Borders , L. DiAnne


There are 47 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
A Work Behavior Analysis of Executive Coaches. 2008 7499 The term "executive coaching" recently has come into counseling parlance and is used to describe an intervention or set of interventions offered by a professional, the executive coach, to a managerial or executive client (Douglas & Moorely, 2000; Har...
Special Needs Adoptive Families: A Study of Social Supports and Family Functioning 2008 4027 As a result of recent federal initiatives, more children have become available for adoption, and many of these children enter their new families with a variety of "special needs." Special needs adoptees have been defined as "children who have experie...
College-going beliefs of prospective first-generation college students : perceived barriers, social supports, self-efficacy, and outcome expectations 2005 11629 " Approximately 27% of all graduating high school seniors are prospective first-generation college students. First-generation college students are defined as those whose parents have no formal education beyond high school. Unfortunately, most of the ...
School Environment and Coping Resources: A Predictive Model of School Counselor Burnout 2005 6741 "The relationship of school environment and counselor coping resources to school counselor burnout was investigated in this dissertation study by testing a hypothesized path model among a sample of school counselors certified in North Carolina and cu...
Adult daughters of divorce : relationships among mother-daughter dynamics and daughter views toward and exploration strategies of marriage 2006 13399 "Daughters of divorce are at higher risk of getting divorced than sons of divorce. Researchers have found that positive relationships between adult offspring of divorce (AOD) and their parents buffer AOD from some long-term effects of parental divor...
Counselor cognitive complexity : instrument development and validation 2007 3071 "Because issues in counseling are often complex, it is difficult for counselors to accurately understand their clients' needs. A counselor's understanding is limited by his or her ability to recognize relevant client variables and comprehend their in...
Addressing the Professional Development Awareness Needs of School Counselors regarding English Language Learners (ELLs): Using the School Cultural Capital Game to Enhance Level of Self-Efficacy with ELLs and Attitudes toward Immigrants 2010 6247 Close to 4.6 million public school students receive English Language Learner (ELL) services (Kindler, 2002). In addition to educational gaps that exist between ELLs and their non-ELL peers, ELLs often experience significant barriers to academic succe...
"Tell Me What Your God Look Like": A Study of African Americans and the God-Image. 2010 6048 The purpose of this research study was to investigate the Image of God and Racial Identity of African American attendees of Black Churches in rural areas, where religious activity is said to permeate everyday life (Hunt & Hunt, 2001). Eight African A...
Acculturation and psychosocial adjustment of African adolescent refugees in the United States: the role of social support 2011 5105 The ongoing wars around the world have led to an ever increasing exodus of refugee populations for resettlement in developed countries, including the U.S. Importantly, it has been estimated that the bulk of these refugees in resettlement countries ar...
The role of mindfulness in clinical supervision 2011 6586 This study explored the construct of mindfulness within the context of clinical supervision. A review of the relevant literature revealed common elements between higher levels of mindfulness and effective supervision, such as strong working alliance ...
International supervisors' social influence, self-efficacy, and acculturation in cross-cultural dyads of clinical supervision 2009 5599 Supervisors' cultural backgrounds can influence supervision content, process, and outcomes (Bernard & Goodyear, 2004; Brown & Brown-Landrum, 1995). Although the empirical literature on multicultural supervision has greatly increased in recent years (...
Making meaning of refugee resettlement experiences: the acculturation attitudes of Liberian women 2009 4513 The adjustment and acculturation process of single Liberian mothers resettled as refugees in the United States was examined in this qualitative study. Liberian experiences largely have been left out of refugee studies, a field that recently has taken...
Racial microaggressions, racial identity, and working alliance in cross-racial counseling supervision relationships between Black supervisors and White supervisees 2011 10963 Racial microaggressions, a term that evolved from Pierce's (1970, 1978) research in the field of media studies, are subtle, yet offensive behaviors steeped in stereotypes of people of color (POC). These brief acts may not be intentional in nature, bu...
Development and validation of the Crowell-Lowery multicultural training reactance scale (CL-MTRS) 2011 3202 The absence of empirical research on strategies for addressing multicultural resistance is due, in part, to the lack of available measures of the construct. The purpose of this study was to redefine multicultural resistance by utilizing Brehm's theor...
Mapping expert supervisors' cognitions 2012 2903 Since the essential role of counseling supervision for counselor growth and effectiveness was emphasized in several seminal articles in the 1980s (Blocher, 1983; Loganbill, Hardy, & Delworth, 1982), many researchers have investigated the complex fact...
Anything you can do I can do better: an exploration of the experiences and perceptions of drinking and gender identity in the drinking choices of college women 2012 160 College drinking is a focus of national attention due to its widespread impact on academic, social, interpersonal, and health domains of student life. Although men have historically had higher rates of drinking than women, college is a developmental ...
Counselors' attributions of blame toward female survivors of battering 2012 3975 Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a social problem that affects roughly 5.3 million women in the U.S. each year, accounts for 1,300 deaths, and often results in a number of physical and mental health consequences. Many women seek counseling as a way...
Matters of resilience: mattering relationships and renegotiated masculinity in resilient college males with histories of child sexual abuse 2012 3626 Reticence of child sexual abuse (CSA) survivors to disclose abuse is well documented (Alaggia, 2004). One particularly silent group throughout the course of CSA research has been males (Finkelhor, 1983; Hopper, 2010; Watkins & Bentovim, 1992). As a r...
The relationship between trauma, social support, and postdeployment reintegration among warriors of the Iraq and Afghanistan Conflicts 2016 1246 The impact of service-related trauma on those returning from deployment remains a considerable issue among United States service members. While some veterans experience few to no setbacks upon homecoming, many service members struggle to reintegrate ...
Black students “at promise” for high school graduation: a Black scholar identity scale 2017 924 Between 2010 and 2015, Black students’ high school graduation rates rose from 67 to 75 percent (Garunay, 2016). These are notable gains; however, the national average is 83 percent, constituting an educational gap. Moreover, research indicates that B...
Setting the stage for culturally responsive counseling: an experimental investigation of White counselors broaching race and racism 2018 2678 Through professional advocacy, counselors created a mandate to provide accessible, culturally responsive services to all clients, particularly clients from traditionally underserved racial/ethnic minority groups. Existing research demonstrates the me...
An exploration of the impact of attachment, parental meta-emotion, and emotion regulation in adoptive families 2018 1075 Due to being at risk for a number of unfavorable environmental factors (Barcons, Abrines, Brun, Sartini, Fumadó, & Marre, 2014), adopted children have an increased likelihood of developing social, emotional, cognitive, and attachment issues (Rushton,...
Memorable messages that shape student-athletes’ perceptions of seeking mental health services 2019 1026 Student-athletes encounter a series of unique stressors associated with their athletic status that can compromise their well-being (Beauchemin, 2012; Brown et al., 2014; Parham, 1993; Valentine & Taub, 1999). There is evidence to suggest that demands...
Exploring counselors’ use of research in practice: a CQR study 2019 1270 Research is a fundamental part of the counseling field that both informs practice and enhances and unifies the profession (Kaplan & Gladding, 2011; Kaplan, Tardyvas, & Gladding, 2014; Steele & Rawls, 2015). Counselors are encouraged by the American C...
Development and validation of the dynamic leadership in counseling scale – self report 2015 2688 Leadership is an important factor in the ongoing success of the profession of counseling. Current issues such as professional identity, counselor education standards, licensure portability, international expansion of the profession, and advocacy init...
Lived experiences of international graduate students of color and their cultural capital: a critical perspective 2019 938 This study explored the acculturative experiences of international graduate students of Color. Current literature on international students’ acculturative experiences is predominantly limited to students’ perceived inadequacies (e.g., language skills...
Gender role conflict and coping : a preliminary investigation of college males 1996 367 This study investigated differences in coping strategies between college males with high and low gender role conflict, as measured by the Gender Role Conflict Scale (GRCS). Emotion-focused and problem-focused coping strategies of men, as assessed by ...
Measuring the effectiveness of “the major decision”: a career counseling group for undecided and re-deciding first year, first-generation college students 2014 1961 Researchers have reported that the graduation and retention rate of students whose parents do not hold college degrees (first-generation college students or FGCS) are lower than that of their peers whose parents do hold college degrees. FGCS are 1.3 ...
Preparing school counselor leaders: an intervention study with first-year school counseling students 2019 1117 Advocates for the school counseling profession have called for school counselors to become leaders in their schools (e.g., Bemak, 2000; Campbell & Dahir, 1997; House & Sears, 2002). However, evidence suggests that school counselors are not getting en...
Beyond the Bem Sex-Role Inventory : a reconceptualization of the constructs of "masculinity" and "femininity" and a reexamination of their measurement 1996 290 Current methods of assessing femininity and masculinity reinforce stereotypical gender roles by continuing to label certain characteristics as "feminine" or "masculine." The assessment of femininity and masculinity in terms of stereotypical gender ro...
Volunteers in mental health service programs : a work behavior analysis 1994 187 The Volunteer Work Behavior Questionnaire was developed and administered to volunteers in mental health service programs represented by hospice, crisis, and family service agencies in an effort to identify work behaviors of volunteers. Frequency, imp...
Factors influencing lesbians' direct disclosure of their sexual orientation 1993 1002 The major purposes of this study were to investigate premises regarding self-disclosure as proposed in theories of homosexual development, to gather baseline empirical data on the coming-out process, and to generate information about the practical va...
Influential factors in career orientation and career aspiration of early adolescent females 1995 274 The extent to which a variety of theoretically-based factors influence career development of females in early adolescence was investigated. In particular, this study expanded upon models proposed by Fassinger (1990) and O'Brien and Fassinger (1993) b...
Adolescents' purpose in life and engagement in risky behaviors : differences by gender and ethnicity 1994 504 This study investigated how the relationship between adolescent purpose in life and risky behavior changed under varying conditions of gender, levels of adolescent egocentrism, and ethnicity (African-American, Anglo-American, Hispanic-American). High...
Separation-individuation and coping : contributions to freshman college adjustment 1994 403 This study investigated how college adjustment was influenced by the level of separation-individuation and problem-focused coping strategies of freshmen students. Independent variables included Problem-focused Coping (measured by the Adolescent-Copin...
Addressing counselors' personal issues in supervision : perceived impact of experience level on various aspects of the supervisory relationship 1992 342 This study examined the impact that counselors' level of experience (i.e., entry-level and advanced) and discussion of counselors' personal issues had on four variables (i.e., supervisory relationship, supervisor's interactional style, supervision se...
Group process variables in group supervision 1994 980 The purpose of this study was to systematically investigate process components during actual group supervision with the purpose of targeting process variables that could serve as a basis for further research regarding critical components of group sup...
The game of I am: enhancing empathy and improving attitudes toward older adults in first-year master’s students training to become counselors and student support professionals 2018 1162 In the United States, adults 65 and older represent a significant and growing cultural minority (Cohn & Taylor, 2011). Ageist stereotypes, whether directed at older adults or internalized by elders themselves, can cause real harm to elders’ mental an...
Life satisfaction of single middle-aged professional women 1992 1136 This study examined 10 factors (i.e., job satisfaction, gender identity, locus of control, social support, health, financial resources, leisure-time activities, sexual satisfaction, regrets regarding life circumstances) and their relationship to the ...
The impact of a supervisor-generated metaphor on the clinical hypothesis formation skills of counselors-in-training 1996 250 The purpose of this study was to assess the impact that a narrative analogy metaphor, when generated by a counselor supervisor, would have on the clinical hypothesis formation skills of counselors-in-training. Thirty first year, second semester, mast...
Noticing trauma responses: the development and validation of the autonomic response screening tool for counselors (ARSTC) 2020 1019 Trauma can impact all people of all identities, and mental health professionals are experiencing an influx of clients presenting for services with symptoms related to trauma (Webber, Kitzinger, Runte, Smith, & Mascari, 2016). According to the U.S. De...
How do firefighters cope? : an investigation of coping strategies and symptoms of distress within the context of daily stressors 1996 224 This study investigated firefighters' coping strategies and distress levels in the context of daily stressors. Participants were 261 professional line firefighters employed by the Greensboro Fire Department in North Carolina. Participants completed t...
The impact of two clinical peer supervision models on school counselors' job satisfaction, counseling self-efficacy, and counseling effectiveness 1995 386 At present, most school counselors receive little or no consistent counseling supervision (Borders & Usher, 1992; Roberts & Borders, 1994). Considering trends in the literature which imply that consistent supervision produces both personal and profes...
Perceptions of the supervisory relationship : recovering and non-recovering substance abuse counselors 1996 980 Recovering substance abuse counselors are a unique aspect of the counseling profession; one which creates a challenge for setting professional development agendas. An examination of the literature reveals a lack of empirical studies about clinical su...
Teaching the how for making in-session counselor or self-disclosure decisions : a model for developing procedural knowledge of counselors in training 2022 1013 Counselor self-disclosure (CSD) is such a nuanced skill that it is pervasively labeled as controversial. Though this controversy is often described as an inconsistency around defining the construct of CSD (Bottrill et al., 2010; Henretty & Levitt, 20...
The development and validation of the Counselors’ emotional awareness scale (C-EAS) 2020 592 The concept that emotion carries an impactful role within counseling likely is not surprising. Counseling professionals commonly agree that in-session emotions, either emotions demonstrated by the client or internal affective experiences of the couns...
Examining the moderating effects of religious coping on the relationship between acculturative stress and depression and suicide ideation among emerging adult Latinx immigrants 2021 1256 Even though the rhetoric that immigrants hear from many sources is often less than welcoming, the Latinx immigrant community continues to increase and is growing rapidly in the United States (Pew Research Center, 2018), making it important than ever ...