Duffy, Liam


There are 6 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
A new crossed molecular beam apparatus for the study of the Cl + O3 reaction probed via direct absorption of millimeter/submillimeter-waves 2012 5774 For decades, molecular beam scattering experiments have been used to understand the forces and dynamics that are involved in chemical reactions at the quantum mechanical level. Using millimeter/submillimeter-waves the dynamics for the scattering of a...
New instrument for probing the pure rotational spectroscopy of cold molecules produced via "billiard-like" scattering 2012 1972 Laser cooling of molecules has proved problematic due to their complex internal structure. Several alternative methods have been developed to cool molecules into the same temperature ranges previously attained using laser cooling methods on atoms. On...
Constructing velocity distributions in crossed-molecular beam studies using fourier transform doppler spectroscopy 2012 4521 The goal of our scattering experiments is to derive the distribution the differential cross-section and elucidate the dynamics of a bimolecular collision via pure rotational spectroscopy. We have explored the use of a data reduction model to directly...
Crossed molecular beam study of X + O3 (X= Br and I) and O(1D) + X (X= Br2, I2, CHCl3, N2O) reactions via milimeter and sub-milimeter wavelength spectroscopy 2014 1621 The use of scattering experiments in atmospheric studies has proved useful in understanding the dynamics of the catalytic ozone destruction cycle. By using millimeter and sub-millimeter wavelengths, we can probe bimolecular reaction systems for trans...
Design of a stark microchip 2015 2061 The possibility of constructing scalable quantum computation systems in the near future is quite intriguing. Emergent systems based on polar molecules as qubits and quantum gates are considered among the most promising candidates. Controlled loading ...
Molecular dynamics of O(1D) + CCl4 ? ClO + CCl3 probed by cavity-enhanced sub-THz spectroscopy 2020 258 The UV photodissociation of ozone in the atmosphere is known to result in highly reactive oxygen atoms in their excited O(1D) electronic state. Subsequent collisions of these atomic radicals with other atmospheric constituents frequently occur withou...