Willse, John


There are 13 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Superwoman schema: using structural equation modeling to investigate measurement invariance in a questionnaire 2013 4902 Evaluating the psychometric properties of a newly developed instrument is critical to understanding how well an instrument measures what it intends to measure, and ensuring proposed use and interpretation of questionnaire scores are valid. The curren...
The effects of mixture-induced local dependence on diagnostic classification 2015 1804 Diagnostic Classification Models (DCMs) have been extensively researched in recent psychometric literature for providing mastery skill profiles for diagnostic feedback (Henson, Templin, & Willse, 2009). DCMs are multidimensional confirmatory latent c...
Capturing the diversity of English language learners' cultural and linguistic backgrounds and the influence on math and reading achievement 2015 1035 English language learners (ELLs) are diverse individuals with various cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Unlike native English speakers, they do not all share a common language. Additionally, ELL students were not all born in the same country and m...
Examining the impact of differential item functioning on growth models 2017 1022 Longitudinal data analysis assumes that scales meet the assumption of longitudinal measurement invariance (i.e., that scales function equivalently across measurement occasions). This simulation study examines the impact of violations to the assumptio...
Analysis of the schizotypal ambivalence scale 2017 947 The purpose of this study was threefold: a) to provide a thorough modern measurement example in a field where it is more limited in use, b) to investigate the psychometric properties of the Schizotypal Ambivalence Scale (SAS) through IRT measurement ...
An analysis of rater effects in reviews of scientific manuscripts 2017 534 In the peer review process used by scientific journals, ratings of manuscripts are obtained and used to make publication decisions. Though concerns have been raised about reviews given to scientific manuscripts, little has been done to address the ef...
Automated item difficulty modeling with test item representations 2019 787 This work presents a study that used distributed language representations of test items to model test item difficulty. Distributed language representations are low-dimensional numeric representations of written language inspired and generated by arti...
Multilevel modeling of undergraduate student attrition across the University of North Carolina system 2019 319 The volume of articles, books, and studies about increasing the retention, persistence, and graduation of undergraduate college students is nothing short of prolific (Seidman, 2005). However, only modest gains in undergraduate graduation rates have b...
Level-specific fit index performance with diagonally weighted least squares estimation of multilevel structural equation models 2019 684 Level-specific fit indices generally are advised (but rarely used in practice) for evaluating fit of multilevel structural equation models (MSEM). Level-specific fit indices assess model fit for each level separately. Aggregate fit indices combine (m...
Accuracy, stability, and discriminant validity evidence: a comparative study of exploratory and confirmatory methods for assessing statistical dimensionality 2020 384 Defining the dimensionality of an educational or psychological assessment is a complicated task that requires great consideration given its potential for far reaching validity implications. This three-paper series of real data analyses aims to invest...
Examining cultural responsiveness and invariance in the National Survey of Student Engagement for first-generation college students 2020 260 In higher education, there is a gap in our collective understanding of how outcomes data collected with standardized instruments and used to respond to accountability demands, is accurate and trustworthy for first-generation college students. Researc...
Applying the use, methods, and values branches of Evaluations' theory tree to institutional research 2011 4977 Evaluation and Institutional Research (IR) both share similar beginnings, purpose, reactions, and concerns. The primary difference between the two professions is that Evaluation is an established discipline, whereas IR appears to have only started mo...
The use of process data to examine reading strategies 2019 571 Researchers are increasingly interested in the cognitive behaviors students display during tests. This interest has led researchers to look for innovative ways to collect this type of data. Due to the proliferation of computer-based assessments, proc...