Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
Quantification of select cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in Piedmont North Carolina lakes using real-Time PCR |
2014 |
1130 |
Cyanobacteria species are distributed worldwide and extensive growth can result in cyanotoxin production, hypoxic zones, human health risk, and mortality of fish, domesticated animals, invertebrates, and plants. Better analytical tools can help water... |
Abundance of select cyanobacteria in six piedmont North Carolina lakes |
2014 |
1702 |
The abundance of eleven cyanobacteria operational taxonomic units (OTUs) was assessed in six Piedmont North Carolina Lakes using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reactions (qPCR). Lakes (including five drinking water reservoirs) were sampled 1... |
Effect of low level fertilization on microplankton in Arctic LTER lakes |
2006 |
1538 |
"Many studies have examined the effects of high level nutrient additions (up to 10x ambient loading rate) to lake ecosystems. This study examined microplankton response to low-level nitrogen and phosphorus additions (nominally 2X ambient loading rat... |
A comparison of small subunit 16S ribosomal DNA recombinant plasmid clone libraries from High Point City Lake, NC |
2006 |
1765 |
"Studies of aquatic communities represent a unique method of monitoring the health of water resources. High Point City Lake small subunit 16S ribosomal DNA clone libraries were compared across small spatial and temporal scales. This study used polyme... |
Detecting a microbial response in sediment of the Dan River following a coal ash spill |
2019 |
406 |
Coal ash is the residual material of coal combustion for electricity generation. It contains heavy metals and other pollutants and is generally deposited into reservoir ponds for storage, although it may spill or leach into nearby water and possibly ... |
Developing real-time PCR to identify cyanobacteria populations in lakes |
2011 |
5756 |
The objective of this project was to develop and test primers for real-time PCR analysis of cyanobacteria. Primers were developed using an existing set of sequence libraries from the variable regions of the 16S rDNA for specific operational taxonomic... |
Biogeography: do microbes have it? |
2011 |
1548 |
The purpose of this study was to use an empirical approach to assess microbial biogeography in freshwater lakes. The targeted, empirical approach was pursued in this work to 1) understand if the census-based methods are under-representing microbes in... |
Methanogens and methane oxidizing bacteria in forested, urban unrestored, and urban restored streams |
2013 |
1037 |
Microbial methanogenesis, carried out by methanogens, and methane oxidation, carried out by methanotrophs, are integral parts of the carbon cycle and global climate change. These two processes have received attention in recent years in aquatic system... |