Sahakyan, Lili


There are 6 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Investing the "time" in time-based prospective memory 2011 2732 Time-based (TB) prospective memory tasks require the estimation of time in passing - known as prospective timing. Prospective timing is said to depend on an attentionally-driven internal clock mechanism, and is thought to be unaffected by memory for ...
Can you Forget what you Believe? Directed Forgetting of Attitude Information 2007 1589 Research shows that people can intentionally forget previously learned information when instructed to do so - known as the directed forgetting effect (for a review, see MacLeod 1998). The current experiments investigated intentional forgetting of sel...
Individual differences in forgetting strategies 2008 2522 Two experiments employed a combination of item method and list method directed forgetting methodologies (Bjork, LaBerge, & Legrand, 1968). Participants studied two lists of items, half of which were subsequently cued to-be-forgotten (TBF) or to-be-re...
Beliefs about item memorability affect metacognitive control in item-method directed forgetting 2012 1814 Across six experiments, I examined the role of metacognitive control in item-method directed forgetting. In Experiment 1, participants studied loud and quiet items, which were subsequently cued as to-be-remembered (TBR) or to-be-forgotten (TBF). Typi...
The effect of context-change on retrospective time estimates 2014 1163 Research using the list before last paradigm demonstrates that retrieval of a previously learned list (L0) between encoding of two other lists (L1 and L2) leads to forgetting of L1 -- an effect attributed to internal context-change (e.g., Jang & Hube...
The effect of list two length on context information in list-method directed forgetting 2012 960 The current study investigated the claim that in list-method directed forgetting, List 2 must be as long as List 1 in order to obtain directed forgetting (Pastötter & Bäuml, 2010). Participants studied two lists of words for a later memory test, and ...