La Paro, Karen


There are 9 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Teacher personal and professional characteristics: contributions to emotional support and behavior guidance in early childhood classrooms 2011 81965 Emotional support and behavior guidance in early childhood classrooms have important influences on the social and emotional competence of the children within them. Accumulating evidence suggests that a higher percentage of children than ever before a...
Teachers' expression of mental state talk in Head Start classrooms 2013 1422 This study examined teachers' use of four categories of mental state talk (verbalizations of mental processes using emotion terms, cognition terms, desire terms, and perception terms) in approximately hour-long observations in 34 Head Start classroom...
Teacher–child interpersonal dynamics: a closer look at prekindergarten children’s classroom experience 2013 1348 Data from three large national datasets were examined to determine the extent to which teacher-child relationships and teacher-child classwide interactions operate as unique and important interpersonal dynamics in early childhood classrooms. Confirma...
Online resources for lesson planning : perspectives of students, faculty, and teachers 2024 71 The growth of online resources for lesson planning in education is becoming readily apparent, however, there is not much information about whether these resources are used in early childhood educational contexts. This exploratory mixed-methods study ...
An exploratory study of culturally relevant teaching practices: number and types utilized by mentor teachers during students’ practicum experience 2018 661 This exploratory study was conducted to investigate mentor teachers’ utilization of culturally relevant teaching practices from the perspective of early childhood teacher candidates. More specifically, the current study aimed to identify the number a...
Examining classroom quality in Head Start in relation to teachers’ and center directors’ characteristics : a multilevel approach 2021 152 Assuring the quality of early childhood education (ECE) settings is a fundamental consideration for supporting young children’s learning and development. Head Start programs serve children and families living in poverty, highlighting the need for equ...
Predictors of teachers’ emotion language and its association with toddlers’ social emotional competence 2016 1255 The current study examined teachers’ emotion language (verbalization of emotions using labeling, questioning, explaining, and minimizing language) within naturally-occurring teacher–toddler interactions with 28 teachers and 115 toddlers in 28 toddler...
Practicum practices of 4-year early childhood education teacher preparation programs : results from a national survey 2021 135 A practicum is a field experience that provides opportunities for preservice teachers to implement academic understanding and practical training in an authentic classroom environment. Though practicum experiences are one of the most common and crucia...
“I believe in it, it’s a pretty solid teacher bible!” Student teachers’ understanding of developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) : alignment with NAEYC definitions and recommended practices 2022 1355 Developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) refers to a research-based framework that outlines principles and guidelines that promote optimal education for young children and frames educators’ use of intentional decision making. It is defined by the N...