Willett, Michael


There are 6 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Two-dimensional grid grammars 1977 229 Everyone has an intuitive understanding of the concept of an algorithm. It is generally agreed that an algorithm, or effective procedure, is a finite set of instructions which meet certain requirements. All instructions must be unambiguous and must n...
Theory of computation and computing machines 1974 168 At the turn of the century, David Hilbert, a famous mathematician and leader of the formalist school, was convinced of the existence of an algorithm for establishing the consistency or inconsistency of any mathematical system. Kurt Gödel [2] showed i...
Simulation of a communications system with error correction 1974 166 Communication theory is concerned with the modeling and analysis of any communications system, a vehicle through which information Is transmitted. There are different types of communication, such as speech, telephone conversations, radio, storage dev...
Experiments with finite state machines 1975 223 The purpose of this study is to introduce and illustrate the various types of experiments with finite state machines. A finite state machine is an abstract object composed of a finite number of input, output and state symbols. The behavior of the mac...
Second order predictor-corrector pairs 1976 365 The purpose of this study is to introduce multistep methods for approximating the solutions of ordinary differential equations and to study the general convergent, second order, predictor-corrector pair. Given the values of a solution function, eithe...
Minimum distance bounds for error-correcting codes 1977 200 Communication is the transmission of information from a source to a receiver (destination). Human speech, telephone conversations, high frequency radios, and space communication links each involve communication. In each case information is passed fro...