Hudak, Glenn


There are 23 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Dancing with the dead generations after the Holocaust: a fictional blogged phenomenology and pedagogy of embodied post-Holocaust inherited memories via a/r/tography 2009 13360 This project is a self-reflexive philosophical thought experiment on Holocaust memory, imagery and pedagogy. I ask if the artist-researcher-teacher-I who is neither a survivor nor a daughter of a survivor, can present an image of the Holocaust that c...
Embracing the uncertainty of community: a study of students' perceptions of connection and learning in higher education 2009 2638 Many educators are intently implementing pedagogical techniques to connect students in the classroom. With great optimism, educators engage university students in activities and practices that build community and challenge individualistic beliefs, wi...
Experiential education and social justice: philosophical and methodological considerations for integrating experiential learning in educational leadership 2010 4425 Experiential education has been practiced in the United States for the last forty years. During that time, the philosophy and practice has taken a variety of shapes and has evolved in purpose and methodology. Experiential education can be used as a m...
A snowball in hell? : ecological education in a postmodern age 2007 3560 "Awareness of the ecological crisis has undeniably increased during the past three or four decades. Nevertheless, despite some local and regional improvements, the global crisis has worsened over this period. This paradoxical situation of pervasive a...
Exploring critical, embodied, emancipatory education through deconstructions and reconstructions of womanist and black religious discourses : a social justice framework 2007 4700 "This study is a conceptual project which explores ways in which U. S. black epistemologies can provide new understandings of oppression and new strategies for transcending hierarchical relationships of power and domination. Specific epistemologies d...
We know who you are! connecting education, identity, and national security. 2010 3650 This dissertation is a critical analysis of the way in which individuality is socially constructed and of the pattern in which the majority of the population is socially integrated, mobilized, and immobilized during the process of systemic reproducti...
Counseling to Empower: A Philosophical Shift in the Way We Serve Our Children and Students 2008 3295 The purpose of this study is to examine the issues surrounding why and how children and students are experiencing levels of disservice through school counseling programs within formal educational settings. The goal of this examination is to transform...
Trusting homo economicus: a hermeneutical inquiry into the origin, application, and necessity of trust 2011 2138 This hermeneutical inquiry is of trust and it addresses the question, "Can we live a day without trust?" The purpose of this inquiry is to deepen our understanding of the notion of trust by situating it within three historical contexts--modern day, t...
Looking for the backdoor: a phenomenology of mis-education 2014 2104 Phenomenology is a form of philosophical inquiry using the disclosure of an object or experience to a public audience. A phenomenology of mis-education, therefore, would relate the experience of mis-education in a public and open fashion. In order to...
J. R. R. Tolkien, ecology, and education 2015 4535 John Ronald Reul Tolkien (1892-1973) was an Oxford trained philologist, professor (don) at Oxford, noted scholar, and author of high fantasy literature. His The Lord of the Rings trilogy (TLOR) has sold over 150 million copies worldwide making it the...
Order my steps of faith: a philosophical self-reflection of faith using an African-American womanist-feminist standpoint 2014 1824 This dissertation is a philosophical self-reflection inquiry of the term faith within a social context of human experience. The primary research question for this study is "How does faith assist me with making meaning as an educator?" The secondary r...
I wonder as I wander: a reorientation of attention, embodiment, and consciousness 2016 1656 In this study the relationship between attention, embodiment, and consciousness is posited as the central question. Specifically, what are the current assumptions of these connections in popular ADHD literature, and how might a different conceptual m...
Welcome to new student orientation!: a thought experiment on alternative models of student orientation(s) 2017 1484 As a department that is ubiquitous within higher education, what does it signify to have a student ‘orientation’? By, toward, around, and from what are students oriented? Through a hermeneutic phenomenology of the ‘orientation’ of student orientation...
Defining identities: acculturation experiences of college-educated, North Sudanese immigrant women in Greensboro, North Carolina 2020 571 This qualitative case study examines acculturation experiences of seven college-educated North Sudanese women in Greensboro, North Carolina, in light of three acculturation theories and models: (a) John Berry’s acculturation theory, (b) John Ogbu’s c...
Educational viewing meets educational conversation : phenomenology, classrooms, and film reception 2022 426 “Educational Viewing Meets Educational Conversation: Phenomenology, Classrooms, and Film Reception” is a philosophical dissertation by way of phenomenology. It is based in cultural foundations of education, which has us confront our basic assumptions...
Considering Black male consciousness within the context of genre : a framework for engaging and analyzing bodies of literature that center Black male bodies and their racialized experiences 2023 335 Considering Black Male Consciousness within the Context of Genre: A Framework for Engaging and Analyzing Bodies of Literature that Center Black Male Bodies and their Racialized Experiences represents primarily the union of genre studies and Tommy J. ...
The theory and practice of critical experiential pedagogy : enacting a critical experiential education 2023 136 Roberts (2012) identifies three main strands within experiential education: romantic, pragmatic, and critical. However, work within the general experiential education literature does not usually self-identify with a strand. Thus, while I agree with R...
Contemplation and mindfulness in education: between self and other in modernity 2013 2301 The following work identifies what the author contends are the two primary problems of modern behavior that inhibit the full development of human potential, namely: an over-confidence in reason, and a desire to influence other people for personal gai...
A study of empathy as lived by Edith Stein, Edward Flanagan, and Dorothy Day: a Catholic perspective 2013 5746 In this study, empathy was critically examined through the lens of the Catholic inspired lived empathy of Dorothy Day, Edward Flanagan, and Saint Edith Stein through personal writings and scholarship of note. Common themes have emerged expressing the...
In pursuit of a pedagogy of personhood: existentialism and possibilities for educator liberation 2015 2314 In this study, I explore the problem of 21st century educator existential oppression (my term) as the negation of personal and pedagogical personhood that I experienced as a result of my confrontations (across three separate schools) with oppressive ...
Ladson-Billings' culturally relevant pedagogy is not measuring up - and that's exactly as it should be! : a philosophical reading of the problem of static ways of thinking about culture in our epoch of calculative, scientific thinking 2023 246 Since 1989 one of the undisputed leaders in the field of culturally meaningful pedagogy, Gloria Ladson-Billings, has persistently reminded educators about one core idea - any practice that is committed to meaningful engagement with cultural identity ...
An Anarchist Psychotherapy: Ecopsychology and a Pedagogy of Life 2008 12004 Drawing from my background in education and psychotherapy, I reflect on how both of these fields are heavily influenced by developmental and behavioral psychology. Today's psychological model is influenced by a western scientific theory that is reduc...
Homeschool and school: an inquiry into the sphere sovereignty of educational entities 2014 2241 The purpose of this study was to reflect on several theories of homeschool advocates regarding the nature of childhood education practices. The study focused on claims made by some who identify as Christian that schools are outside the design God has...