Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
Memory for prototypically consistent and inconsistent social actions |
1988 |
134 |
This study investigated the effects of retrieval context on memory for social actions which varied in their degree of consistency and inconsistency with established social prototypes. The pattern of recall of these actions was found to vary as a func... |
The effects of part set cuing on automatic and controlled processes |
1995 |
203 |
Past studies of part set cue inhibition have provided little clue as to the possible relationship between this effect and controlled/conscious and automatic memory processes. In this study, an attempt to link directly the inhibitory effect of part se... |
Directed forgetting in a proactive interference paradigm |
2006 |
1602 |
"One explanation of the benefit of directed forgetting is the reduction of proactive interference (PI) from the first list during encoding of the next list. To explore this possibility, I used a forget instruction in a release from PI paradigm. The ... |
Convergent elaboration : equating the mnemonic value of provided and generated words and images |
1990 |
195 |
Three incidental-learning procedures tested the hypothesis that the picture superiority, imagery, and generation effects each depend on the convergence of elaboration on the target concept rather than on the extent of elaboration. Undergraduates saw ... |
The effect of semantic encoding on unconscious retrieval processes |
1990 |
202 |
The purpose of the present research was to investigate the conditions under which unconscious retrieval processes would show sensitivity to semantic encoding operations. In three experiments, subjects studied word-lists either semantically or non-sem... |