McNutt, Franklin


There are 50 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Group self motivation in handwriting 1943 305 Secondary, college, and commercial teachers have expressed complaints concerning the quality of the handwriting of school children. Every year teachers hear criticism of the way penmanship is taught in the public schools. Parents and business men, an...
Biographical sketches to supplement the social studies curriculum of the North Carolina fourth grade pupils 1945 312 Modern educators believe that the school is still the place for teaching the fundamental processes, but they believe, too, that the school is the place for developing desirable attitudes, ideals and social competences.1 During the last few decades, t...
A study of the effect of mother employment upon elementary school children of a textile community 1945 273 At the present time the nation as a whole is thoroughly aroused by the plight of the children of employed mothers. World War II' s demand for production has necessitated the employment of large numbers of mothers in industry. What is happening to th...
Criteria for the construction of units on North Carolina to supplement the social studies course of study in upper elementary grades 1946 460 There is a widespread feeling among the elementary grade teachers that something more definite should be done about the teaching of North Carolina history in the Upper Elementary Grades. For years the State Course of Study scheduled the study of Nort...
Adaptations from Russian literature for upper elementary grades 1946 810 The achievements of modern science have so far out-distanced social development throughout the world that man is inadequately prepared for the close inter-association of present day life. The doctrines that developed in a period when isolation was no...
Educational criteria to be observed when employing the staff of an orphanage 1945 217 In America, life is unique and precious. Each individual is recognized according to his capabilities and development irrespective of his station in life. No two children require similar treatment, every child is an independent social unit. The soul o...
An analysis and evaluation of reading readiness experiences described in the professional literature, 1933-1943 1945 301 School access of the first grade child depends almost entirely upon his success in reading.1 Promotion from the first grade has been generally conceded to mean that the child has been fairly successful in learning to read. The highest percentage of ...
An annotated catalog of the publications of certain North Carolina state departments for use in the public schools 1946 400 At the present time, all progressive teachers recognize the value of extensive reading in connection with the courses in the curriculum. Unfortunately, many schools do not have adequate libraries and have only limited funds to spend on books. Teacher...
A biographical sketch suitable for use in supplementing the teaching of North Carolina social studies in the eighth grade 1946 292 The most important thing in the education of children is to get their minds working and to stimulate their interests, and is there any subject which more arouses the child than the study of men's and women's lives? Biography is not a cold bare study ...
An analysis and evaluation of the professional literature on pupil participation in elementary school government, 1930-1943 1946 277 When the forefathers of our country enacted the Constitution and set up a new form of government they founded, not only a new nation, hut a new concept of a method of existence for that nations A way of life based on self-respect and respect for othe...
A survey and evaluation of the Draper high school 1948 264 History. - The Draper High School is under the control of the Leaksville Township Public School Administrative Unit. The building was completed in 1939 and opened its doors as a Junior High School for the 1939-40 term, enrolling students from the fir...
Teacher guidance of the sex development of six and seven-year-old pupils 1949 442 Psychologists have been unable to agree on what are the original behavior drives which are native to every child, such as the bodily appetites and emotions;1 however, they are in substantial agreement that these and the learned responses of early lif...
Anticipatory experiences leading to competence with formal maps 1948 634 That an interest in, and a study of, geography has been steadily on the increase during the past decade is nationally recognized. Much has been written about this revival of interest. People who do not like geography do not know the subject, and ofte...
Primary function of the elementary supervisor in North Carolina schools 1947 331 The problem of this study is to discover the primary functions of the general supervisor in the elementary schools of North Carolina. Supervision is interpreted here in the broad sense of educational leadership and guidance. The purpose of this study...
An analysis of mathematical skills of eighth-grade pupils in certain schools of Greensboro, North Carolina 1948 263 Mathematics teachers are facing a job steadily increasing in difficulty, but unassailably important. In a world where quantitative situations must be met and handled accurately and with precision, mathematical literacy is equally as important as the ...
An analysis of the personalities of ten Burlington, North Carolina, teachers conceded to be superior by parents, children and colleagues 1948 263 Many factors contribute to excellent teaching; among them are scholarship, technical skill, and equipment. These, however, are insufficient if the teacher's personality is poor. A good personality is emphasized and recognized by parents, teachers, an...
A survey and evaluation of the professional literature on the over-aggressive primary school child, 1930-1948 1948 389 The importance of the problem presented by the over-aggressive primary pupil can be justified by what the teachers generally talk about after the last school bus leaves, and they can take an easy breath. Almost invariably it is the over-aggressive be...
An evaluation of the North Carolina cumulative record, grades 1-12 1947 333 Within the last twenty-five years guidance has become one of the most common educational terms. Its rapid development has been the result of the rise of new social conditions, particularly those arising from the transition of our nation from an agrar...
A survey of audio-visual aid resources as used in fifteen Guilford county high schools during 1946-1947 1948 247 Methods of presenting various kinds of educational materials to students have undergone many changes in recent years. That form of instruction in which the teacher presented most of the information verbally, and often presented it without much concer...
The motivation and evaluation of elementary school citizenship 1948 243 A study of the motivation and evaluation of elementary school citizenship is timely. At no time in the world1 s history has there been such an urgent demand for mass production of world citizenship. Dr. McNutt says ". . .a peaceful future is dependen...
An audio-visual educational program adapted to the specific needs of the seventh, eighth, and ninth grades of the High Point Junior High School 1948 366 The increasing interest in the improvement of instruction in the public schools of North Carolina for the past few years focused attention on the audio-visual education program now being developed in this country. Many indictments have been hurled ag...
Constants and variants in the school behavior of siblings 1949 274 Educators recognize that the problem of character education is of paramount importance today. Although the professional literature abounds in helpful suggestions of ways to diagnose causes and to remedy maladjustments, the field is still open for fur...
The curriculum of the Kake, Alaska, territorial school in relation to the lives and habits of the natives 1949 560 Alaska is the largest commonwealth under the stars and stripes. Its history is rich in romance. Its wealth is immense. But through all the years its vast area, capable of supporting millions of persons, has been but little populated. However, if accu...
Educational implications of the impact of white culture on the natives of Kake, Alaska 1949 362 Vast changes of all kinds have taken place in the magnificent country of Alaska, which is one-fifth the size of the United States and twice as large as Texas, since the United States purchased the country from the Russians in 1867 and brought the na...
Teacher guidance of the sex development of eight, nine, and ten-year old pupils 1949 701 The pendulum is swinging from the closed door of sex inhibitions and secrecy to an open door of sex instruction and guidance. In the past fifty years much progress has been made from the "hush-hush" attitude to the present one of honesty and franknes...
Biographical vignettes for North Carolina seventh grade history 1949 224 Although research indicates that there is a fallacy in the exclusive use of traditional or textbook teaching, there is still evidence of extensive use of the single textbook in the teaching of history. The necessity of tapping additional sources must...
Educational resources and facilities of Greensboro, North Carolina : industry suitable for use by schools and colleges 1949 264 The use of the educational resources which are available in the community environment is becoming; increasingly important. Students are no longer limited to studying the textbook and to class discussions. They not only want to study about things, but...
School drop-outs in a rural school in the tobacco area of North Carolina 1949 265 The state of North Carolina, through its system of public schools, provides certain educational opportunities which, if pursued, may be expected to result in a public-school education for the school child. Many children, however, evidently find that ...
A survey of lay opinion of teachers conduct and obligations in Clemmons, North Carolina 1949 298 There is a general need for teachers to know what people of the community expect of them. The term community, as used here, includes parents, citizens, taxpayers, and all people who live within the boundary lines of the community itself—those people,...
A survey and evaluation of professional literature on spelling, 1938-1948 1949 217 There have been rapid changes in methods of teaching spelling. At one time spelling was restricted to a specific list of words in the curriculum for each grade, with little regard for functional use. This method has been recognized as inefficient sin...
The development of essential character traits in prospective religious workers through the atmosphere : methods and curriculum of a non-denominational Christian college 1949 297 It is obvious that certain character traits are essential for success in Christian workers. There are, no doubt, some in the acquaintance of nearly everyone who, though they claim to have a desire for and a "call" to Christian work, have failed in th...
The teaching of poetry in the primary grades : a suggested supplement to Language arts in the public schools of North Carolina, Bulletin no. 249 1949 762 Philosophy today recognizes the need for all possible experiences and activities that may contribute to a continuous, well-rounded development of the individual pupil. Much has been done in this direction in recent years through an increase in the va...
Trees as supplementary material in the elementary school curriculum in art, science, and resource use 1950 339 The need for out-of-school materiel to integrate with in-school material is recognized by many elementary school teachers. Gerald S. Craig emphasizes this need when he declares that thinking in terms of subject matter is being eliminated in favor of ...
An evaluation of the secondary curriculum of a suburban school in the Carolina Piedmont 1950 237 If an educational system is to merit the appelation of an effective and efficient institution, it must of necessity meet the needs of those for whom it is intended. If it falls to accomplish this, its efforts are of no avail and it defeats its purpos...
The rights and duties of the principal and the teacher in their professional relationship 1950 224 The New Century Dictionary defines the word "charity": "good will to others; leniency in judging others or their actions.” If "Charity", as applied in school relationships, could be broadened to include "sympathetic understanding", much of the frict...
The legal relationship existing between principal, teacher, and student in the North Carolina public schools 1950 288 There have been many studies in recent years dealing with the legal status of schools, boards of education, teachers, students, finance and the many other aspects of the educational system at large. These studies have been thorough and of great value...
A survey of the literature on health habits in the primary grades from 1936-1948 1950 220 The maintenance of good health among all individuals is a grave responsibility of communities during peace as well as during war time. Since twenty per cent of the population is made up of children of school age and since these children represent the...
The home environment of model pupils 1950 401 The influence of the home on the child is of major importance, if not the most important factor, in the development of the personality. Most authorities on child development stress the significance of the home background as an influence on the growth...
An analysis of student leaders in junior high school 1950 274 Since the advent of time there have been leaders of men, but never before has there been a more critical need for leadership in human and scientific affairs than today. The cave men had their leaders; so did the earliest of barbarian tribes, states, ...
A study of the after school activities of children in a textile community 1950 269 One of the most promising movements in the educational world today is the tendency toward making wider use of the school plant. School buildings and equipment are paid for and owned by the public. The school building thus becomes the most fitting pla...
A survey and evaluation of current emphasis given geographical areas in North Carolina state adoptions and common supplementary materials 1949 194 Many people are impatient and discouraged with the progress that is being made toward a peaceful world. The flower of American manhood sacrificed willingly on the battle fields of World War II, and many more labored diligently on the home front to pr...
Desirable equipment related to available space in typical first grade classrooms in North Carolina schools 1950 403 The physical equipment of the classroom is very important in the education of the child. Lack of the proper equipment may result in a drab, uninteresting room which discourages curiosity and activity on the part of the pupil and arouses feelings of d...
The construction of a report card for use in the elementary schools of Forsyth County, North Carolina 1951 297 For many years the one type of contact, designed to reach every Forsyth County home served by the public schools, was the periodic report card.1 The form used was typical of the traditional type report card described by Ruth Strang. The records and r...
A survey and evaluation of the literature on children's interests, 1939-1949 1950 260 The writer of this study can set forth no better introduction to "A Survey and Evaluation of the Literature on Children's Interests" than to point to an article by J. Wayne Wrightstone on Adolescent Reading Interests, in which he affirms: Interests a...
Nature trails for elementary children 1951 589 Direct, purposeful experiences represent reality itself. Dr. Edgar Dale, Professor of Education and Head of the Curriculum Division, Bureau of Educational Research, Ohio State University declares: It (direct, purposeful experience) is the rich full-b...
The economic, educational, and social effects of the shift in the character of the tax support of the Florida public schools 1950 232 To many people the implications of taxation for the support of public schools are far too complicated to be widely discussed by anyone who is neither a finance expert nor a dependent school administrator. This shibboleth has acted somewhat as a brake...
Creative art for the non-specialized elementary school teacher 1950 255 A change in the educational philosophy regarding what is best for the child's development has resulted in many new concepts of art education for the elementary school child. Formerly the regular classroom teacher had no special place in the formal ar...
Ethical judgments of high school seniors in Piedmont North Carolina 1951 210 The ethical standards to which people give their allegiance are relatively permanent, even though their application may vary with changes of social organization and custom. The President's Commission on Higher Education lists as its first objective o...
Historical resource-book of Guilford County, North Carolina, and immediate vicinity 1951 2234 Authorities in the field of history teaching agree that unless children gain an historic sense, a sense of the reality of the past, history is not taught successfully. Many authorities believe, furthermore, that the use of local historic events, plac...
An instrument for use in selecting supplementary materials from fiction to illuminate the westward movement for seventh grade pupils 1943 332 Among the outstanding current directions in American education are the following: from indoctrination to open-minded judgment, from isolatad subject matter to an integrated curriculum, from book focus to pupil focus, from academic goals to life goals...