Atkinson, James


There are 3 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Style and history in La Conquete de Constantinople : a descriptive study 1973 987 It is the purpose of this study to examine certain stylistic features of the medieval French chronicle of Robert de Clari, La Conquête de Constantinople, and to provide necessary biographical data concerning the author and historical information pert...
The prologue to the old French Vie de St. Alexis : a linguistic study with considerations of its prosodic and conceptual features 1971 539 This thesis represents a three-fold analysis of the prologue to the Old French Vie de St. Alexis as found in its principal manuscript, that of the St. Albans psalter, commonly denoted "L" manuscript. The purpose of the study was to investigate whethe...
The Chanc?un de Willame, a study of theme and style 1971 501 Since its relatively recent discovery, the Old French Chançun de Wlllame has presented a number of problems to scholars of the chanson de geste. The composite nature of its manuscript, the unusual inconsistency of its tone, and many contradictions wi...