Reddick, Jason


There are 21 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Characterization of PksD and PksG in Bacillus subtilis 2006 2580 Polyketides are a diverse class of natural products that have a wide variety of pharmacological applications. Polyketides are biosynthesized by modular polyketide synthases in a very similar fashion to that of fatty acids. The distinct features of ea...
Characterization of PksS in Bacillus subtilis 2007 2636 "Cytochrome P450s are a common type of the polyketide tailoring enzymes that are responsible for the hydroxylation of polyketides. PksS, a likely tailoring enzyme, is found within the gene cluster pksX, from Bacillus subtilis. The gene cluster was fo...
a A convergent and modular synthesis of dienyl and diynyl isobutylamide natural products from echinacea and spilanthes herbal medicines 2007 4874 ""Echinacea" and "Spilanthes" are popular over-the-counter herbal supplements derived from raw tissue or tissue extracts from plants such as Echinacea purpurea and Spilanthes acmella, respectively. Several chemical constituents have been identified a...
Overexpression, purification, and characterization of AcpK, PksG, and MmgA from Bacillus subtilis strain 168 2007 2477 AcpK, Sfp, PksG, and MmgA were successfully overexpressed and purified from B. subtilis 168, and a donated overexpression vector. PPT reactions with Sfp and AcpK were successfully performed. Biochemical characterization of PksG was carried out and de...
Overexpression, Purification, and Characterization of MmgB and MmgC from Bacillus subtilis Strain 168. 2008 2691 For years, developmental biology has been in search of an understanding as to how an organism undergoes cellular differentiation to produce distinct cell types. Bacillus subtilis is a bacterial organism that undergoes cellular differentiation during ...
Overexpression, purification, and characterization of MmgD from Bacillus subtilis strain 168. 2009 1913 Bacillus subtilis, a rod shaped gram-positive bacterium, is highly studied because of its capability of forming endospores when there is an inadequate supply of nutrients. Despite the lack of nutrients in the environment, this microorganism has to be...
Characterization of biosynthetic and catabolic pathways of Bacillus subtilis strain 168. 2009 3546 Bacillus subtilis has long been a model bacterium for understanding biological mechanisms, such as fatty acid catabolism and polyketide biosynthesis. Our interest in the latter was centered on the polyketide synthase (PKS) mechanism responsible for ß...
Analysis of a possible multienzyme complex encoded by mother cell metabolic gene (mmg) operon of Bacillus subtilis strain 168. 2010 3137 Bacillus subtilis is a rod shaped, aerobic, endospore forming gram-positive bacterium. B. subtilis is used as a model organism to study cell differentiation during sporulation in prokaryotes. When there is inadequate supply of carbon resources, B. su...
Characterization of the biochemical activity of the open reading frame "YqiQ" of Bacillus subiltilis 2011 2696 The goal of this research is to provide a greater chemical understanding of the mechanisms by which Bacillus subtilis transforms itself into a spore during times of nutrient deprivation. The area of interest of this study lies in the mother cell meta...
Biochemical characterization of MmgB, a gene encoding a 3-Hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase from bacillus subtilis 168 and genetic evidence for the methylcitric acid cycle in bacillus subtilis 168 2011 411 Bacillus subtilis is an industrially important organism because of its ability to produce enzymes and antibiotics on a commercial scale. It is considered the Gram positive counterpart of E. coli in terms of its genetic and molecular biological access...
The characterization of mmgE from Bacillus subtilis 2012 2168 Bacillus subtilis is a rod shaped gram-positive bacterium that has been extensively studied for decades. The scientific interest lies, in large part, to its use as a model organism for the study of sporulation, which is a simple form of cell differen...
Characterization of citB in the methylcitric acid cycle of Bacillus subtilis 168 ; and, characterization of antimicrobial activity in the mucosal epithelial layer and gill tissue of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) 2014 1097 Bacillus subtilis 168 is a gram-positive, aerobic, rod shaped bacteria that has the ability to undergo sporulation when under nutritional stress. There is an incomplete understanding of the metabolic pathways in B. subtilis
Investigation and comparison of stereoisomer products of 2-methylcitrate synthase and 2-methylcitrate dehydratase in Escherichia coli strain K12 and Bacillus subtilis strain 168 2017 642 Bacillus subtilis has been extensively studied and serves as a model organism for Gram-positive bacteria which can be attributed to its capacity to be genetically manipulated, form endospores, and a sequenced genome. B. subtilis undergoes a dispropor...
Functional characterization of the dfn polyketide synthase gene cluster in Bacillus velezensis ATCC 39374 2020 379 The polyketide macrolactone, difficidin, is a secondary metabolite of B. velezensis ATCC 39374 and 39320 which has been found to exhibit broad-spectrum antibacterial activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. While the majority o...
Purification and Characterization of BaeI and PksL in Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Analysis of Protein Activity within the Bacillaene and Difficidin clusters of Bacillus Subtilis 2020 531 In these experiments, the genes PksL and BaeI were purified and cloned into vectors such as Top10 and BL21 star. SDS-Page and Gel electrophoresis were used to confirm the transformation of these genes. The sequence of BaeI was confirmed through Sange...
Purification and characterization of an enoyl-coA hydratase encoded by the yhaR gene from Bacillus subtilis strain 168 2015 1047 Bacillus subtilis is widely used as a model organism for the study of sporulation. While its genome has been sequenced, the function of many encoded proteins have not been investigated. The mother cell metabolic gene (mmg) operon is an example that c...
Studies on the synthesis of threo 2-methylisocitrate 2014 1014 Bacillus subtilis is the gold standard organism for Gram-positive bacteria, just as Escherichia coli is it for Gram-negative bacteria. Its genome has been fully sequenced, yet not all of its genes have been characterized. One of these genes, yqiQ, is...
Towards the stereoselective syntheses of 2-methylcitrate and 2-methylisocitrate and their use in studying the methylcitric acid cycle in Bacillus subtilis 2018 382 Bacillus subtilis is a model organism and the entire genome has been sequenced. However, there is an incomplete understanding of the metabolic pathways that are encoded within the genome. A long-term goal of the Reddick research group is to gain a mo...
Investigating the biosynthesis of the ß-branch found in the polyketide difficidin isolated from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 2019 284 Difficidin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic polyketide product from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42. Although most of the difficidin structure is made by conventional polyketide synthase (PKS) chemistry, it also contains a small structural feature tha...
Developing an enzymatic synthesis for acetoacetyl-CoA using acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase (AtoB) From Escherichia coli 2022 120 Polyketides are natural products that can be found in clinical drugs that are used as antibiotics, parasiticides, immunomodulators, and many others.1 Polyketide biosynthesis involves a complex pathway catalyzed by polyketide synthases. The Reddick la...
Investigating methylcitric acid cycle enzymes in Bacillus subtilis and polyketide synthase enzymes in Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 2022 34 Bacterial secondary metabolites from Bacillus species have an important role in drug discovery and development. This dissertation focuses on research to characterize two enzymes from the Bacillus species: Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus amyloliquefaci...