Crivy, Joseph


There are 5 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
An exhibition of portraits 1976 166 The paintings and oil drawings presented here express fleeting states of mind. Since change in these states occur continuously, much as the landscape changes with the time of day, it is imperative that the work be done quickly to capture the essence ...
Iris series 1972 140 This series of iris paintings has developed from a very real admiration for a plant that has been a favorite of different civilizations for thousands of years. In her volume "The Iris Book" Molly Price has as frontispiece a fresco from the Palace of ...
Recalling and revisiting : a visual remembrance of things past 1973 294 Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting. The infantile amnesia is the birth of the soul, the dreamer; and we are obliged to repeat what we cannot remember. This world is repetition compulsion, is karma; the burden of the past, a future determined b...
Window series 1972 143 The series of paintings that I have been working on is concerned with views from windows; that is window frames and that which is outside the windows. Each painting combines interiors and exteriors. The viewer sees the paintings as if he were standin...
Self-portrait series 1973 121 The paintings on exhibit have been completed since late September of this year as part of an on-going study over the past several years of the head and face in general and ray head and face in particular. My approaches to the problems of the self-por...