Hendrickson, Herbert


There are 5 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Generic relationships of extant cats : an electrophoretic study of blood proteins 1974 251 The thirty-eight extant species of the family Felidae have been placed in as few as two and as many as nineteen separate genera. The purpose of the present study, therefore, is to review the various classification schemes within the Felidae and to ex...
Environmental effectors of the reproductive cycle and breeding behavior in the male upland chorus frog, Pseudacris triseriata feriarum 1976 287 This study attempts to define the spermatogenic cycle and its environmental effectors in the male upland chorus frog, Pseudacris triseriata feriarum (Wied) and to investigate the environmental stimulation of breeding behavior such as calling and mati...
The detection of ceruloplasmin in avian plasma and its validity as a biochemical taxonomic index 1971 209 It was the purpose of this study to detect the copper-carrying protein ceruloplasmin by specific staining techniques after electrophoretic separation in polyacrylamide gel and then to assess its validity as a biochemical taxonomic index pertaining to...
An electrophoretic study of blood proteins to determine the generic position of hylocichla mustelina (aves: turdidae) 1971 156 It is generally agreed that the Wood thrush, Hylocichla mustelina, is very closely related to four other North American spotted-breasted thrushes and, as such, all five should be placed in the same genus. However, other authoritative sources place th...
Environmental effectors of breeding calls and spermatogenesis in the male spring peeper, Hyla crucifer, in Guilford County, N. C. 1977 224 It is the purpose of this study to correlate environmental parameters with the breeding behavior and spermatogenic cycle of the male spring peeper, Hyla crucifer. The dates of calling male H. crucifer along with daily high temperature, low temperatur...