Chappell, Fred


There are 65 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
The blue flame 1996 334 The Blue Flame is a coming-of-age novel about a thirteen-year-old Cape-Verdean American boy named Rory Chenin the summer of 1971. At the beginning of the novel, Rory is living with his stepfather, Frank Chen, a Chinese-Hawaiian-American restaurant ow...
The wilderness experience 1993 217 This creative dissertation in poetry explores the physical, psychic, and emotional wildernesses that people may blunder into, be forced into, or choose to inhabit. Section One, The Logic of The Lost, explores differences in perceptions, those of memo...
Benjamin John and other poems 1967 230 Benjamin John is a narrative made up of lyrics in the present tense: But it covers a considerable length of time. The result is a collapse of time, or should be, so that the reader, at the end of it, wonders where Benjamin John's life has gone. But t...
In a green tree 1967 198 The poems of this thesis, although not in chronological order, make evident two distinct periods of development. The earlier poems are characterized by the short line and a freedom from strict regularity of stanza length, rhyme scheme and metric patt...
Two stories 1966 263 The purpose of this thesis is, quite simply, to tell two stories. They are stories I thought worth telling, and they are told as I believe they should be told. Each centers about a single character because I believe that people are the essence of fic...
The storm 1967 465 Of the two main divisions of this thesis, the first (sections I-VIII) consists of poems selected from a completed, but as yet unpublished book manuscript, The Storm, and the second (Addenda) consists of work taken from a projected second book of poem...
The duel at Yamazaki-Daira 1967 400 The themes I have dealt with in my poems and stories are essential to all nations: struggle for life, love, and death. Those who have little knowledge of Japan or Asia, however, may have some difficulty in understanding them because of the external d...
Various stories 1972 304 A RITE OF SUMMER The car came slowly down the dirt road and now as it approached the cabin its lights winked off. Darkly, quietly, it found the weedy driveway and crept into it. The two men got out. Each had an overnight bag, and the driver also carr...
Perspectives of perception 1972 1309 In this, our age of Higher Education, we have learned that the universe is a function of energy and mass and time. But knowledge of astrophysics makes little difference to most of us mortals because fundamentally we do exactly as our most distant anc...
Stepchild 1972 289 The choice of these three stories arose from an attempt for a range, a range of subject and tone and theme, although the title of the first story and of the thesis itself may bring all three into a similar critical perspective. The first story is the...
The man who came back from the dead 1972 270 incontrammo d'anime una schiera, che venia lungo l'argine The man who came back from the dead told us the pitch, the great brown pitch is the most of it, for it’s as tar, nor hot nor cool though, but thick as tar and never giving you up. My sister is...
Poems 1972 156 These poems are the result of writing done while a graduate student at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. They are not experiments with meter or rhyme. They are intended to find their own form in the symbiotic relationship between ideas ...
Gagliardi 1973 548 This thesis is composed of the single novella 'Gagliardi" the germ of which was lodged in my head for over two years before I found a suitable way to release it. I had long imagined the prototype of the main character, who was in a heterosexual bind ...
Pocket change 1973 257 The poems, songs and short prose of this collection are intended to explore a wide range of human experiences from birth to death, rage to calm, and, of course, love to hate. The styles are many and various as are the experiences one life encounters ...
Gasper Zappula and other stories 1973 681 This thesis consists of six short stories. The stories were written between October, 1971 and December, 1972. "Gasper Zappula" has been published in The Greensboro Review (Winter, 1973) and "Bones" has been published in Hellcoal Fiction (Spring, 1973...
Experimentation with voices 1973 201 Just now, it was deeply dark still, and there would be no visible ball of sun for a few weeks yet. But it was after eight, and in a half hour or so there would be enough light to suit him, to let him go safely into the wooded area that lay under eigh...
Eaten alive 1973 389 Of the twenty-nine poems contained in this collection, most were written within the last ten months. They are not arranged in any chronological or thematic order, although perhaps some semblance of idea and theme can be particularized within the vari...
Rat killing, Two prisoners and Molting : three short stories 1973 426 These three short stories are united in an exploration of the possibilities and limitations of behavioral observation in revealing emotions. As much as possible, observable details reveal the characters' emotional states in order to create, through i...
Two chapters from Tracks : a novel in progress 1973 302 In the work from which these chapters are drawn, it was my intention to examine thematically the relationship between a mentor and a protege and the general concept of betrayal and entrappment. For this purpose I have chosen a story set in a northern...
Contracts 1974 270 This thesis consists of four short stories that are related in subject natter and theme. Each of the stories presents a young person of rural or small-town Southern background struggling to come to grips with new experience and new values in the larg...
Two stories, "Gift" and "Possum" 1974 551 The two stories which comprise this thesis are paired for several reasons. First, they demonstrate a breadth of writing styles. "Gift" offers a more lyrical and descriptive prose whereas "Possum" evinces a lighter narrative style. Thematically the st...
Roark Bradford and John Henry 1974 1011 Roark Bradford was not a great writer; this much is fact. He did write some quaint things, some quaintly funny things, and even several first-rate things. But he never approached greatness, primarily because his characters circumscribed him. Their ap...
Living with strangers 1974 254 In this collection of poetry I have attempted to deal with the problem of human loneliness and alienation as experienced by a number of characters who might be best described as outcasts, existing as disoriented aliens in unfamiliar landscapes; livin...
Two stories about a war 1974 237 There are moments, hours and often days in our lives when time appears to be suspended. For men in time of war, this illusion may last for years. In reality, our course of time continues toward a single destiny, but while men live with war there are ...
Night vision and other stories 1974 217 These stories are mysteries. They deal with the mystery of human existence. High seriousness and slapstick are the paradoxical elements of this existence. The region in which these elements blur marks the sphere of the stories....
The paranoid bride and the tiger-striped priest 1974 303 Because of the experimental and surrealistic nature of these poems, it is crucial to the reader's understanding that the two main characters be explicitly identified. They are: The Tiger-Striped Priest, commonly referred to as Ace. Ace is a muscular,...
Solitary 1974 547 The four stories included in this thesis approach the same problem from different angles, use different techniques, and reach different conclusions. The solitude of the individual is the problem. Humanity has invented solutions as varied as social ri...
The waiting room and other stories 1974 486 In very basic terms, the aim of a thesis comprised of short fiction is to put together words in such a way that clear, visual, believable, and interesting stories emerge. This is what I have attempted to do in "The Waiting Room," "The Creak," and "Th...
Envy and other stories 1974 194 This thesis consists of three stories, part of a series of seven stories. The stories were written between September, 1973 and April, 1974. The primary aim of this thesis was to tell three stories true enough to be interesting. Essentially the three ...
Two stories of man and woman 1974 312 The two stories that comprise this thesis are entitled "The Legend of the Happy Swimming Pool" and "Gloria's Day in the Pasture." They are stories that focus on the topic of the relations between man and woman. The first story, "The Legend of the Hap...
Waiting for Godot : critical perspectives 1969 1439 Since its opening in Paris in 1953, Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot has received the attention of numerous critics who have attempted to analyze this enigmatic drama. No one knows for sure what Godot is about; nevertheless, each critic who writes ...
The Crimmons place and other stories 1968 315 The four stories are set in hunting country that looks like parts of Maryland or Georgia or upstate New York. The country is real and the horses are real but the people are not. The characters are incomplete ideas that are clear to me while these peo...
Three stories 1969 255 This thesis consists of three stories which, in their own way, do a single thing. It has best been described by Tennessee Williams (in The Night of the Iguana) as "open gates of communication between people." Thus, one may note that each of the stori...
Sound of rain 1969 265 Sound of Rain is a creative thesis concerning the relationship of a young man, Jake Wood, and a young woman, Pat Reding. It has been written from the partial omniscient point of view, centering on Jake Wood. The major theme of the story could be said...
Poems 1970 294 These poems are not experiments in metrics. They are not experiments in form. They are not experiments in persona. There is no conscious celebration of any particular theme. Whatever organization the poems seem to fall into is purely coincidental. Wh...
Can I go with you? : short stories 1970 383 This thesis consists of four short stories, the titles of which are: "A Cat Named Frankenstein," "May Flies," A Fool with a Gun" and "Never Enough People." I will not try here to draw parallels among stories, for I do not believe a central theme is a...
Gaining ground 1975 367 In these three stories, the major characters become aware that they can change their lives. The final outcome such a change might bring is never known, and sometimes never considered by the main character. Through the use of an omniscient narrator, t...
Three chapters from Hunting, a novel in progress 1975 357 The three chapters included here are the developmental stage of a novel that explores the effect of man's ancestry upon the various psychological masks that he affects and the gradual erosion and destruction of those masks....
The laugh line of a desperate man : stories and poems 1975 345 The poems and stories in this thesis comprise a representative sample of the work I did while at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. The Irish Lantern is a work in progress. It may eventually take many years to complete, but the seven poe...
The new child : a collection of poems 1965 190 Picnic. With bottle and bread, and with fingers which, never had met, Some small graveyard we chose that morning for rest. Unshod pilgrims, we drank up all of time Beneath those garden trees With words half hidden, like sometime green, vague fish In ...
Samuel Beckett's trilogy : a study in circles and ciphers 1967 2302 The country of Samuel Beckett's trilogy, Molloy, Malone Dies, and The Unnamable is a nether-world limbo precariously balanced between the world of mind and that of matter. Across its grounds flit the shades of Descartes, Berkeley, Hume and a host of ...
A cool summer heat 1971 1126 WALLS ELIZABETH PEARCE Elizabeth Pearce walked briskly up the concrete walk toward her side of the red brick duplex. Her lab coat, draped over her thin, white arm, swayed gently in the warm breeze. Opening her purse, she rummaged through credit card ...
All roads lead to the same city 1971 341 The stories in this collection are grouped together because each deals exclusively with black children and their reactions to a white-oriented black middle class world. Several characters are used in different stories for the purpose of suggesting th...
The middle arm 1971 264 For the most part these stories are about events which seem bizarre and fantastic. The manner in which characters react or fall to react to the events should. If the stories succeed, convey to the reader a distinct uneasiness and anxiety. While the s...
The chain letter and other stories 1971 280 This thesis consists of four short stories, the titles of which are as follows: "The Chain Letter," "Empty House," "The Meeting," and "Jokes." I have been unable, thus far, to establish any philosophical relationship between the stories contained her...
Why Harry woke up and other stories 1971 274 This thesis consists of a collection of eight diverse short stories. It begins with an internal controlling metaphor, proceeds to build upon it, and ends when it is externalized, thus causing the dissimilar to appear similar and the collection, an un...
Taking care of things 1976 543 This collection of poetry seeks an accord between the past and everyday life. Several of the poems deal with particular sorrows and I have found that poetry transforms sorrow in the same manner language transforms what is real into what is perceived....
Magical mythical men 1976 304 This thesis is divided into two sections, both of which center on myth and mysticism. Polyphemus: Book One is the opening section of a lengthy prose-poem. The young cyclops, overwrought with adolescence, not only is confronted with the new-found know...
A chess game 1977 234 The problems explored in "A Chess Game" are neither new nor unique. The characters are involved in an attempt to impose order on and gain control over their destinies and as a result also face the disillusionment of the failure to do so. If the chara...
The cliff 1977 190 The Cliff is a novel whose setting is a cliff, on the central coastline of California in the year, I898. The cliff is the site of an abandoned, limestone mining operation. The principal characters in the story are: Amy Braddock, a thirty-five-year-ol...
Stories 1977 1370 The major characters of the following four stories hold this in commons the need to control the events of their lives. The woman in Madrid assumes that the solution, at least for a time, is desertion. Leeta assumes the answer is money. Aziza the mode...
Two stories 1977 297 These stories are about the Imagination. They seek not so much to explain as to chart its excursion from whatever unknown recess of the soul it emerges to its refashioning of those forms of life it encounters. The first story, "De Profundis," has to ...
Uneasy entry 1977 357 The poems in this book center around the theme of human isolation and the desire for communication. I have used the interactions between men and women as symbols of this universal division. The poems in the first section, Connections, are primarily n...
Lodovico's curious experiment and other poems 1977 240 Most of the poems in this collection are written in the "abstract expressionist" mode. Since the "abstract expressionist" mode is the primary mode of hell in the present time, there will be no apology here for having written in it, whatever difficult...
A cure for shapes 1973 198 Of the twenty-five poems collected in this thesis all but two have been written during the last fifteen months. Most of these poems have been written in the free verse tradition, which is to say that symmetry depends more upon rhetorical sequence tha...
Three stories 1973 272 On the way down, the traffic was light and we made good time, even stopping along the way for one of the brothers to borrow a clean shirt. He was very nervous about his speech and kept consulting the Party's latest paper and making some kind of notes...
Twenty-three poems and six tales 1973 477 This thesis presents twenty-three of the poems I have written which I consider best and all of the short fiction I have written to date which I wish to preserve. I consider the stories to be expeditions in search of a style and exercises in various t...
Reality and the artistic vision : a study of Randall Jarrell's poetic style 1973 833 Randall Jarrell was a poet who made painstaking efforts to reproduce in his writing a total sense of reality. He was an interpreter and a translator. His artistic interpretations of the demands of life are an extraordinary way of defining the ordinar...
Performance and other stories 1973 235 It was the purpose of this study to manipulate the language and the form of the short story in order to share with the reader ideas, moods, sensations, and a sense of place and character which seemed impossible to share by other means....
A Shackleford vision 1973 196 These two screenplays offer romantic views of people in a cinematic environment. The first is a muted surreal vision while the second is epic. The first gains its momentum from life, the second from Byron....
Nature and Eleusis in Ezra Pound's Cantos 1-11 1977 738 This study concentrates on the significance of nature in Cantos 1-11. The purpose or the Cantos is understood to be the formulation of a permanent hierarchy of values for a new culture by returning to the origins of Western civilization. Pound finds ...
Two apartments 1975 255 The two stories of the thesis examine the effectiveness of the main characters in dealing with American life. The disparate backgrounds of each main character further serve to contrast the responses of particular societal types to commonly accepted m...
Night-song sung for me 1975 321 STRANGER "Hey, Leslie!" Though the voice had called my name, I continued to walk and turned into the all-night grocery store. It had been so long since I'd seen anyone I knew, since before moving here, that I was sure the Leslie called was another. S...
Deliberations 1976 296 The purpose of these three pieces is to show the problems of youth coming to basic decisions about life. As the title indicates, these basic decisions are not come to without great hesitation and painful thought. The pieces are arranged chronological...
Southern stories 1976 256 It is the purpose of this study to examine the ways in which a particular region can influence the values and beliefs of the people who live there. Though the three stories included in this thesis are not necessarily linked by a common theme, they al...