Hennis, Gail


There are 71 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
The effectiveness of television video tape instant playback in learning the pitch and run shot in golf 1968 2102 The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of using television video tape instant playback in learning the pitch and run shot in golf. The effectiveness of four different teaching methods was compared. Prior to the study itself, a p...
A comparison of motor creativity with verbal creativity and figural creativity of Black culturally deprived children 1971 3886 The general aim of this study was to determine what relationships, if any, exist between verbal, figural and motor creativity of black culturally deprived children. More specifically, the goal of this study was realized by investigating the tenabilit...
An analysis of selected mechanical factors that contribute to vertical jumping height of four basketball players 1972 6930 The purpose of this investigation was to study, through cinematography, selected mechanical factors that contribute to vertical jumping performance. The investigation included an analysis of the angular measurements of the elbow, shoulder, hip, knee,...
An analysis of the recreational behavior and personality characteristics of a select group of college women who exhibited atypical social behavior 1972 990 The purpose of this study was to analyze the recreational behavior and personality traits of a group of thirty-seven college women at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. These women were known to have exhibited atypical social behavior as...
Status of physical education, athletics, and intramurals in community colleges and technical institutes in North Carolina 1975 349 It was the purpose of this study to investigate the current status of physical education, athletics, and intramurals in the public community colleges and. technical institutes in North Carolina. In order to obtain the data for the interpretative proc...
Sex-role orientation, fear of success, and competitive sport performance of high school athletes 1978 266 The purpose of this study was to investigate the competitive sport performance under three conditions: alone, against a same-sex player, and against an opposite-sex player of male and female high school varsity athletes with differing sex-role orient...
An investigation of the prediction of success in women's field hockey 1979 497 The purpose of this study was to determine what, if any, predictive qualities could be identified in a group of skilled women field hockey players. The specific areas investigated were anxiety, visual perception, manual dexterity, ball control, and d...
A study of the effect of differing foreperiods on performance of the forward grab swimming start 1975 398 The purpose of this study was to determine if there is an optimal length of foreperiod between the commands given by the starter and the sound of the gun to elicit a fast response when the grab start is used in competitive swimming. Measured response...
An observational study of teachers' expectancy effects and their mediating mechanisms on students in physical education activity classes 1977 921 The purpose of this study was to identify specific and differential teacher behaviors that affect student behavior based on Rosenthal's Four Factor Theory (1974). Rosenthal's four variables included Climate, Feedback, Output and Input. An additional ...
Classical reaction time and anticipation reaction time in a simple visual reaction time task 1973 503 The purpose of the study was to investigate performance on anticipation reaction time and classical reaction time as a function of practice. In the anticipation reaction time condition, the foreperiod was held constant, while in the classical reactio...
The legal aspects of girls' interscholastic athletics : a summary of litigation involving the participation, rules, and regulations of the interscholastic high school athletic associations in each state from 1971-1977 1978 351 This study examines the findings of twenty-six court cases involving sex discrimination of the female athlete by the State High School Athletic Associations and their allied members. An evaluation of the litigation was made to determine whether the r...
A conceptual system for identifying teacher behaviors in physical education activity classes 1974 320 The present study was designed to develop a scale which may be used to observe and describe the frequency of occurrence of selected teacher behaviors in physical education activity classes. Related problems were to study the objectivity and validity ...
Preferential patterns and purposes of gross motor activity selection of adult college students 1983 332 The purpose of this study was to investigate the variables of preferred movement behavior and purposes underlying the physical activity participation of adult college students. The study specifically sought demographic characteristics of adult studen...
The history of intercollegiate athletics for men at Elon College 1982 453 The purpose of this study was to prepare an historical account of the intercollegiate athletic program for men at Elon College from 1889 through the 1980-1981 school year. In achieving this purpose, an attempt was made to reflect the spirit and philo...
Teacher invitations and effectiveness as reported by physical education students grades 9-12 1984 275 The major purposes of this study were (1) to determine the relationship between perceived inviting (1-Type) and effective (E-Type) behaviors of physical education teachers for grades 9-12, (2) to determine differences between I-Type and E-Type teache...
An ethnography of a physical education class : an experiment in integrated living 1977 498 The purpose of this study was to investigate physical education classes as episodes within which implicit and explicit learnings occur. An ethnographic description of indirect and unintended instructions conveyed to students was compiled. The descrip...
A study of an analytical and kinesiological approach to teaching 1960 476 The traditional method of teaching, as generally used by physical educators, is based upon teacher explanation, demonstration, and individual correction of errors. Although this is the basis of teaching methodology in physical education, numerous res...
The relationship between the level of aspiration and performance in selected motor tasks 1960 204 Is there any relationship between what a person thinks himself capable of doing and his actual performance? Will an increase in his level of aspiration increase his performance? The answers to these questions have implication for the teacher who is i...
A comparison of personality variables of college women physical education majors who were successful in student teaching with those who were less successful 1959 289 The personality of the teacher has an unconscious effect on the minds of the students; it can induce them to learn, to misbehave, to be happy, to be unhappy, to resent school and to love school (19:38-40). An employer will seldom hire a teacher witho...
Social dance in North Carolina before the twentieth century : an overview 1978 872 It was the purpose of this study to examine the existing historical materials available in North Carolina concerning social dance, in order to determine to what extent the early settlers participated in this form of recreation. Data were collected pr...
The emergence of American women in the Summer Olympic Games 1900-1972 1975 830 The modern Olympic Games began in 1896 with the absence of women competitors. Baron Pierre de Coubertin, patriarch of the modern Olympic era, adamantly opposed the inclusion of women in Olympic sport. It was Coubertin's wish to revive the Games in li...
Legal aspects relating to handicapped students in physical education and athletics 1979 303 This investigative study deals with the legal aspects of handicapped children in physical education and athletics. Congressional legislation is given showing those public laws that were used as stepping stones leading to the finalizing of The Educati...
Sports as finite provinces of meaning : an application of the phenomenology of Alfred Schutz 1980 416 Schutz's phenomenological theory of internal time consciousness was reviewed. According to the theory, a phase of the individual's flow of conscious experience can be constituted as a discrete object of attention. The meaning of such an isolated expe...
Dr. Charles Buell : leader in physical education for the visually impaired 1980 370 The purpose of this study was to present a biographical picture of Dr. Charles Buell. The writer attempted to trace and identify the professional contributions of Dr. Buell and to examine his influence on physical activities for the visually impaired...
The effect of grip and wrist strengthening exercises on tennis playing ability 1961 282 There are a number of prerequisites necessary for efficient movement. Broer (3) has separated these prerequisites into three main categories: physical, mental, and emotional. The mental characteristics of movement occur when the individual makes spat...
A motor creativity test for college women 1974 559 The purpose of this study was to develop a tool for measuring the motor creativity of college women. The theoretical construct of the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking, Figural Form, was used as the model to develop twelve movement tasks for explor...
Construction of an objective knowledge test in lacrosse for college women 1967 306 The purposes of this study were to construct and standardize an objective knowledge test in lacrosse appropriate for college women; to devise skill tests which would objectively measure selected lacrosse playing skills of college women who had had li...
Comparison of responses of basketball coaches and players to situation - response survey 1982 277 This study investigated the attitudes of coaches and players toward decisions made and actions taken by coaches during the conduct of intercollegiate basketball programs. A basketball situation-response scale was developed for coaches, then modified ...
An investigation of performance consistency of intercollegiate and interscholastic basketball officials 1980 252 The purpose of this study was to describe the responses of intercollegiate and interscholastic basketball officials to a filmed series of selected situations which had the potential of a foul occurrence. Twenty-seven situations were selected from Bi...
Student attitudes toward instructional processes in secondary physical education 1979 282 The purpose of this investigation was to explore student attitudes toward instructional processes in secondary physical education. Germane to the investigation were the following research questions: (1) Will differences exist in student attitudes acc...
The effect of two different exercise programs on college women as measured by girth and skinfold thickness 1967 287 Thirty-two women students at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro participated in a study of the effect of two different exercise programs, one isometric and one stretching, on selected girth and skinfold thickness measurements. The subject...
The relationship of overhand throwing ability to general motor ability in college freshman women 1963 5021 One of the problems confronting physical educators is classifying students into ability groups for the purpose of providing more effective teaching environments and maintaining and further developing each individual's skills. In a physical education ...
Kinesthesis in relation to skill level in basketball, bowling and tennis 1963 519 Man is a unique and highly complicated living being. Since time began, we have been striving to increase our knowledge of the structure and function of man. With each new discovery have come more unanswered questions. The nature of man's senses has o...
The effects of mental practice and physical practice on the scores of intermediate bowlers 1963 215 "Practice, by taking thought, might little by little hammer out divers arts." (5:298) That thought expressed by Virgil so many centuries ago and receiving attention today is exemplified by numerous studies performed by psychologists in the area of mo...
The philosophical beliefs of undergraduate and graduate physical education major students and the physical education faculty at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro 1964 766 This investigation was concerned with the formulation of an opinionnaire which would identify certain philosophical- professional beliefs held by the undergraduate students, graduates, and faculty in the Physical Education Division of the Department ...
The relationship among selected measures of physical fitness, body-image, self-concept, movement-concept, and selected personality traits of college physical education majors with low physical fitness indices 1964 327 The purpose of this study was to improve the originally low level of physical fitness of twelve women majoring in physical education at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and to investigate the effects of this change on selected personal...
The effect of a self-instructional program of badminton rules on the knowledge and playing ability of beginning badminton players 1965 319 The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a self-instructional program of badminton rules upon the knowledge and skill achieved by a group of beginning badminton players. Thirty-six women enrolled in two beginning badminton sections at...
A study of the effects of leg strengthening exercises on the vertical jumping and speed of running of college women 1965 466 The primary purpose of this study was to determine what effect a program of leg strengthening exercises would have on the leg strength, vertical jumping, and running speed of college women. A secondary purpose of this investigation was to determine t...
The human condition of the game 1982 783 The central question of this inquiry is: What happens when people join in a game? The methodology used throughout the study is based upon hermeneutical inquiry. Textual interpretation of the two primary foci of the study, namely, the game and the hum...
The relationship between figure-ground perception and viewing time in a ball catching task 1978 1144 The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between figure-ground perception and viewing time in a ball catching task of male and female tennis players. Sub-problems were to investigate the effects of sex and tennis skill level on fig...
Success and satisfaction of members of selected adult male bowling teams registered with the Greater Greensboro Bowling Association and their task and affiliation motivation 1975 396 It was the purpose of this study, conducted at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro during the Spring of 1974, to investigate success and satisfaction of adult male bowlers and their task and affiliation motivation. It was hypothesized that...
The National Collegiate Athletic Association and the courts : a summary of litigation involving the constitutional laws of the United States and the rules of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, 1970-1974 1975 443 This study critically evaluates thirty-four litigations that were tried in the County, State and Federal Courts involving the rules of the National Collegiate Athletic Association. The evaluation of the litigation is based on the decisions of the cou...
Physical fitness as presented by the Victory Corps and the President's Council on Physical Fitness 1964 583 The youth of today are raised in a strange and wonderful world. The threat of atomic war and the destruction of the entire world is no longer science fiction. All this is mixed with the knowledge of outerspace, rockets to the moon, electric ranges, a...
The construction and standardization of skills tests to measure achievement in specific softball playing abilities 1960 1146 Measurement and evaluation are today a vital part of the educational process. Together they provide a scientific foundation on which progress in education may be built. Physical education, as a part of the total educational program, relies on measure...
A basketball skill test for college women 1969 7256 This study was conducted in an attempt to provide basketball instructors or coaches with a single skill test with which to objectively measure basketball playing ability. The judges' ratings served as the criterion for test validation. The Glassow, C...
Relationships between warm-ups and physical performance 1960 269 Until quite recently, a belief in the value of warming up prior to participation in strenuous physical activity was accepted without serious question by almost all physical educators, exercise physiologists, athletes, and others concerned with the op...
The relationship between motor ability and self-concept of women non-physical education major students and physical education major students 1961 196 Educators are constantly striving to increase their knowledge of the intricacies of human development in order to meet the demands of society to educate individuals to their fullest potential. The field of education, like other fields of endeavor, ha...
A comparison of the effect of body build on selected tests of arm strength among college women 1972 168 It was the purpose of this study to examine the performance of college women of three different body builds on selected tests of arm strength. Fourteen cable tensiometer arm and shoulder girdle strength tests served as the criterion measure. The thre...
The effect of delayed knowledge of results on the performance of a dart throwing skill 1972 218 The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of delayed knowledge of results on the performance of a dart throwing skill. The subjects were forty-five women students who were randomly selected from the freshman class at The University of N...
A two-line wall volley test as a measure of volleying ability of high school girls 1972 179 The purpose of this study was to devise a volleyball wall volley test to measure volleying ability suitable for use with high school girls of varying skill levels. After preliminary research of the literature on volleyball, skill of volleying and wal...
The effects of isometric conditioning on accuracy in archery 1973 641 The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of isometric exercises on shooting accuracy and whether an increase in arm and shoulder girdle strength would result from a short term program of isometric exercises. The twenty-four subjects who...
The development of an instrument for measuring strength of elbow flexion in elementary school children 1966 271 This study was carried out in an attempt to develop and evaluate an instrument which would satisfactorily measure die strength of elbow flexion of boys and girls in grades three, four, five and six. Elbow flexion was chosen as an important element of...
The effectiveness of a selected aiming method in archery for use with cross-dominant subjects 1966 370 This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of a selected aiming method in archery for use with cross-dominant subjects. The subjects consisted of nine sophomore and five graduate women students attending The University of North Carolina ...
The relative effectiveness of combinations of mental and physical practice on performance scores and level of aspiration scores for an accuracy task 1966 221 This study was primarily concerned with the relative effectiveness of combinations of mental and physical practice on the dependent variables of performance and level of aspiration. A secondary purpose was to investigate the relationships between the...
The relationship of hand-eye coordination as measured by the pursuit rotor and selected motor tasks at various age levels 1967 325 Four groups of girls from grades three, six, nine, and college sophomores comprising fifteen subjects each, were given four tasks involving hand-eye coordination. Their raw scores on these tasks--Aiming, Throwing, Catching, and Pursuit Tracking--were...
Strength increase as a factor in the performance of a gymnastic skill 1967 462 The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not an increase in abdominal and shoulder strength were factors in the performance of the skin-the-cat skill on the high uneven parallel bar in gymnastics, to devise two exercise programs (prescri...
Motor creativity, movement concept, and motor ability of college freshmen women with high and low motor ability 1973 269 It was the purpose of this study to investigate the relationship between motor creativity, movement concept, and motor ability of college freshmen women with high and low motor ability. The subjects were randomly selected after being classified as ha...
The effects of a specially structured seven week physical education class upon the self-concepts of low self-esteem tenth grade girls 1969 274 The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a specially structured seven week physical education class upon the self-concepts of low self-esteem tenth grade girls. The study was conducted at Ben L. Smith Senior High School in Greensbo...
The development of a values inventory for high school girls to measure selected psychological, sociological, and spiritual values as related to physical education 1970 416 The purpose of this study was to develop a values inventory for high school girls to measure selected psychological, sociological, and spiritual values as related to physical education. One hundred and twelve five-choice multiple-choice items were cr...
Personality traits of selected female United States Volleyball Association players 1971 562 The primary purpose of this study was to determine whether there were differences in selected personality traits between female U. S. V. B. A. players, as measured by the Cattell Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, and the general population; t...
The effect of utilizing a badminton shuttlecock projecting device on the playing ability of beginning badminton players 1971 569 It was the purpose of this study to determine the effectiveness of a badminton shuttlecock projecting device upon the skill achieved by a group of beginning badminton players. The subjects were college students enrolled in two beginning badminton cla...
Performance on a simple reaction time task as a function of individually selected feedback 1976 264 The purpose of this study was to determine if there was a significant difference in performance of a simple reaction time task when executed by subjects who voluntarily selected their preferred sensory modality as a channel to receive augmented feedb...
A study of the physical education, intramural and interscholastic programs in selected independent schools of North Carolina 1974 273 The purpose of this study was to investigate the philosophy and content of the physical education activity programs, intramural programs and interscholastic programs in selected independent schools of North Carolina. A stratified sample of ten school...
The effect of the straight approach and the angular approach upon accuracy of the volleyball spike 1974 352 Most Americans today have, at sometime, played volleyball. According to Egstrom and Schaafsma (1966:1), volleyball is the number one participant sport in the United States. The popularity which the sport enjoys is a result of its inherent appeal to a...
Construction of a basketball official's test presented by videotape 1974 357 The purpose of this study was to construct an objective basketball official's test through the medium of television. Seventy-one illustrated situations of basketball play were edited from twelve hours of women's college games. Seventy-one questions a...
The construction of a badminton high clear test utilizing a fan shaped target 1968 674 The purpose of this study was to devise a badminton high clear skill test utilizing a fan shaped target and to determine the objectivity, reliability and validity of this test. After preliminary research on the badminton high clear stroke, skill test...
A study of the relationship between visual depth perception and general tennis ability 1968 436 Thirty-six women students who were enrolled in intermediate tennis classes or were members of the women's tennis club at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro were used as subjects in this study to determine the degree of relationship betwee...
A comparison of the effect of ordered and scrambled sequential techniques in programmed tennis rules for beginning classes 1968 249 The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of ordered and scrambled sequential presentations in the programed instruction of tennis rules. A secondary purpose was to observe the effectiveness of programed instruction as the source of inf...
The effects of a coeducational environment on the skill development of ninth grade girls 1974 222 The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a coeducational environment on the Skill development of ninth grade girls in volleyball. The subjects were sixty-six ninth grade girls attending Perry Tipler Junior High School, Oshkosh, Wiscon...
The construction of a volleyball skill test for the forearm pass 1976 2858 It was the purpose of this study to construct a valid and reliable skill test for the forearm pass for use with high school girls. The test was designed to measure only the forearm pass and not overall playing ability. One hundred girls from Ragsdale...
A history of recreation at Broughton Hospital : 1883-1973 1976 747 It was the purpose of this study to identify and record the significant events in the development of recreation at Broughton Hospital from 1883 to August, 1973 in order to trace historically the emergence of a therapeutic recreation program in a ment...