Appaneal, Renee


There are 4 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
An examination of sport commitment in collegiate athletes 2009 12900 Literature suggests that sport enjoyment is the greatest predictor of athletes' sport commitment (Scanlan et al., 1993a, 1993b; Carpenter et al., 1993). Research has also shown that satisfaction and involvement opportunities are the greatest predicto...
Considering intervention efficacy: the effect of a pre-shot routine on competitive youth golf performance 2010 6289 A pre-shot routine enables athletes to focus on well rehearsed cues (Schmidt & Pepper, 1998). Pre-shot routines are commonly discussed in golf literature as well as in consultation. Research on routines is scattered; a consistent line of inquiry has ...
The effect of hypothetical injury on collective efficacy in collegiate soccer teams 2011 2556 Injuries are common in collegiate sport, and most sport injury research has focused on the consequences of injuries for the individual athlete (e.g., stress, frustration, decreased confidence). Very little is known about how injury may impact the tea...
The Effects of Optimism, Coping Strategies, and the Sport Team Environment on College Adjustment 2008 5746 Research has shown that personality variables, such as optimism and coping, and integration into the college environment predict students' adjustment to college (Aspinwall & Taylor, 1992; Pascarella & Terenzini, 1975). However, none of the research a...