Knapp, Paul


There are 15 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Tree-Ring Based Reconstruction of Multi-Year Summer Droughts in Piedmont and Coastal Plain Climate Divisions of the Southeastern U.S., 1690-2006 2008 4340 The development of summer drought reconstructions for 12 Piedmont and Coastal Plain climate divisions in the southeastern U.S. from existing and original tree-ring chronologies is described. The drought metric reconstructed is the Palmer Meteorologic...
Geospatial analysis of mean sensitivity in Pinus strobus 2011 1860 The dendrochronological statistic mean sensitivity quantifies the environmental stress experienced by trees; however, researchers have not applied mean sensitivity to interpretations of macroclimatic tolerance, because, in the southwestern United Sta...
Beekeepers' gold: reconstructing tupelo honey yield in northwest Florida using Nyssa ogeche tree-ring data 2012 8220 This dissertation contains three manuscripts that have been either submitted to or accepted by peer-reviewed academic journals. I first examine the U.S. honey industry to determine how the industry is responding to the current multiple challenges fac...
Examining the utility of using multiple, co–occurring tree species to increase climate sensitivity in dendrochronology 2019 358 Dendrochronological studies have traditionally centered around the analysis of one tree species from either one location or from multiple locations. Recently, there has been an emergence of multiple species analysis from one location or more that see...
Comparing growth and morphological characteristics of North Carolina Longleaf Pine stands 2013 1816 This thesis examines radial growth, morphological characteristics, and mean sensitivity among six longleaf pine tracts in North Carolina. The six sites, two from each of the three physiographic regions within the longleaf pine range (Piedmont, Sandhi...
Examining Longleaf Pine spectral properties to remotely map relict stands in Central North Carolina 2017 475 This thesis has been prepared as a manuscript for submission and potential publication in a peer-reviewed academic journal. This thesis investigates the unique spectral reflectance properties of 109 “montane” longleaf pine canopies (Pinus palustris M...
The utility of using sugar maple tree-ring data to reconstruct maple syrup production in New York 2011 10203 Maple syrup production is both an economically and culturally important industry in the northeastern U.S., and the commercial harvest of the temperature-sensitive sap has occurred for several centuries. A significant decline in maple syrup yield has ...
Influence of edaphic conditions on seasonal and annual temperature trends in the North Carolina Piedmont Region: 1988-2017 2019 214 This project used climate and soil data to determine if significant relationships between soil type and air temperature trends in the North Carolina Piedmont area occurred during 1988 to 2017. In pursuit of that, this project examined the average max...
Tropical cyclone frequency inferred from intra-annual density fluctuations in longleaf pine 2019 411 I present a new method for identifying historic tropical cyclone activity utilizing frequencies of intra-annual density fluctuations in longleaf pine in western Florida. In addition, in this work I provide information about the causal factors that de...
Dendroarchaeology and the dating of historic farm buildings on the Summers’ farm, Summerfield, NC 2019 644 This dendroarchaeological study determined the age of a historic building on the Summers’ Farm in Summerfield, North Carolina. Several historic buildings associated with 19th century tobacco farming remain in the Piedmont region of North Carolina. Ho...
Aspect affects radial growth rates of shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) under 21st Century warming conditions : a case study in the Uwharrie Mountains, North Carolina, USA 2023 112 This study examined the influence of significant 21st-century warming on the radial growth patterns of shortleaf pine growing on adjacent north- and south-facing slopes (hereafter NS and SS), in the Uwharrie Mountains of North Carolina, USA. Using tw...
The ecological legacy of the naval stores industry in North Carolina 2013 3748 Remnant longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) showing scars caused by the turpentine industry are scattered throughout remaining stands of old-growth longleaf in North Carolina. This thesis uses radial growth and morphological characteristics to exam...
Longleaf pine masting, climate variability, and tick-borne disease prevalence in the Southeastern U.S. 2017 934 This dissertation consists of three manuscripts that have been prepared for or accepted by peer-reviewed academic journals. I first examined the relationship between longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) mast (i.e., cone crop) and radial growth at th...
Loblolly pine traumatic resin ducts serve as a proxy for cool-season storm events at Nags Head, North Carolina, USA 2021 295 I present a method for identifying and recording cool-season weather events along northern coastal North Carolina, USA using the frequency of traumatic resin ducts (TRDs) formation in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) earlywood tree samples that occur i...
Age-related morphology of montane populations of shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) and longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) in the Uwharrie Mountains, North Carolina, USA 2021 302 I present a study that attempts to quantify the relationship between morphological characteristics and tree age in the montane variant of common southeastern U.S. species of pine trees in the Uwharrie Mountains of North Carolina, USA. I collected one...