Gagen, Jean


There are 6 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
The characterization of Theseus in Chaucer 1964 559 Theseus, legendary slayer of the Minotaur, betrayer of Ariadne, ruler of Athens, and conqueror of the Amazons, appears as either a heroic figure or a villain in four of Chaucer's works. Yet the development of Theseus as a character in these works has...
A consideration of the morality contained in the three love tragedies of John Ford 1964 514 Since Gerard Langbaine's Account of the English Dramatic Poets in 1688, there has been much criticism of the morality in John Ford's plays. His three love tragedies, however, have never been exhaustively examined to determine their basis in morality....
Milton's attitude toward women 1965 400 Milton lived in a period of transition affecting many aspects of life, among them the status of women. Age-old conservative beliefs were still alive and had a temporary resurgence under the Puritan hegemony, but liberal forces were also at work. The ...
John Donne's two anniversaries 1964 928 This thesis treats three major problems in John Donne's Two Anniversaries! the subject of the two poems, the themes and structure, and Donne's references to Scholastic natural philosophy and to new science. The latter half of the thesis examines the ...
The ways of God in Paradise Lost 1966 1443 The narrative poem, Paradise Lost, was written by John Milton to justify the ways of God to man. The poet chose the fall of man as the theme of his epic, which marks the climax of a genre, and penned a story of universal significance. God, if not the...
The treatment of the middle class in the city comedies of Thomas Middleton 1960 661 The rise of the middle class to a position of economic importance and new social prestige in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries stimulated an unprecedented amount of literary activity, particularly in drama. The middle class, a curiou...