O'Brien, Marion


There are 9 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Maternal Socialization of Children's Emotion Knowledge 2008 2878 The relations between family emotional expressiveness and children's emotion knowledge were examined. Participants were 258 3.5-year-old children whose emotional knowledge was assessed; mothers reported on their emotion socialization practices and mo...
The relations between social class, maternal values of self-direction and conformity, and child persistence. 2008 3995 The purpose of this study was to extend the understanding of contextual factors that are associated with children's motivational development in early childhood. The study examined the relations between family social class, maternal values of self-dir...
Cognitive and emotional constructs and their relation to empathy in young children 2005 1894 "The relations among psychological constructs and empathy were examined using a social information processing perspective. Data were collected on 5-year-old children's emotion regulation, cognitive inhibition, affective perspective-taking, conceptual...
The role of gender and social class in parent-child communication 2005 2016 "This study focuses on the interactions between parents and children, which are anticipated to influence both participants' understanding of gender and social class. Conversations between parents and children were transcribed and coded for 40 dyads, ...
Mediational Pathways to Moral Reasoning: Quality of the Mother-Child Relationship, Cognitive Support, and Children's Emotion Regulation and Executive Functioning 2008 2575 The relations among children's moral reasoning, emotion regulation, executive planning abilities, quality of the mother-child relationship, and cognitive support and stimulation provided by parents, were examined in 87 10-year-old children. Theoretic...
Parent-child conflict style: associations with family stress and vulnerability 2011 9814 Recent evidence has suggested that conflict between parents and children is not always detrimental to children's well-being; parent-child conflict can be beneficial to children's problem-solving ability and social skills when it occurs in the context...
Motivation at preschool age and subsequent school success: role of supportive parenting and child temperament 2012 5538 Children's motivation has been identified by prior research as a predictor of academic achievement, but motivation in preschool age remains largely understudied. The present study examined the role of motivation at preschool age as a process mechanis...
Exploring the parenting beliefs of substance abusing women 2009 2378 This study explores the parenting beliefs of substance abusing women. Extant research on substance abusing women clearly demonstrates factors that interrupt the development of appropriate parent-child relationships including poor models of parenting,...
The relation of chronic stress during middle childhood to allostatic load in adolescence 2014 2334 The association between stress and illness is well recognized. One recently proposed pathway between these constructs is the Allostatic Load framework, which is a biological-process model in which chronic stress is linked to physiological dysregulati...