrich Sorge, and Victor Berger. Early socialist organizations in America were ineffective and beset with ...
The Mississippi Democratic primary of July, 1946 : a case study 1967 643 The thesis illustrates the extreme hostility to the possibility of any change in the status quo of race relations that manifested itself in the Mississippi Democratic primary of 1946. It focuses primarily on the Senatorial campaign of that contest in...
Universal military training : some prevalent ideas behind the post-World War II debate 1967 305 One of the primary concerns of many Americans in the years immediately following World War II was the new international position of the United States. Prior to this time America had been able to remain somewhat aloof from many world problems. Secure...
The Negro and the struggle for equal opportunity in Greensboro, May-July, 1963 1970 218 This thesis deals with the reaction of Greensboro, North Carolina, to Negro demands for equal opportunity during the period May--July, 1963. During this three month period, blacks in the city had three main objectives: achieving equal employment oppo...
Toward workmen's compensation in North Carolina, 1913-1929 1969 446 This thesis is a history of the sixteen years of political activity which led to the passage of the state's first workmen's compensation law. The paper begins in 1913 with the introduction of the first compensation bill and concludes with the passage...