Bardon, Jack I.


There are 10 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
The role of the four-year college in addressing the developmental needs of faculty during middle-age and old-age transition periods 1984 345 The purposes of this study were (a) to design a model for faculty development that would address the needs of four-year college faculty members during the transition periods of middle age and old age; (b) to see if any colleges were engaged in activi...
Eating disorders, sex role identification, and assertion 1986 204 The current study was designed to investigate the possible connection between the eating disorder bulimia, women's sex roles in Western culture, and assertion. Literature was reviewed which suggested that a lack of assertion may be important in under...
Perceived and reported importance of teaching in public, comprehensive colleges and universities 1987 229 Recent studies have emphasized faculty perceptions of the rise in importance of scholarly activities as the basis for institutional rewards. What has not been reported is the institutional commitment to the importance of teaching. This study sought t...
Evaluation as a means for teacher improvement : using the North Carolina Performance Appraisal System as a model 1987 375 The purpose of the research was to assess educators' perceptions of a state-mandated system for evaluation of teachers and to examine these perceptions as they related to a review of the literature an evaluation. The differences between teachers' and...
Cognitive complexity and selected aspects of leaders' self-reported cognitions 1991 568 The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between leaders/managers' level of cognitive complexity and (a) their cognitive processing during decision making about hypothetical leadership situations and (b) their self-reported leadership...
Factors that affect success in nursing education : an exploratory study 1981 306 An exploratory study was conducted at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro School of Nursing during the fall of 1979 to identify factors that affected success in nursing education. The three criteria of success that were used as dependent v...
Undergraduate independent college students' use of and opinions about tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs 1989 312 The purpose of this research was to assess students' use of and opinions about alcohol, nonsmoking tobacco, smoking tobacco, crack, other forms of cocaine, over-the-counter drugs with high alcohol content, prescription drugs used for nonmedical purpo...
Quality of special education : legal parameters and philosophical differences 1991 319 The purposes of this study were (a) to analyze and organize key factors which define quality special education from legislation and subsequent judicial rulings; (b) to determine from experts within the field of special education what indicators of qu...
Programs of study in student development in higher education : job relevancy of the CACREP accreditation standards 1991 212 The purpose of this exploratory study was to determine the job relevancy of the core and specialty standards of the Council on Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs by determining the importance to work of the standards by surv...
Dissociation and posttraumatic stress disorder in Khmer refugees resettled in the United States 1991 354 The purpose of this study was to examine the amount of trauma endured in a nonpsychiatric population of Khmer refugees and DSM-III diagnoses through current symptoms of dissociative states, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and anxiety...