Leerkes, Esther


There are 13 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Predictors of coparenting quality among first time parents during toddlerhood 2007 2205 "This study examined individual, parenting context, and child characteristics associated with mothers' and fathers' perceptions of coparenting after accounting for the prenatal marital relationship among first-time parents. Seventy-eight mothers and ...
Marital Satisfaction Across the Transition to Parenthood: A Vulnerability-Stress-Adaptation Perspective 2010 5740 Previous research has demonstrated that the transition to parenthood is a time of change for couples during which marital satisfaction generally declines; however, not all couples experience declines in marital satisfaction during this time. Given th...
Psychosocial predictors of breastfeeding initiation and duration 2013 2175 This study examined maternal psychosocial characteristics, infant negative affect, and social support as predictors of breastfeeding initiation and duration while accounting for sociodemographic covariates. Prenatally, 237 women completed measures of...
Identify effective emotion regulation behaviors in infancy 2017 585 The goal of this study was to identify the subset of emotion regulation behaviors that were effective in both short-term (associated with a reduction in observed negative affect within a 2-s window at 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years of age), and long-t...
Attachment to Parents and the Close Relationships of First Semester College Students 2007 6227 This study investigated the relationship between parental attachment security and friendship and romantic relationship outcomes of first semester college students. 168 college freshmen completed a measure of parental attachment security before their ...
Environment and genetic predictors of infant attachment disorganization 2015 1140 This study examined maternal sensitivity to distress, overtly negative maternal behavior, maternal trauma and loss, and their interactions with infant genes related to dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin functioning as predictors of infant attachment di...
Pathways by which mothers’ adverse childhood experiences and emotionally responsive parenting predict maternal sensitivity to distress : the roles of cognitive, emotional, and physiological reactions to infant crying 2023 340 Adverse childhood experiences and emotionally responsive parenting in childhood have been found to shape later parenting behaviors. However, it is critical for researchers to continue to focus on examining the mechanisms that explain how early childh...
Links between maternal education and parenting quality during children's first three years: the moderating role of income and partner status 2012 2686 Socio-demographic factors have been consistently linked to parenting practices during children's first years of life. However, less is known about the unique contribution and interactive effects of key factors such as maternal education, income, and ...
Examining parenting pathways linking maternal depressive symptoms to children’s internalizing and externalizing behavior problems 2016 1273 The present study utilized a multi-method approach for examining psychopathology trajectories for infants. The extent to which maternal depressive symptoms over the first year of life is linked with internalizing and externalizing behaviors in childh...
Longitudinal Influences of Maternal Sensitivity on Infant Temperamental Reactivity and Emotion Regulation 2008 10412 Parenting has been identified as a key influence on children's temperament in the first years of life. This study examined the extent to which maternal sensitivity predicted infants' subsequent temperamental reactivity and adaptive emotion regulation...
Links between temperament and coparenting: the moderating role of family characteristics 2010 2607 There is conflicting evidence as to whether or not child temperament influences the manner in which couples coparent their children. The mixed results suggest that families with certain characteristics may be at risk for exhibiting low quality copare...
Examining pathways linking maternal depression to maternal sensitivity: role of maternal causal attributions 2019 387 The goal of this study was to examine the extent to which maternal depressive symptoms is linked with later maternal sensitivity through maternal causal attributions about infant crying. The present study utilized a multi-method approach for examinin...
The role of mothers’ global and parenting-specific emotionality in relation to parenting and toddlers’ emotion dysregulation 2021 313 The quality of caregiving that infants receive is critical for predicting adaptive social and emotional outcomes. Research has examined the degree to which characteristics of the mother contribute to the caregiving environment. The goals of this stud...