Taylor, Martha


There are 6 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Dietary adherence among older community living adults in central North Carolina to specific dietary recommendations of the 2005 dietary guidelines for Americans 2007 2075 "The Dietary Guidelines for Americans identify dietary recommendations designed to prevent and/or manage chronic disease among all persons two years of age and older. This study sought to determine dietary adherence among a convenience sample of comm...
Dairy Products Consumption in African American Women at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes Participating in a Nutrition and Lifestyle Education Program 2008 3522 The objective of this study was to investigate the consumption of dairy products in a sample of African American women at risk for type 2 diabetes, and participating in the D.R.E.A.M. study, a pilot feasibility study to evaluate the effectiveness of ...
Development and implementation of nutrition education classes and cooking sessions into an existing life skills program for young mothers at the YWCA of Greensboro, NC 2012 5870 The overall aim of this two-part study was to develop and implement nutrition education classes and cooking sessions that would improve nutrition knowledge, cooking knowledge, self-efficacy towards cooking and healthy eating, and food choices of adol...
Perceived nonfinancial barriers to maternity services in Guilford County by African American pregnant women 1996 292 The purpose of this study was to identify perceived barriers which prevented African American pregnant women from accessing and utilizing maternity services in Guilford County. Fifteen African American postpartum women who received four or less prena...
The implementation and evaluation of a church-based, peer-delivered nutrition and lifestyle education program for African American women at risk for type 2 diabetes 2011 2487 Diet, physical activity, and body weight are modifiable lifestyle factors for which modest improvements have been shown to reduce risk for development of Type 2 diabetes mellitus. However, increasing rates of disease suggest that large segments of th...
Impact of tomato juice on radiation side effects and select inflammatory mediators in prostate cancer patients undergoing intensity modulated radiation therapy 2011 7181 This pilot study assessed tolerance of different volumes of processed tomato juice consumed daily and its impact on serum lycopene, selected serum inflammatory mediator levels and radiation-induced side effects in men with localized prostate cancer u...