Anderson, Henry


There are 6 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Heats of mixing of aqueous electrolytes : temperature dependence 1970 266 The heats of mixing of aqueous electrolytes provide an excellent method of studying specific ion interactions. Numerous systems have been studied at 25°, but as yet few measurements have been made at elevated temperatures. In order to extend the ther...
Heats of mixing of aqueous electrolytes temperature dependence 1970 284 In recent years there have been many studies of the thermodynamic properties of aqueous electrolyte solutions. Much of the economic interest in this work stems from the need to develop a suitable method for converting sea water to potable water. It h...
Temperature dependence of the heats of mixing aqueous alkaline earth chlorides 1972 249 Two isolated systems in thermal equilibrium at constant pressure and coupled together do not normally exchange heat. Another way of saying the same thing is that the net change in heat between the coupled systems (at the same temperature) is zero. Ho...
Heats of dilution of sodium chloride temperature dependence 1972 1602 The recent increase of interest in high temperature thermodynamic data has revealed that very little precise data exists. Also, the data that does exist contains some large uncertainties. An efficient and accurate method is needed by which high tempe...
Temperature dependence of the heats of mixing of tetrapropylammonium chloride with some alkali metal halides 1972 200 Aqueous electrolyte solutions have been studied extensively in recent years with the result that several theories have evolved concerning the structure of the solvent and the properties of the ions Involved. In aqueous solutions the solvent structure...
Thermodynamics of aqueous electrolytes : temperature dependence of the heats of mixing of anions 1973 363 The study of specific Ionic Interactions are facilitated by the study of heats of mixing of aqueous electrolytes. Much work has been done with systems at 25°C, but very little work has been done at hiqher temperatures. In addition, the vast majority ...