Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
Promotion of physical activity in physical therapy practice within North Carolina |
2020 |
526 |
Physical inactivity has been established as one of the most important issues affecting health-related quality of life. In contrast, participation in regular physical activity has been shown to be one of the most effective interventions to treat and p... |
The impact of high intensity training on fitness of middle school students |
2020 |
291 |
Fitness of youth is on the decline in the United States. Students entering middle school see a steady decline from fifth grade through the end of high school. The decline in fitness is contributing to declining health. The problem is so widespread, i... |
Community college physical education faculty perspectives about teaching students with physical disabilities |
2020 |
488 |
Higher education physical education programs and courses are in a unique position to help all students, including those with disabilities, meet the recommended levels of physical activity (Stapleton, Taliaferro, & Bulger, 2017). Since promoting physi... |
The effects of an in-school physical activity program on school improvement |
2020 |
423 |
Middle Schools in the Richmond County, NC school district are required to develop school improvement plans (SIPs) to address the needs of each school according to national, state, and local initiatives. Ellerbe Middle School was no exception. One of ... |
Approaching adolescent movement quality in physical education |
2020 |
388 |
Musculoskeletal pain and injury experienced by adolescents leads to behavioral, physical, and psychological consequences. Adolescents with recurrent pain are also more likely to carry these issues into adulthood. Dysfunctional movement, a suggested c... |
The value of subjective measures in training load quantification and injury incidence in intercollegiate male soccer players |
2020 |
504 |
The purpose of this study was to examine the value of self-report rating of perceived exertion (RPE) measures as indicators of workload and potential injury incidence. Participants were one Division I intercollegiate male soccer team (n=28) from a Mi... |
A comparison of medical care between athletic trainers and first responders at North Carolina High School Athletic Association member schools |
2020 |
891 |
Despite the recommendation of the American Medical Association, National Federation of High School Athletic Associations, and the National Athletic Trainers’ Association for secondary schools to employ athletic trainers (ATs), only 37% of public seco... |
The relationship between physical fitness and academic achievement among 4th and 5th grade boys and girls from high and low-poverty schools |
2018 |
855 |
This study examined the relationship between fitness (cardiorespiratory endurance) and academic achievement (North Carolina End-of-Grade Math and Reading Assessments) in 4th and 5th grade boys and girls from high and low-poverty schools (N=2194). The... |
Pedagogical strategies for delivering the teaching games for understanding model to preservice teachers’ with diverse socialization orientations |
2018 |
316 |
The aims of this study were to investigate the influence of occupational socialization on preservice teachers’ (PTs’) orientations, and to identify how this orientation influenced their delivery of the Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) model. P... |
Teaching strategies and their impact on physical activity intensity in elementary school physical education |
2018 |
592 |
The project’s purpose was to determine the class time students spent at moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) levels during 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade physical education class, the extent to which teachers are implementing effective teaching str... |
Effects of the functional fitness at home program on physical activity and functional fitness in older adults |
2022 |
427 |
Functional fitness and physical activity participation are essential to promote successful aging and quality of life in older adults. The Functional Fitness at Home program is a virtual program that uses physical function assessments and behavior cha... |
The prevalence of simulation technology in athletic training clinical education |
2022 |
161 |
Athletic training clinical education is the most integral component in the transition into practice. However, barriers within clinical education exist, which may affect athletic training students' professional preparedness. Simulation technology, wit... |
Active learning in the kinesiology classroom : faculty perceptions and needs |
2023 |
356 |
Lecture-only style teaching where a teacher delivers content and students are tested on the retained information is the predominant approach in higher education. Alternatively, active learning is an instructional method in which students become engag... |
Knowledge and use of the therapeutic relationship in physical therapy |
2024 |
62 |
Chronic low back pain is a common problem, and the consequences of this condition can affect every aspect of one’s life. Therefore, a biopsychosocial (BPS) treatment model that addresses the biological, psychological, and social factors that can infl... |
Burnout in college football players : prevalence and change over a competitive season |
2024 |
104 |
College athletes often experience burnout related to the high demands of academics and their sport. As a result of these demands, they face potential stressors which influence their overall level of wellness, including symptoms of burnout. Despite th... |
Flipping the PE classroom to increase physical activity |
2021 |
427 |
The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which a flipped classroom of online programming in physical education would increase classroom moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA). In addition, this project sought student perception... |
Improving kinesiology student success in mixed-major biology courses : a case study exploring faculty perspectives of differentiating instruction based on career pathway |
2022 |
308 |
Mixed-major biology courses are often utilized by kinesiology programs to provide essential foundational material to prepare students for higher-level courses within kinesiology. There has been an increase in overall kinesiology students in these mix... |
Mentorship through exercise : a timely intervention for well-being in college students |
2023 |
346 |
The mental health and well-being of college students is a public health crisis that colleges and universities can address with a variety of approaches. The Mentorship through Exercise Program (MEP) at a large university in the Southeastern United Sta... |
Why those with chronic low back pain engage in physical activity |
2024 |
63 |
Low back pain is the leading worldwide cause of years lost to disability and is a very common type of chronic pain. Exercise has been shown to be an effective treatment in the management of chronic low back pain (CLBP). While exercise has been shown ... |
The impact of teacher education, administrative support, and teacher self-efficacy on using movement in the elementary classroom |
2020 |
376 |
Elementary students spend 7 to 8 hours in school for approximately 175 days of the year. Despite knowing that physical activity can aid in academic success and benefit the overall health of children, it is not widely used in schools outside of physic... |
Implementation of the flipped classroom to improve student engagement, academic success, and overall course satisfaction |
2020 |
648 |
Historically, the lecture-based course delivery format has been the standard method of teaching across most college campuses. While this was once an effective approach for previous generations, it is now understood that this format creates a stale le... |
Employee wellness programs : why employees choose to participate |
2023 |
671 |
The rising cost of healthcare and decline in the overall workforce health and wellness is a serious concern for employers. A healthy workforce is critical to the overall mission of an organization and the individual employees’ quality of life. One pr... |