Borders, Joshua


There are 9 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Opioid-Sparing Anesthesia Protocol: An Educational Intervention to Improve Knowledge and Confidence Among Anesthesia Providers 2023 227 Background: Opioids have been a mainstay in analgesia for millennia but have numerous untoward side effects, including nausea, vomiting, excessive sedation, ileus, respiratory depression, pruritus, urinary retention, and a large potential for abuse, ...
Developing a Corneal Abrasion Protocol in Robotic Assisted Procedures 2023 149 Background: The rapid emergence of robotic-assisted surgery has provided patients with an abundance of benefits including reduced postoperative pain, faster recovery time, reduced hospital stays, and improved cosmetic outcomes. However, robotic-assis...
Knowledge and Readiness to Change in Corneal Abrasion Protection Method in Robotic Assisted Procedures 2023 150 The rapid emergence of robotic-assisted surgery has provided patients with an abundance of benefits including reduced postoperative pain, faster recovery time, reduced hospital stays, and improved cosmetic outcomes. However, robotic-assisted surgery ...
Development and Evaluation of an Educational Module and Visual Guide for the Facilitation of Uninterrupted Postoperative Breastfeeding 2023 136 Background: Previous recommendations given to breastfeeding mothers included to “pump and dump” breastmilk for a period of time following anesthesia. This advice was advertised when little was known about drug transfer into breastmilk. With more evid...
Effects Of Education and Increased Availability of Standardized Frailty Screen on Implementation of Frailty Screening and Risk Reduction Interventions In Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists 2023 74 Background: Despite a growing body of evidence supporting the use of frailty as an extremely sensitive predictor of perioperative morbidity and mortality, the adoption of standardized frailty assessments in anesthesia has been very limited. Postopera...
Confidence in Implementing Lung Protective Ventilation Guidelines Among Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists 2023 63 Background: Although lung protective ventilation (LPV) guidelines have been established, applying appropriate Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) and Alveolar Recruitment Maneuvers (ARMs) varies among anesthesia providers. Ventilating obese patie...
Analgesia for the Substance Use Disorder Patient Using Opioid Sparing Anesthesia 2023 42 Opioids have been a primary analgesic in anesthesia for numerous years but have many well-known undesirable side effects. Opioid receptors are located in the central nervous system and when activated, lead to hyperpolarization and inhibit neuronal ac...
Implementation of Frailty Screenings in the Perioperative Setting 2023 113 Background: Frailty is a general state of wellness in which physiologic reserve is reduced, making the patient more susceptible to homeostatic disturbances that can be brought on by exposure to anesthesia or surgery (Barnett, 2014). Deficits of neuro...
Knowledge and utilization of Lung Protective Ventilation Among CRNAs 2023 91 Although lung protective ventilation (LPV) guidelines have been established,applying appropriate Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) and Alveolar Recruitment Maneuvers (ARMs) varies among anesthesia providers. Ventilating obese patients undergoin...