Sperry, Irwin


There are 30 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Effects of recency of habituation of varied auditory, visual, and audio-visual stimuli on the perceptual investigatory responses of kindergarten children 1967 1701 The purpose of the experiment was to determine and compare the effects of recency of habituation of varied auditory, visual, and audio-visual stimuli on the perceptual investigatory responses of kindergarten children. Two delay intervals (5-minutes a...
A measure of children's reasoning about interpersonal relations 1965 1795 The problem investigated in this research was the development, pretesting, and validation of a measure of children's reasoning about interpersonal relations. The test was developed for children from six to ten years of age. Reasoning was operationall...
Marriage among high school students in North Carolina 1960 188 During the last twenty years the increase in the number of persons who are or have been married was considerably higher for young persons than for older ones.1 At the same time there has been a decrease in the median age at first marriage for both me...
A comparison of certain characteristics of students taking a high school family living course with those who do not 1961 214 The investigator became very concerned after hearing and reading some of the criticisms of the present family living classes on the secondary level. One of these criticisms is that the family living course is not challenging enough for the better stu...
Techniques used by rural mothers in rearing their only child who was under three years of age 1960 297 Although the questions were asked in a different way, the study by Jersild5 of the joys and problems of child rearing is somewhat similar to the portion of the present study concerned with the favorable and unfavorable behavior of children, as viewed...
Developmental histories of five preschool children 1961 371 In the past few years, perhaps no other phase of psychology has received more attention than has personality development in both its scientific and popular aspects. Various aspects of personality have been treated in every conceivable form—textbooks,...
Some dynamics of post-divorce adjustment problems of recently divorced mothers : a pilot study 1962 506 The literature shows that divorce is a continuing phenomenon which is affecting the lives of a sizable number of people, and has a potent influence on family life in contemporary America. Due to the change in function and structure of American family...
School performance of eighth grade students from broken homes 1963 162 More than a million American homes are broken by death, desertion, separation, and divorce each year. Many children are affected by these broken homes. Perhaps the child's economic security as well as his emotional security suffers from this loss of ...
Coder agreement on content analysis of interaction of preschool children 1963 281 One of the distinguishing features of science is its relentless effort to become more objective. In the social sciences agreement among coders on the classification of data has been a primary method used in assuring objectivity. Studies of coder agre...
A study of the use of educational television in parent education 1962 395 In this country, efforts to conduct various types of educational services for parents have been noted as far back as 1800. These educational services conducted in an effort to increase parental competencies nave been referred to as parent education. ...
A pilot study of a method for determining the amount of time spent in certain leisure-time activities by the aged 1963 862 During the past decade (1950-1960) the aged population in the United States increased by nearly 35 per cent, while the total population increased by only 18.5 per cent. In 1920, one out of every twenty persons was sixty-five years of age or older; in...
Types of information and services obtained and desired by parents of early adolescents 1963 201 In the changing world of today, the parent's task of rearing an early adolescent is no easy one. New situations and problems are continually arising to confront the parent. The parent must adjust his life in preparation for meeting these new challeng...
Change in parent attitudes during participation in certain parenthood in a free nation study-discussion groups 1964 206 It was the purpose of this investigation to determine (l) whether there was a significant change in parental attitudes toward child-rearing practices as measured by the University of Southern California Parent Attitude Survey during participation in ...
A comparison of values of high school seniors enrolled in a public high school, a Roman Catholic high school and a Protestant high school 1964 200 It was the purpose of this study to determine if any differences exist in the values of high school seniors according to sex and type of high school in Raleigh, North Carolina. Other studies concerning the values of high school students indicated tha...
The relationship between membership status of rural youth in selected organizations and certain personal and familial characteristics 1965 216 Extra-curricular activities have a place in the socialization process of today's youth. During adolescence, there is concern with acceptance by one's peer group. Extra-curricular activities, such as club membership, contribute to this socialization p...
Practices of premarital and marital counseling by clergymen in Greensboro, North Carolina 1966 210 This study was concerned with the clergymen in Greensboro in their role of premarital and marital counselor. An interview schedule in the form of a questionnaire was pretested and presented to 48 clergymen randomly selected from the 1960 Greensboro M...
Variations in levels of aspirations of children grouped by class, race, sex and grade level 1964 2372 The objective of the present study was to investigate the levels of aspiration of children and discrepancy between their levels of aspiration and performance on two somewhat different tasks when the children were grouped by: (a) middle-and lower-clas...
The acceptance of certain programs and services by two groups of parents of toddlers 1958 258 In recent years since the development of new interest in the young child, much has been written advising parents about their techniques with their children. However, relatively little material has been available concerning what parents actually do, w...
The development of study materials for use in parent education groups 1959 229 Parent education as a movement is a product of the twentieth century. It has been a natural, spontaneous response of parents to the extraordinary growth of the psychological and sociological study of children that has occurred in the last four or fiv...
A comparison of scholastic achievements of married and unmarried high school students 1959 180 Following World War II, American colleges and universities coped with a new problem as married veterans enrolled in large numbers. That enrollment is now an expected trend. One college recently reported a rise in the past ten years from five to almos...
The acceptance of certain programs and services by two groups of parents of young children 1958 251 It seems that nursery schools are becoming more family centered. Before a child enters nursery school, the family has been the center of his world. It is through this world that the nursery school teacher begins to know and understand the child. The ...
Development and testing of records for longitudinal studies 1958 223 One of the most important approaches to the understanding and appreciation of human development is the longitudinal study. This type of study follows a particular child over a number of years, noting his changing characteristics and adjustments. In t...
A method of appraising the livability of the living-dining area of a home 1956 179 "Most houses are not designed, they are accumulated."1 The need, as expressed by authorities in the fields of housing and family life, is for livable homes - homes not accumulated but designed to fulfill the individual needs of the family which lives...
Label information on ready-made clothing for pre-school children 1956 302 For many years home economists have advocated that garment labeling be more informative to the homemaker. Clothing manufacturers are becoming more conscious of the values of informative labeling, and consumers are demanding more information on labels...
Comparative records of college students before and after marriage 1960 231 Married students are attending colleges and universities in continuously increasing numbers. This trend has been in existence for the past two decades, and the conditions which affected it appear to have been the following: First, The GI Bill of Righ...
Information on home furnishings for potential television programs designed to meet the interests of homemakers 1959 268 Home Economists are being called upon more and more frequently to present programs on television. In order to do the best job, they must "know what the homemaker in your particular vicinity or locality wants."1 Also home economists must balance the p...
Play materials used by toddler age children in free play activities 1959 215 Through the years, play has gained consideration as being an important element in the growth and development of children. To help children gain all of the values possible from their play, teachers and parents are constantly striving to create the pla...
Educational and vocational interests of members of Future Homemakers of America 1959 260 Adolescence is a time of great possibility—a period that is filled with new opportunities, new experiences, and great promises. With all its satisfactions, however, this stage of life is often very difficult, for the process of taking one's place as ...
The relation of selected environmental factors to weight and height of Indian pre-school children 1961 208 The physical growth of the child goes through an important phase during the first six years of life. During these years the foundation for further optimal growth is laid. One of the ways in which the physical growth of the child can be measured is th...
Physical, psychological and social predictors of locus of control among middle aged adults 1960 233 Much as each culture outlines, defines and controls the general bounds of its group's behavior, the individual family unit establishes norms of behavior for its members. Authorities in the areas of sociology and psychology have placed emphasis upon t...