Thrush, Helen


There are 9 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Creating mosaics 1960 138 The Honors problem with which I was involved this year was a study of mosaics, beginning with mental preparation which took place during the research period and reaching a culmination point with the presentation of the project itself, composed of fiv...
A thesis written to avoid writing about my own work 1957 198 This paper, as the title indicates, is an essay written to avoid writing a philosophical discussion of the author's own work. It constitutes a chronological surrey of the most outstanding characteristics of German printing arts from the late fourteen...
Some aspects of printmaking 1959 239 In this study primary emphasis has been placed upon the woodcut and other forms of printmaking by the relief process. Chapter I deals with certain aspects of the general field of printmaking. Here the writer has defined terms used in subsequent discu...
Some experiments in relief painting and relief etching 1961 216 Today Americans are on the tenacious edge of a new era. One which is witnessing, by analogy, the inauguration of latent buds springing precociously to full bloom. Accompanying the overwhelming splendor of its blossoms is the inestimable power and ter...
The making of a book, Thais 1961 332 In illustrating a novel or play or poem, it is necessary to take two factors into account, the meaning the author has tried to incorporate in his work, and the ideas and feelings the illustrator projects upon the work. In the play, Paphnutius, by Hro...
Aesthetic and technical matters concerning the Japanese woodcut technique 1965 248 The making of a woodcut is the combination of many activities using a variety of materials, thereby creating new forms or images and thus uniting the forces of nature with those of man. The character of the wood, pigment and paper all influence the f...
An exhibition of drawings, intaglio, woodcuts 1967 177 I am concerned with line and shape. All of my prints and drawings are landscapes. Figures appear in several, but when this happens the figures as much a part of the earth as are the rocks and soil. It is the universal state of metamorphosis that...
A graphic presentation of the spatio/structural relationships in the development of the tree-form 1969 175 I am concerned with the relationship of art to nature, nature seen as a building process, a growth process. Looking at this constructive pattern, the structural relationships are used to create a new concept of nature. This new interpretation of natu...
Twelve woodblock prints 1969 233 The earliest recorded history of man reveals evidence of his need to communicate ideas and concepts. In order to express himself he used symbol- images, or pictures. All were original works of art, none of which could be reproduced. The audience was ...