Keathley, Elizabeth


There are 2 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Becoming a redwood: a genealogy of expression in Dana Gioia’s poetry and Lori Laitman’s song cycle 2009 6345 Meaning in art song transforms from poet to composer to performer to listener. Together, various layers of meaning form a genealogy of expression. In this paper, I articulate a theory of expression genealogy, using the song cycle Becoming a Redwood, ...
Crossover genres, syncretic form: understanding Mozart’s concert aria “Ch’io mi scordi di te,” K. 505, as a link between piano concerto and opera 2018 2235 Mozart’s concert aria Ch’io mi scordi di te K. 505 bridges the genres of piano concerto and opera seria aria by combining elements of sonata rondo, sonata concerto, and ritornello. Mozart’s experimentation with Classical form emerging in the late eig...