Baker, Levi


There are 5 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Perceiving greater commitment increases selfish behaviors among disagreeable people 2022 270 Perceiving that a partner is highly committed tends to benefit close relationships. However, there may be drawbacks to perceiving that a partner is committed. Considering high commitment may signal that a partner is unlikely to leave the relationship...
Comparing the Marital Problems of Spouses Who Met Online vs. Offline 2021 303 Online dating has become a popular way for people to find potential romantic partners and even spouses. Previous research has shown that marriages that begin online are associated with greater satisfaction and less likely to end in separation or divo...
An examination of devaluation of alternatives beyond physical attractiveness 2022 181 Individuals in romantic relationships often encounter threats to the longevity of their current romantic relationship, such as noticing attractive alternative partners. To protect against such threats, committed individuals engage in a devaluation pr...
Examining the association between gratitude and sexual communal strength 2019 532 Maintaining sexual satisfaction is a critical, yet challenging, aspect of most romantic relationships. Sexual communal strength (SCS)—i.e., the extent to which people are motivated to be non-contingently responsive to their partners’ sexual needs—acc...
Navigating sexual challenges across relationship development 2022 381 A satisfying sexual relationship is critical for maintaining individual and relationship well-being, yet is difficult to maintain over time. Indeed, many people will inevitably face sexual challenges over the course of a relationship that threaten th...