Starobin, Joseph


There are 7 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Theoretical modeling of physical processes in low density lipoprotein nanostructures 2015 1249 The research work aims to analyze LDL structure and study the structural influence on physical properties of the particle by means of computer simulations. Our approach is based on theoretical statistical mechanics and modern computational molecular ...
Study of toxicity and uptake of nanoparticles towards understanding biotic-abiotic interactions 2015 1657 With the rapid growth in nanotechnology and tremendous applications the engineered nanomaterials (ENs) offer, there is increase in usage of ENs which increases their likelihood of coming in contact with biological systems which include complex beings...
The investigation of variable nernst equilibria on isolated neurons and coupled neurons forming discrete and continuous networks 2016 1591 Since the introduction of the Hodgkin-Huxley equations, used to describe the excitation of neurons, the Nernst equilibria for individual ion channels have assumed to be constant in time. Recent biological recordings call into question the validity of...
Response of pulmonary and cardiac cells to ceria nanoparticle exposure 2020 104 Respiratory diseases due to penetration of ultra-fine particles are increasing at a steady rate. The main portal of entries for such particles is a gas-exchange region of the lung which has large absorption area with a thin alveolo-capillary barrier....
From memory to processing : a reaction-diffusion approach to neuromorphic computing 2021 281 The goal of this research is to bridge the gap between the physiological brain and mathematically based neuromorphic computing models. As such, the reaction-diffusion method was chosen as it can naturally exhibit properties like propagation of excita...
In silico electrocardiogram from simplistic geometric and reaction diffusion model for detection of cardiac ventricular abnormalities through machine learning methods 2021 241 Millions of people around the globe die each year from ischemic heart disease. While previous work has focused on the detection of myocardial scarring after an ischemic event, there is little to no work that involves the detection of ventricular isch...
Analysis of periodic oscillations of APDs in reaction diffusion waves with nonlinear diffusion in tissues with peripheral nerve injury (PNI) 2023 209 Millions of people suffer from peripheral nerve injury every year. Previous works have predominantly focused on surgical means of injury treatment without sufficient attention to studying distinct mechanisms of electrical conduction in small peripher...