Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
An investigation of auditory laterality effects for sung stimuli : influence of musical training and complexity of stimulus presentation |
1979 |
309 |
The purpose of this study was to examine the viability of theories that verbal and musical components when presented as singing (combination of verbal and musical components) are processed: 1. using bilateral hemisphere involvement--parallel processi... |
A study of song preferences of children and possible influences of identified musical elements on student song selections |
1980 |
390 |
The purposes of this study were to identify songs that were preferred by second-and fifth-grade subjects and to isolate musical and textual elements that were found to be common to preferred and nonpreferred songs. The subjects were 125 students in s... |
An investigation of the effects of reed strength on the radiated waveform of a b-flat clarinet |
1986 |
356 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate possible effects of reed stiffness on the radiated waveform of a B-flat clarinet, and to investigate possible relationships between subjective ratings of clarinet tones and spectra produced with reeds of v... |
The importance and usage of keyboard skills in public school music teaching according to public school music teachers and college or university music teachers |
1986 |
354 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate which keyboard skills are rated as most important and which are most often used in public school music (PSM) teaching. (PSM as used in this study refers to K-6 music teaching.) Two groups that are able to ... |
The use of keyboard instruments in the religious services of selected Black Baptist churches in Central Piedmont North Carolina |
1987 |
476 |
In this study, emphasis placed on Keyboard styles and musical practices present in the "Low" Baptist churches - those churches operating on levels that are more overly emotional than other Baptist churches. Other objectives of this study to assess ... |
Rhythmic beat perception in a Down's syndrome population : a computerized measure of beat accuracy and beat interval response |
1986 |
214 |
The purpose of this investigation was to explore the manner in which 15 individuals with Down's syndrome deviated in rhythmic beat responses from a musical stimulus produced by a computer. Subjects ranged in age from 17-46 and had a mean WAIS Full Sc... |
The development of criteria for identifying music preferred by children with behavioral problems |
1978 |
308 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences which may exist between responses to aural stimuli by children classified as possessing behavioral problems (aggressive behavior, passive conduct, hyperactivity and lack of peer communicati... |
A study of lined hymnsinging in selected black churches of North and South Carolina |
1979 |
549 |
The purpose of this study was to observe, collect, and analyze hymns that are sung by a "lining-out" method in selected black churches of Piedmont North and South Carolina. Seventy-five Baptist and Methodist churches were randomly selected to serve a... |
Differences in music achievement among gifted and talented, average, and educable mentally handicapped fifth- and sixth-grade students |
1982 |
323 |
The purpose of this study was to identify differences in music achievement among gifted and talented (GT), average, and educable mentally handicapped (EMH) students. A secondary purpose was to determine which selected characteristics—IQ, music aptitu... |
An investigation of auditory laterality effects for verbal and melodic stimuli among musicians and nonmusicians |
1977 |
369 |
The purpose of this study was to determine if laterality effects differ for musicians and nonmusicians in the cerebral processing of musical stimuli. It was hypothesized that musicians, due to a more analytical approach to music listening, would dem... |
The effect of a one-semester music appreciation course upon music processing strategies of college students |
1985 |
243 |
Several studies have been conducted investigating hemispheric dominance for melodic stimuli of professional musicians. This study was an investigation of the effects of a one-semester music appreciation course on music processing strategies of colleg... |
The career of Herbert R. Hazelman : public school bandmaster |
1988 |
1270 |
The purpose of this investigation was to research the professional career of Herbert R. Hazelman and to present the results in a manner which portrays the various facets of this consummate musician, as a performer, composer and arranger, and most imp... |
The effects of air and lip-pressure variations on the motion of a clarinet reed within an artificial embouchure |
1988 |
226 |
To observe the influence of air and lip-pressure variations on reed motion, a blowing chamber containing an artificial-embouchure device was constructed into which a clarinet was inserted and sealed at the barrel joint. A DC light source was directed... |
The status of elementary school general music programs in selected elementary schools in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg County school system in North Carolina |
1988 |
191 |
The purpose of this research study was to describe the status of public elementary school general music programs of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. Specifically, the goals of the investigation were: (1) to describe the current statu... |
Developmental pursuits of excellence in North Carolina music education shared by Alice Bivins, Grace Van Dyke More, and Birdie Holloway during their careers at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (1917- 1965) |
1989 |
1137 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate how Alice Bivins, Grace Van Dyke More, and Birdie Holloway, former University of North Carolina at Greensboro faculty women, influenced the development of music education in North Carolina from 1917 to 196... |
The effects of guided aural versus guided aural-visual modeling on the performance achievement of beginning string instrumentalists |
1992 |
323 |
The purpose of this study was to determine if modeling conditions had a significant effect on the performance achievement of beginning string students. During phase I, guided aural and guided aural-visual modeling tapes of Applebaum's String Builder,... |
Effect of music instruction on language development of preschool children |
1996 |
194 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a sequential program of music instruction on language development, both receptive and expressive language, of preschool children. Subjects were thirty-three three- and four-year-old children... |
Body, mind, spirit, voice : Helen Kemp and the development of the children's choir movement |
1993 |
684 |
The purpose of this research was to document the contributions of Helen Kemp to the development of the children's choir movement. As a result of her professional contributions, Kemp became an internationally recognized specialist in the area of child... |
An assessment of anxiety in instrumental and vocal performances |
1980 |
1529 |
Musicians tend to agree that performing in public stimulates performer anxiety. How musicians respond to anxiety in musical performance can vary. Although musicians may agree that anxiety is present in public performance and that anxiety can help or ... |
Attitudes toward musical activities among North Carolina high school band students with directors using varying teaching emphases |
1983 |
338 |
The primary purpose of this study was to determine whether a significant difference in attitudes toward musical activities existed among high school students in selected bands with directors using varying teaching emphases. The teaching emphases inve... |
The effect of musical experiences and age on the ability of deaf children to discriminate pitch of complex tones |
1985 |
189 |
The purpose of this research was to investigate the ability of deaf children to discriminate pitch of complex tones. The research was designed to study the effects of age and school musical experiences on pitch discrimination and to identify possible... |
Intonation tendencies of selected university flute, oboe, and clarinet players |
1989 |
383 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the intonation tendencies of flute, oboe, and clarinet players after accounting for the effects of instrument intonation deficiencies. Twenty-seven university students served as subjects in three groups (n... |
A comparative analysis of melodic and rhythmic music reading skills of percussion and wind instrument students in selected North Carolina high schools |
1992 |
312 |
The purpose of this study was to determine if there were differences in melodic and rhythmic reading skills between percussion and wind instrument students in selected North Carolina band programs. Specifically, comparisons were made of the music rea... |
The effects of movement-based instruction, meter, and rhythmic aptitude on beginning instrumental music students' abilities to communicate metric structure in performance |
1996 |
256 |
The principal purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of participation and nonparticipation in movement-based instruction, developed by Weikart, on beginning instrumental music students' abilities to communicate duple and triple metric st... |
A comparison of the effectiveness of three teaching methods based on rote learning, improvisation, and tonal conceptual development on melodic performance skills achievement of music teachers in a beginning guitar class |
1993 |
382 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of three methods of teaching melodic performance skills on melodic performance skills achievement of music teachers classified as beginning guitar students. The subjects in the study consisted ... |
The effects of Dalcroze eurhythmics on beat competency performance skills of kindergarten, first-, and second-grade children |
1995 |
291 |
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Dalcroze eurhythmics instruction on beat competency performance skills of kindergarten-2nd-grade children. A pretest-posttest control group served as the experimental design. Subjects for the st... |
The effects of physiology-based breath-management instruction on performance achievement of sixth-grade clarinetists |
1996 |
193 |
The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of two methods of breath-management instruction on selected performance variables of sixth-grade clarinetists. Performance variables included tone quality, pitch stability of middle and clarion tone... |
Junior high school choral music teachers' philosophies of vocal mutation, choices of music, and teaching situations |
1987 |
949 |
A principal purpose of the study was to identify factors involved in the type of teaching which results in superior performances presented by junior high school mixed choruses with the respective teachers of these choruses operationally classified as... |